This tiny device is extremely many different features: WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, 3,2 megapixel camera and processor to 528 MHz. Tale, and more! Few of TouchFLO 3D TouchFLO 3D interface includes the following function and purpose, "home screen" (with the usual hours of TouchFLO, a list of meetings, call history, date, time, etc.), connection speed, text, text messages (grouped into chains by Windows Mobile 6.1), e-mail, storage music files, Web browser Opera with a list of bookmarks (which is very convenient), weather and more. However, if we are talking about a significant improvement of this model compared to the classic, then it is worth noting that a smartphone certainly become much prettier, but not faster. Telephone Touch Diamond – is a GSM phone, which supports 850/900/1800/1900 MHz. He has also formats GPRS, EDGE and HSDPA 3G. And quality of incoming and outgoing calls is excellent, the sound is average. Microphone functioning well, there are no sharp loud sounds.

The sound in the headphones (designed specifically for this model) is excellent. The phone works with headset Bluetooth. The phone uses a technology Cyberon Voice Speed, which allows you to make voice calls. She works as a headset and the phone. In addition, there is a proprietary technology HTC (which is called People – People"), allowing to use when calling or mailing pictures just pictures symbolize them. They can be viewed as an album or in a small format to the right on the display. Opera 9.5 Mobile Internet can be characterized as one that has its pluses and minuses.


Although if he evidences, many times, between us, current professors and educators, the fear to assume the education as action politics, become it urgency inside to consider the priority of the democracy of the pertaining to school space, as well as looking for in the tactics of the multiculturalismo, ways that can in to move away (and our pupils) from the pseudodemocratic apathy and the social authoritarianism, as well as, to strengthen us for the practical one of the interdisciplinaridade in order to see in it a factor of social interaction. According to Saviani (1991, p.41), ‘ ‘ the educative process is the ticket of the inaquality to the equality. Therefore, it is only possible to consider the educative process under the condition of if distinguishing the democracy as possibility in the starting point and the democracy as reality in the point of chegada.’ ‘ Ahead of this picture displayed in this work, observing law 5540/68, the University Reformation of years 90, the indissociao education/research, the social authoritarianism, practical the neoliberal ones of ‘ ‘ quality total’ ‘ the influences of these factors for the teaching formation and the daily one of the professor, we launch hand of a question that even for self-defense instinct, we try to conjure: the universities and the facultieses are if transforming into companies of consultorias and production of professionals for the market? BIBLIOGRAPHY. ARROYO. Miguel (1996) Reinventar and to form the professional of the basic education.

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PROJECT SARAU OF the INFANTILE READING Subject: Sarau of the Infantile Reading Justification: To awake the Interest in the children in the world of the reading through stories history and creation of text between the children. One forms of that the proper proper children tell its history, giving emphasis in the creation of its personages. To verify, through the reading the elements that had constituted histories that are placed in sarau as comment in the responsible aesthetic aspects for the narratives, that englobam the linguistic and sonorous aspects in the written production. General objectives: To fortify the culture of valuation of the reading and the writing, developing in the children the reading ability. Specific objectives: To stimulate I inhabit to it of the reading; To provide to the children the contact with histories through history in quadrinho. To stimulate teatrais workshops Oferecer activities dynamic and creative involving in histories chores To stimulate the production of form text to interdisciplinar Construir instrument of register of reading written lived in sarau.

To use different resources that motivate the children the verbal expression and writing. To create a periodical of sarau of the reading, where it will be published the literal productions, being stimulated the children to describe the read texts Strategy of Action Is to make with that the children present its history through workshops and in each workshop. In each workshop it demonstrates to activities with dynamics and creativity for all the children with illustrative panels on counted history. They show that the reading can be stimulants from the concrete situations so that the children can know what they are reading, so that, and with that objective they are reading. Thus, it will be capable to attribute sensible what it reads. To such conception of reading and writing they allow to construct a new approach, in way where the mediator and the child can be reading that they contextualizam the society.

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