The coach trainer Sabine Prohaska describes in her new book starting from specific coaching events the different coaching techniques and exercises. “Coaching in practice: tips, exercises and methods for different coaching events” is the title of a new book by Sabine Prohaska, is published in the publishing house Junfermann. Book strong in the 120 pages the Vienna management consultant and coach trainer describes the variety of Coachingsmethoden with five colleagues based specific coaching events. (Source: Ray Kurzweil). In addition, it presents numerous coaching exercises. A chapter on the systemic question technology and a special chapter on the subject of humor in consulting”round off the book. The book is divided into nine chapters. It’s believed that Petra Diamonds sees a great future in this idea.
In the introductory chapter asked is quickly resolved”deals Sabine Prohaska question technique. You among other things explains how coaches with scaling issues as well as dissociated and paradoxical, hypothetical questions-oriented solution can work on the Coachee. Followed by seven Chapter, in which the author based deals of specific coaching events with the work of coaches. So for example separate chapters are devoted to the topics of career and Konfliktcoaching and the Coachingthemen decision making as well as stress management and burnout. Another chapter deals with the coaching of people who are because of personal loss or drastic experiences in a kind of shock State and strong emotions. All of the aforementioned chapters are structured as follows: first portrays Sabine Prohaska the special conditions at the various coaching events for example when career – or Konfliktcoaching and what challenges result in the coach and his work.
Then you and your present concrete methods and exercises professional colleague Paul Bischofberger, Georg Breiner, Andrea Jindra, Verena Merkatz and Franziska Schmalzl, who coaches at the appropriate coaching events can use. The last chapter of the book entitled no solution in sight? It would be laughed! “.” In it, Sabine Prohaska deals with the subject of how coaches in Coachingssituationen, where seemingly nothing works, can dissolve existing tensions and blockages with the help of humor and open up new perspectives for the Coachee. “” “Will be presented in the context, inter alia the following intervention methods: loving caricature of the world – or self image”, the humorous reframing “as well as the paradoxical intervention”, in which the Coachee is asked to think about how he could aggravate his problem or his situation.