Practical Guide For Coaches

The coach trainer Sabine Prohaska describes in her new book starting from specific coaching events the different coaching techniques and exercises. “Coaching in practice: tips, exercises and methods for different coaching events” is the title of a new book by Sabine Prohaska, is published in the publishing house Junfermann. Book strong in the 120 pages the Vienna management consultant and coach trainer describes the variety of Coachingsmethoden with five colleagues based specific coaching events. (Source: Ray Kurzweil). In addition, it presents numerous coaching exercises. A chapter on the systemic question technology and a special chapter on the subject of humor in consulting”round off the book. The book is divided into nine chapters. It’s believed that Petra Diamonds sees a great future in this idea.

In the introductory chapter asked is quickly resolved”deals Sabine Prohaska question technique. You among other things explains how coaches with scaling issues as well as dissociated and paradoxical, hypothetical questions-oriented solution can work on the Coachee. Followed by seven Chapter, in which the author based deals of specific coaching events with the work of coaches. So for example separate chapters are devoted to the topics of career and Konfliktcoaching and the Coachingthemen decision making as well as stress management and burnout. Another chapter deals with the coaching of people who are because of personal loss or drastic experiences in a kind of shock State and strong emotions. All of the aforementioned chapters are structured as follows: first portrays Sabine Prohaska the special conditions at the various coaching events for example when career – or Konfliktcoaching and what challenges result in the coach and his work.

Then you and your present concrete methods and exercises professional colleague Paul Bischofberger, Georg Breiner, Andrea Jindra, Verena Merkatz and Franziska Schmalzl, who coaches at the appropriate coaching events can use. The last chapter of the book entitled no solution in sight? It would be laughed! “.” In it, Sabine Prohaska deals with the subject of how coaches in Coachingssituationen, where seemingly nothing works, can dissolve existing tensions and blockages with the help of humor and open up new perspectives for the Coachee. “” “Will be presented in the context, inter alia the following intervention methods: loving caricature of the world – or self image”, the humorous reframing “as well as the paradoxical intervention”, in which the Coachee is asked to think about how he could aggravate his problem or his situation.


Until point, this profusion of ' ' lnguas' ' the one that we are attending in the net and that it comes invading other spaces, wants while subject, wants while language, it is evidencing one another one to know of experiences? Until point still we can to notice in notes that we make on what we read and we write the same relations of elaboration between experiences, experiences and to know of experiences? Or, it would be still the case of (a) to notice this? Or, what we attend is in the order of the quantitative one only? The lives in letters still seduce? To who? The lives in letters attract? To who? We continue the game between seduced seducers and, for lessons, sites, meeting? Or more we are focados in undoing us of games and, therefore, come back toward attraction spaces? (When a virus invades a computer it makes and it automatically to clicar in direction the certain sites or images, only, we are in fact in the field of the attraction)E these operations in the production of lessons, texts, literature, at last, is to keep us next to we ourselves and what it has of common between players or it is simply giving to see what it is wanted to create without any another proposal? We live a desierarquizao for inversion of principles or still we can observe the same ones production passages? The migration is one another subject. The sites of and on literature are in the order of simple migration, without displacement? if this displacement happen, where measured it is (you give) characterizing what we have recognized as literature (Brazilian). The questions are many and at least they point with respect to closings, in contrast, never demons as much visibility to the inacabamento as today; perhaps never let us create as many multiple spaces to be indefinite and infinitely articulated. . Contact information is here: Michael Steinhardt, New York City.

Science Fiction And Fantasy

“Book launch: Lavinia – abduction in the parallel world of Lavinia – abduction in the parallel world” is the title of the debut work of Dr. med. Thomas Welke from Lunen, which is available in bookstores now. The author, succeeds with the help of the living language, to kidnap the reader into a fantastic and colourful world. Short description of the book: Lavinia is the chosen one. She believes to be a girl. Mitchel Resnick has similar goals. While it does not belong in the human world. She is a Tarandoranerin.

There she is to be the Albaril, a leader with magical powers. But Lavinia is just hard to convince and a path full of doubts and fears is before you. Bibliography of the author: Dr. med. Thomas wilted Lavinia – abduction in the parallel world is the first book of the author.

Full-time he worked as doctor in Lunen and has a private practice with naturheilkundlichem focus and the specialty of applied Kinesiology with his wife. The book (also the e-book) is the Publishing House: tredition appeared and can directly from the Publisher be ordered, as well as at any local bookstore, online trading and the apple store. The book has 264 pages and is available both as e-book and paperback. ISBN: 978-3-86850-849-9, euro: 16,90 (e-book: ISBN: 978-3-8424-0068-9, euro: 6.99). The Publisher tredition”won numerous innovation awards, including webfuture Award and the book Digital Innovation Prize, and he is also a member of the Stock Exchange Association of the German book trade. Company information: Jutta Schutz (writer, journalist, psychologist, Lecturer) writes books that inspire, motivate and provide special insider knowledge (diseases, diabetes two, low-carb nutrition form). For more information

Sales Trainer Markus Euler, Frankfurt, Makes Sellers Mu

Sales Advisor ‘Back to Basic’ shows: sell can be quite simple. Back to basic sell today, it can be that simple.” So reads the title of a new book by Markus Euler published in the publishing house BusinessVillage. “In which 240 pages book represents the communication and sales trainer the thesis: the sell was unnecessarily scientific in recent years”. Therefore, sellers have today often so much theoretical ballast in the head that they lose sight of the essential in the customer contact: the real conversation with the customer from person to person. Against this background, Euler argues for a return to the basics in the sale.

“Instead of trying to persuade the customers with phrases and counter-arguments for sale, seller should their talks fashion again with customers, that these are convinced of: I want to have that.” The sales coach shows how easy this is, if the seller have the right attitude to their work and their customers, in his book. This is partly as a result of the numerous, a real encouragement for everyday seller integrated practical examples and tips and checklists. “The book back to basic” consists of eight chapters. After the introduction, the author first explains what has changed in everyday sales. So the customers are for example better informed than in the past. You are also more skeptical face sellers. It is important that customers in conversation immediately feel: this seller is different than the mass of his professional colleagues.

He cared about really for me and my needs, and not only for his sales.” “What for the seller-be follows, describes the new engines of success are the sales trainer in the next chapter of ancient virtues and values”. In it he first explains why such primary virtues such as discipline, commitment and reliability are as important for selling. milar insights. Form only the basis for success.

Personage History

After having observed what each writer cites on acategoria of the OBSERVING NARRATOR, we will see now what each one in says on oNARRADOR PERSONAGE to them. In if treating to narrative personage as already it was citadoanteriormente we will take as base the definition of D' Onofrio apud Pouillon () queafirma that ' ' it is through the point of view of the personage-narrator who conhecemoso that it is transferred in texto.' ' That is, so that the romance is in this category preciso that the personage is part of history. Thus, D' Onofrio points four types of narrative personage. Being they: Protagonist-Treat narrator to somebody that accumulates papelde subject of the articulation (narrative) and of citizen of the statement (history), ouseja, it counts history for lived it. Narrative Secondary-Treat Personage to a personage quenarra history, but, does not exert the protagonist paper. It presents the personages, being distinguished it the level of the articulation.

Witness-BE narrator that one that is present to only paranarrar the events, belonging to the plan of the speech. Dramatical narration exists a specific narrator, poistodos the personages, dialoguing functions as addressee of the message. However, Hook defines narrative personage in two, sendoo narrative witness and the protagonist. The first one, is classified not main comopersonagem, but, as somebody that tells the facts of which participoucomo mere spectator, however, as she is the central personage dosacontecimentos. Therefore, when analyzing the cited workmanship we perceive the presence deum narrative secondary personage being, this the participant of history, eatravs of it that the main personage is presented. ' ' I looked for, as costumo, the deep one of the car, in order ficarlivre of the monotonous colloquies of the receivers, that of ordinary has umaanedota always dull to count or a complaint to make on the bad state doscaminhos. I sing it already was busy for a mount of silks, that to deixouescapar a fast one to farfalhar, conchegando itself to give place to me.

The Joy

One meets there, great part of the poetry of history: The construction of the reading, based on a complicity grada between father and son and the wire of the life of Liesel starts to be disentangled. The practical one adhered was of reading in the room, the bed, full dawn. Little light and silence, broken only for the voice of Hans deciphering the words of that stolen book. A diversion, ‘ ‘ extended for the calm of noite’ ‘. The book, ‘ ‘ a gust of vento’ ‘. 60 and Liesel felt the joy to know, which words liveed inside of that black layer with letters silverplated. Here we can cite that ‘ ‘ the reading is always one practical flesh-color in gestures, spaces, hbitos’ ‘ (CHERTIER, 1998), therefore the necessity to have an agreement of as to practise the reading, in the direction of that the recognition of that subject happens.

Let us remember that, although to be place of alfabetizar, the reading is not one practical pertaining to school, a person can learn to read without having IDO to the school. Liesel learned to read outside of the school and had contact with books, before frequenting it. It is more or less thus with good part of the people. What it lacks, effectively, is the Hans figure. It read for Liesel and after some time, he started to help it na written, in the house bilge. After each nightmare the lessons midnight happened. in a certain thursday close to the three of the afternoon, Hans and Liesel had started practical other of reading: ‘ ‘ Book, sandpaper of wall and lpis’ ‘. 63 When the time was good they went to the Amper to the afternoon. When the time was bad, was the bilge.

Poetry Freedom

Thus the third verse of this taken off (it repaired that it is an saying) it does not mean more nothing. Here, we see a poet whom he reflects on the language, or, more necessarily, on the use that makes of the language in elaboration of the poem. The freedom to the level of the manifest language in the Periclitam poem the crickets, for the rupture that presents in relation to the literary traditionalism, where the poet if serves of the mood and the coloquial language. Its poetical subversive one appears in the use that O' Neill makes of place-common or cliches: I do not go to only pull therefore, the wire to its hank, the poet who verseja, ' ' more nada' ' , it exactly demonstrates thus a concern with the poetical creation. Sousa Days assevera that a poem ' ' it swims wants explicar' ' , however, the verses of O' ' Neill discloses, what ' ' for the ways of the poetry it only can be dito' ' , its conception of poetry, in which it invigorates the freedom, over all the freedom of the word.

The approach enters the workmanships of Murilo Mendes and Alexander O' Neill not if of only for the use of the Portuguese language as substance cousin, but, mainly, for the influence of the surrealista movement that makes with that the two have the freedom as its poetical horizon. As well as in O' Neill, the poem recurrence that sends the construction poetical, is very common in Murilo. Therefore, the great poem number is noticed (goal) with headings as dialtico Poem, After-poem, new Poem etc. Another poem whose heading already takes in them to think about the poetical work is Legal-size human being, of Poetry Freedom: HUMAN CRAFT the harps of the morning vibrate soft and rseas. The poet opens its archive? the world? goes removing of it joy and suffering So that all the things passing for its heart are readjusted in the unit.


Alencar, the author of the indianista nationalism, master in the discursodescritivo, why intent to the plastic images, creative of estratgiasestilsticas capable to unite the imaginary devaneio to the realistic document, he brought to the light the Trunk of the Ip, in 1871. Century XIX was a time historical deexploso; of one to know description and classifier, we pass to one tipode to know that it apprehended the events empirically. The concept of Histriarompia with natural history and associated the internal history to it of the beings. Latin NAmrica e, particularly in Brazil, the necessity to formulate umconceito of identity was the main task. An identity that oravinculava it the love to the native land, however love to the nature.

Par excellence, aliteratura was seen engaged in the mission to construct and to organize a projetonacional. Thus, it hugged causes and ideals capable to understand the sociedadebrasileira. Alencar, inserted in this cosmohistrico, treated to represent and to register regions, descreverhbitos and customs of sertanejo and the gaucho Brazilian, of the romantic love of the jovensMrio and Alice. But, to the side of the history of Mrio, heroic personage who nascee renasce in many tickets, and Alice, surrender instrument that in to herium the way of being renewed, we find Father Benedict (benedictus, particpio of the Latin verb benedicere that he means to praise, to bless, to say the good),> from there to be it ‘ ‘ Pai’ ‘ , rational and emotional wire of all the plot. The personage Father Benedict is the factual representation of the sagradoafricano that describes the deep linking between the man and the cosmos, whose material and concrete base. To live in the sacred one for the primitive peoples was equivalent viverna par excellence reality. The reactions of these peoples ahead of the nature eramcondicionadas by the culture.> land, fire, air, water that the Africans and aboriginals articulate its relation with the sacred one: ‘ ‘ Father Beneditodescera the rock for the track, that its steps during thirty years had dug, and arrived at the cut off trunk of one ip giant that long ago frondosona is risen edge of the Paraba.