Fervent supporter of indeterminacy, dare I say, that a vision or reading retrospective of the events that preceded the emergence of the phenomenon of Internet emblematiza, allows to infer, that the phenomenon was preanunciado from much earlier from the anticipation of cultoras people of art, of science, of the faith. In that sense, also the materialization, rather the virtualization, was preceded by some type of formulations in the aesthetic, intellectual or religiously. There be immersed in this conceptual cataclysm, we can see things permanent and provisional, in a label as a contemporary digital aesthetics. Makes me thing perennial goes by the side of the aesthetic, that obviously linked with the beauty, that Luis Juan Guerrero, thought of as the glow of being put in play. The human person, since he has testimony of its presence in the blue planet is subject or object, consecutive and / or aesthetic activities simultaneously. The creation, comtemplacion and artistic diffusion, acompanha human adventure. That truism, that each day I appreciate more by your thinking of algorithmic, would say that without aesthetics would not have life. And after a time marked by the hypothetical deductive.
method, the irruption of ICTs is coincident with the desocultamiento of the aesthetic, so closely related, perhaps twinned, perhaps part of the same religious phenomenon. In one of the magazines, which somehow were opening up the market for telematics or telecomputing, withheld concepts that Internet: it is a communication tool or the Internet is: interconnection logic of information on a planetary scale (and in real time we add us). And if communication, it is a synonym of (obviously human) language, architects there is ample room for the lenguages artistic in a context that has put them in value as would say. There the permanence of the aesthetic of the feverish search for the eternal through the manifestations of what is beautiful.