When we speak about a topic as prostitution is difficult to not be tempted to go back many centuries ago; even in some work handled as if it would have emerged along with the social being. And it is that even at the limits of history the concept of prostitution which reaches to reach our knowledge is present. Guadalupe Rios writes about the presence of prostitution in Mexico throughout its history. In pre-Hispanic times was called prostitution hospital, in which even knew these women with a term as energetic as the alegradoras. Later, with the arrival of the Spaniards and Christianity, prostitution was condemned on the basis of these in the commandments of the Christian Church; However we can say that there is a kind of conformism, to call it somehow, since for 1542 legalized brothels and society accepts the existence of prostitution, all this of course, marginalizing and pointing out to women that they practiced (Rivers, 2003).
It is curious as being known as alegradoras, with the arrival of another culture is assigned them all sorts of disparaging terms, such as whore, buscona, whorehouses, etc. One of the many things that we can, or rather we must learn from our history, in this case in relation to prostitution, is at the moment in which this is vetoed when they catch on her various crimes and vices. The main problem that we see in prostitution is the stigma with which people who exercise it live. If remains marginalized and isolated to this sector, is conducive to prostitution is carried out in secrecy, giving rise to problems of organised crime such as trafficking and trafficking in persons, which take to prostitution as a means to make profits. The repudiation to people practising prostitution leads to these feel a deep social resentment.
In its 1991 investigation, Marta Lamas checks how hurts women prostitutes this mark imposed by society, the degree of them repudiate married women (Lamas, 2007). This last only causes more isolation and its refusal to participate in reintegration programs arriving to implement. Rid of any stigma, of all signs, all forms of marginalization as Marta Lamas, says it would be a very long-term process; But yes you can start and maintain. Reintegration programmes mean the Organization of those who exercise prostitution, the questioning of discrimination, a new social valuation, among many other things. The criminalization of prostitution and the constant thought of taking it as a cause of trafficking and trafficking in persons, is a useless system that is intended to be some kind of relief for certain conservative groups. That only means giving back to complex social problems that potentiates the prostitution and leave door open to organized crime. Are not unknown unemployment, poverty, impunity, corruption, violence, lack of opportunities and many more social problems that prevail in our country. Take into account to prostitution and give a proper treatment, involves addressing all the problems previously cited, and of course implement actions to eradicate them. We cannot continue with the thought that we have been trapped for centuries; It is prohibited or not, you cannot claim leaving aside prostitution in more hidden away from those who put above useless codes of morality for all. Dealing with social problems, take them as they are, and do something effective about it, is the only thing that can grow to a country.