Cloud Computing Backup

The online backup and storage in the cloud are every day safe and they are becoming essential. Is known that the benefits of software, saas and cloud computing (or cloud computing) are numerous, but if you want to really know? The reality is that the world of computing and technology is directed toward Cloud Computing, so that the customer pays only for what they need and forget about updates, since these are automatically. The software implementation is immediate and you only need a browser and internet connection. Companies are running all kinds of applications in the cloud, from CRM, ERP Software Business Management Software accounting, online business intelligence service BI, data capture Software in plant, application online of mobility that allows that the technicians of SAT, management properties, etc. Each day there are new Software Saas on Backup and storage, for example: backup Carbonite online backup their unlimited of simple, safe way.

The backup is performed automatically on your PC or Mac. Try it risk-free for 15 days. IDrive is an intuitive interface that will provide you with the selection of files and folders to remote backup and restoration activities. Thanks to FilesOverMiles you can send files directly to other users (P2P) using your browser.

Security Through A Firewall

Almost everyone who deals with the computer, and it was only by surfing the Internet or playing with friends has ever heard of a firewall. But what is really behind it and how does a firewall your computer safe? To address this question, one must for most people once PRESS, how to connect to other computers, for example via the Internet, work at all. This is not just a line that is sometimes open when it is needed and otherwise does nothing. Quite the contrary! On a network connection, there is almost always a lot of traffic with the exchange of data. The computer such as regularly ask whether everything is still there or whether it has changed something in his environment.

Just as he responds to requests from elsewhere. And these questions are the problem. Maybe one or the other ever heard of the term Port. A network connection has many different access points. This only logical points called ports.

They are numbered and each port is designed for data transmission. Sun requests when browsing the Internet on port 80 are provided as an example. There are at any operating system port to which the computer responds and thus is susceptible. If you want to turn those questions would need to either reprogram the operating system (possible in very rare cases) or just switch to another system in between. Just such a system is a firewall. It blocks including inquiries on the ports that are considered unsafe. Testing can be the safety of their own PC’s with a firewall test that examines the various ports are open and whether they pose a danger.

Repairing Hard Drives

Life is full of surprises, good and bad, what makes the difference is the ease or the preparation that we have to resolve them the emergency to which few are prepared or have an emergency plan is for repair of hard drives or the recovery of information from hard drives damaged in computers or personal storage devices or for business. A data retrieval system is probably one of the last things that goes through the mind of someone when you buy a computer. Most users of computers and storage devices do not think about that until they have the problem. There are many situations in which information retrieval may occur. Your computer may run slowly or be attacked by a program spyware, virus, electric shock, or voltage variation which can destroy files, transmit your information to someone else, or worse still lock down your computer, many other factors can occur without notice and could lose everything he has in his computer. Loss of data can kill your business, days, months and even years of information where there is a means of access can be deleted, the best resource that will need to recover all that information is through the hiring of expert in repair of hard drives.

Besides the loss of information you could delete forever costly programs installed on your computer, as vera the risk of a crisis in your storage system can be costly and dangerous. The only viable for this type of solution is hiring information retrieval service. No matter how terrible the situation, real drive recovery, file recovery and image recovery experts are able to save any storage device information. Everytime you hear strange in your computer noises, like a thumping noise when you turn on the computer, immediately turn off the appliance, otherwise data recovery may not be carried out. It is not a good idea to perform file recovery on their own unless specialist or have knowledge of what makes, play or experiment with storage devices only will make the problem more serious and recover hard disks will be a difficult task. In the majority of cases you can retrieve information, even in the worst conditions. Think way optimistic and hard drive repair service will be a success.

Human Rights

Human rights in the article permanent violation of human rights in Oaxaca’s Sandra Ramos Rojas, speaks of how are violated the human rights of indigenous peoples every day, since the Government does not accept them as self-employed and not respecting their customs and traditions that have been performed for centuries. This problem won’t be solved with economic funds, since it is a problem that has to be delete root, first respecting them, accepting them as self-employed and by applying the law as well as any other citizen. The theme of human rights a very broad topic I think which can be seen in all areas and sectors of the country, and we can see how they violate every day, this is a very common example in our country, already always you have been discriminated against minorities and the weak or poor groups that existis one shame that the Government them this treatment to these ethnic groups and which does not protect them as it should be. I also think that not only is a problem of the Government, since society itself excludes them and others themselves are often those who discriminate them. In Mexico we need to learn to respect and take into account people different from us, since not only does not respect indigenous peoples, but also are violated the rights of children, women, the right to life, abortion, although it is not tangible, since already in the pansa’s mother is a human being, and the bigger right there is violated.

Different Treatment

When we speak about a topic as prostitution is difficult to not be tempted to go back many centuries ago; even in some work handled as if it would have emerged along with the social being. And it is that even at the limits of history the concept of prostitution which reaches to reach our knowledge is present. Guadalupe Rios writes about the presence of prostitution in Mexico throughout its history. In pre-Hispanic times was called prostitution hospital, in which even knew these women with a term as energetic as the alegradoras. Later, with the arrival of the Spaniards and Christianity, prostitution was condemned on the basis of these in the commandments of the Christian Church; However we can say that there is a kind of conformism, to call it somehow, since for 1542 legalized brothels and society accepts the existence of prostitution, all this of course, marginalizing and pointing out to women that they practiced (Rivers, 2003).

It is curious as being known as alegradoras, with the arrival of another culture is assigned them all sorts of disparaging terms, such as whore, buscona, whorehouses, etc. One of the many things that we can, or rather we must learn from our history, in this case in relation to prostitution, is at the moment in which this is vetoed when they catch on her various crimes and vices. The main problem that we see in prostitution is the stigma with which people who exercise it live. If remains marginalized and isolated to this sector, is conducive to prostitution is carried out in secrecy, giving rise to problems of organised crime such as trafficking and trafficking in persons, which take to prostitution as a means to make profits. The repudiation to people practising prostitution leads to these feel a deep social resentment.

In its 1991 investigation, Marta Lamas checks how hurts women prostitutes this mark imposed by society, the degree of them repudiate married women (Lamas, 2007). This last only causes more isolation and its refusal to participate in reintegration programs arriving to implement. Rid of any stigma, of all signs, all forms of marginalization as Marta Lamas, says it would be a very long-term process; But yes you can start and maintain. Reintegration programmes mean the Organization of those who exercise prostitution, the questioning of discrimination, a new social valuation, among many other things. The criminalization of prostitution and the constant thought of taking it as a cause of trafficking and trafficking in persons, is a useless system that is intended to be some kind of relief for certain conservative groups. That only means giving back to complex social problems that potentiates the prostitution and leave door open to organized crime. Are not unknown unemployment, poverty, impunity, corruption, violence, lack of opportunities and many more social problems that prevail in our country. Take into account to prostitution and give a proper treatment, involves addressing all the problems previously cited, and of course implement actions to eradicate them. We cannot continue with the thought that we have been trapped for centuries; It is prohibited or not, you cannot claim leaving aside prostitution in more hidden away from those who put above useless codes of morality for all. Dealing with social problems, take them as they are, and do something effective about it, is the only thing that can grow to a country.

Red Planet Green TV

You may have noticed account which the green wave is everywhere, sometimes both contradictory, present in news, politics, fashion, technology. Even in the Red Planet Green TV you can enjoy eco-friendly TV 24 hours to be green. It is what worries, but there are thousands of ideas coming from everywhere and in many cases for wanting to appear green, they are contradictory. It is easy to become trapped in the everyday life of things, being green to change to organic food, adjust the thermostat of the heating without exaggerating, everyone wants to look like folded a green life and could even be suffering from being green. One can feel overwhelmed by this green life but it is also easy to make this to be a genuine positive environmental impact.

The idea is to see how to be eco-friendly, green and take a look above the tales, the wave on a green life gives you feed everyone, the TV chefs, programs on opportunistic merchants, pets, cars. The world was globalized, not because they have been conceptualized the sleepless economists released Hi school, our planet always is a be green and global, the lives of people, plants, animals and ecosystems are closely synchronized, green life. So toys manufactured in China may affect the quality of life in Europe, the pesticides applied on the Argentina can affect the health of in North America and GHG emissions greenhouse of australia can affect the tropical rainforest in Brazil. The truth is that we all do every day has good or bad impact on green living. Knew that 25% of Western pharmaceuticals come from the flora of the Amazon rainforest? and this is less than 1% of the tropical plants tested by scientists. This suggests that us to be green and protect biological diversity, beyond that these forests are the best collectors of CO2. In a nutshell, green life benefits everyone. Embracing a green lifestyle is not only help preserve the equatorial forests, also works on improving our health, take care of the expenses and our account Bank and ultimately be green improvement of life quality. What about it and your being verder? is green living fashionable, opportunism, consciousness, reality?

The New York Times

Dams and tourism: Impensable today the businessman from the northern area of Aysen, Gonzalo Cortes, talked about Lodges, fishing adventure of entrepreneurs indicating that we have a vision different from theirs (HidroAysen). We see a potentiality which is not interesting for them. Normally these companies based their projects, their compensation and amortization of investments in times much shorter than what you might think an aysenino or an entrepreneur who is in Aysen and who plan their projects as an option of life. He added that normally this person sees it as an option to make what he believes is the best quality of life possible, do what you like in the pristine, unspoiled environment and preserve it for the generations to come. It is not the pursuit of profit in the short term as that projected these large companies, which estimate their projects so that their profitability is higher in the shortest possible time. And that’s grim for the Region of Aysen, which could lose everything he has for these projects.

He also recalled that much of the dams listed as compatible with tourism were built in the decades of the 50s, 60s and 70s, and that today it would be unfeasible to propose such alternatives, even more so when studies have shown that in Chile the energy demand is already covered to the 2025 without damming Patagonia. As a way of reinforcing the approach reported a few days ago in United States was decided to dismantle 4 dams on the Klamath River, in order to allow the recovery of biodiversity and tourism in the basin, in what The New York Times has described as the greater removal of dams in modern history. Despite his critical vision and in its quality of business leader, Patricio Silva relieved that the organizers of the seminar have given chance to show his vision to the Guild.

American Countries

The rich are destroying the planet, we do think going to another, it ironically. Hugo Chavez, before the plenary of the Conference on the climate of accused the capitalist system of this disastrous scenario. Chavez, who was one of the first heads of State to integrate the Conference, alluded to the absence of his American counterpart Barack Obama, who intends to participate only on Friday. Says that he lambasted by now come to present here the prize Nobel de la Paz, which received nearly the same day that he sent 30,000 soldiers to kill innocent in Afghanistan. He is that a ghost runs through the streets of Copenhagen and I believe that you walk among us in this Chamber, that hideous ghost that almost nobody wants to appoint is capitalism, said Chavez from the rostrum.

Stressing the responsibility of industrialized countries in global warming, Chavez recalled that 7% of the world’s population is responsible for 50% of the emissions of greenhouse gases and the poorest 50 per cent is responsible for only 7% of these emissions. It is a bit strange to call here to the United States and China at the same level, he said, in reference to the two largest emitters of greenhouse gases on the planet, under pressure at Copenhagen to take ambitious decisions that allow the success of the negotiation. But the United States has just 300 million inhabitants and China, five times more people. United States consumes more than 20 million barrels a day of oil and China barely reaches five or six million. Not can be ordered the same one to another, was considered. Returning some of the slogans used in the last days in the massive demonstrations that have rocked Copenhagen, Chavez asked: we do not change the climate, change the system and as a result begin to save the planet.

If the climate was a Bank, capitalist, the largest, already rich countries, would have saved him he added. About the lack of progress in the negotiations on a new global agreement to combat climate change, the Venezuelan President said: there are some countries that are playing here there is no document, because the absence of such a standard allows them to use their operating freedom. You press so here comes out a document that commits to the most powerful countries on Earth, released, sparking a standing ovation. Definitely, Chavez pointed out that none of the countries of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA) will sign a text that comes out of nowhere and which does not correspond with the texts agreed in negotiations.

Boring Routine

Each reflexive reading of Scripture produces enrichment of the spirit. Find one of the many possible this truth evidence observed for a few minutes the great Odyssey of the Hebrew people in their journey through the desert. Countless are the details that emerge in the books which condense the description of the exodus from Egypt to the land of Canaan. The inexhaustible source of imagination offers the reader the opportunity to contemplate a more complete picture of how much meant that journey. & n bsp; Possible expectations of travellers. What the thoughts and emotions of that crowd a day departed from Rameses (Exodus 12: 37-39)? Have plans emerged in their minds about what they would do in that new home? Do long believed they would take that trip? Did they have any idea of the way that transitarian and the challenges that this route would present them? He suspected some of them that most would not reach its destination? The above are only a few few concerns that can be drawn from possible human realities lived by the participants in this unique journey.

However the following few paragraphs wish to devote them to a bound and vital aspect of that process, the power. Supplying food becomes more relevant matter by the circumstances of the exodus, these include: the number of people who travel the variety of tastes all that class of people who form the Group of walkers the availability of food in an atmosphere of the desert the divine provisions on the feeding regime allowed the media to transport groceriesprepare and preserve food Provision of food according to the duration of the trip the passages of the old testament show the care of Jehovah that people slave who left their chains after four centuries of servitude. Mana is an icon of God’s concern for them; and human at the same time of attitudes toward a gift.