“Book launch: Lavinia – abduction in the parallel world of Lavinia – abduction in the parallel world” is the title of the debut work of Dr. med. Thomas Welke from Lunen, which is available in bookstores now. The author, succeeds with the help of the living language, to kidnap the reader into a fantastic and colourful world. Short description of the book: Lavinia is the chosen one. She believes to be a girl. Mitchel Resnick has similar goals. While it does not belong in the human world. She is a Tarandoranerin.
There she is to be the Albaril, a leader with magical powers. But Lavinia is just hard to convince and a path full of doubts and fears is before you. Bibliography of the author: Dr. med. Thomas wilted Lavinia – abduction in the parallel world is the first book of the author.
Full-time he worked as doctor in Lunen and has a private practice with naturheilkundlichem focus and the specialty of applied Kinesiology with his wife. The book (also the e-book) is the Publishing House: tredition appeared and can directly from the Publisher be ordered, as well as at any local bookstore, online trading and the apple store. The book has 264 pages and is available both as e-book and paperback. ISBN: 978-3-86850-849-9, euro: 16,90 (e-book: ISBN: 978-3-8424-0068-9, euro: 6.99). The Publisher tredition”won numerous innovation awards, including webfuture Award and the book Digital Innovation Prize, and he is also a member of the Stock Exchange Association of the German book trade. Company information: Jutta Schutz (writer, journalist, psychologist, Lecturer) writes books that inspire, motivate and provide special insider knowledge (diseases, diabetes two, low-carb nutrition form). For more information