Creativity Training

Creative (creative) solution of any problem always involves originality, inventiveness. It is believed that a creative solution to the problem should be simple, easily attainable, and at the same time effective. Let's look at interesting example: In pictures made on a color photo with flash, pupils of the eyes of people often receive red. This occurs if the size of the picture is taken sufficiently large. Then, a significant amount of light enters the eyeball and reflected by its rich blood of internal tissues.

What to do when taking to eliminate red-eye? The camera Japanese firm "Canon" flash when triggered, gives approximately one second before the main pulse weaker momentum to the pupils of people managed to narrow. In this case, highlighting the inner eye and the pupil has been rapidly declining in the photo is of normal color. And now there is no appropriate correction of each photo using computer software. Resourceful and beautiful solution, right? Is it possible to learn how to obtain such solutions (ideas)? It turns out that it is possible. See Training Speed reading superpamyat creativity Kharkov. This requires a way of human thinking beyond his psychological and mental facilities, restrictions. To a greater degree of human behavior, as well as his thinking subject to the templates.

What is a template? This is an iterative algorithm. Appears in the following way: the solution of any problem, a method has proved successful. In this case it is fixed, people will continue to try to use this method to other problems.

Learn English

The other day I saw an attractive advertising language studio 'LingvoLend' and asked: "And do I need to learn English?" Pros and cons quickly succeeded each other. As a result, this internal dispute erupted C On the one hand, learning English has not even needed. First of all, learn it is useless. Teach it, teach: a school, college, in courses with a tutor! But no use. Speak English frightening and uncomfortable – no confidence that express the idea properly, and that you will understand. Secondly, English is taught is not interesting, and so it all already know, and English-no surprise.

It is the language of international communication, computers, popular music Anyway, all the little English they know – who is at the level of pairs of words interspersed with gestures, and who is better. Thirdly, it is much easier not to learn English. It is better to leave it as is, to live according to the settled schedule spend their evenings watching television or computer, just relax and not think about some English about missed opportunities yes, it is better not to think, not to strain. On the other hand, need to learn English! Firstly, this is useful. Well, at least for the development of memory. After all, modern man has almost nothing to remember, to this there are various accessories, manuals, notebooks, planners, internet, finally. And the fact that time is a memory? She kept us brings.

We all complain about their memory, rather than help her get better, give her a good workout. Secondly, it is beneficial. Studying the English language gets in return much more! 1.Novye dating, new friends; 2. career; 3. travel without borders (including language); 4.Kak result – more pleasure out of life! And many other benefits and opportunities. All our life – is possible, lost or used wisely. Yes, I, like many of you have repeatedly taken to be learning English, but I missed that time, perseverance, then something else With age, realize how many opportunities were missed, it remains only to regret it or not, it is better to act. Learning English is never too late! Why not start now?

Internet House

The technology comes quickly modifying our life. If before the stove the firewood was priority, today electric stoves the gas, ovens and microwaves are indispensable. We substitute the night lights for electric light, telegrams and letters for fax, e? mails, cellular, blogs, twitters, facebook, etc. The cultures are fundindo so great the easiness to interact with innumerable people of different places and diverse languages. In this context it is essential that the education recognizes and if supplies in this new way to communicate itself, so that proper education does not fall in the esquecimento. The enfadonha art of only hearing the same voice during hours is threatened by the touchs of cellular, the earphones, notebooks, etc. The pupils are using the technologies are of the classroom, there and when they adentram in the seen school supposedly they desire to find also the technological dinamicidade in the streets and house. More information is housed here: kevin ulrich.

The Internet is the way for the pedagogical renewal and is necessary that let us be apt to rethink practical ours, in defying also to learn, making with that the classroom is not an isolated space of the world. To each generation the Brazilians read little while they play, telephone and use a keyboard more. It is fact that everything this does not leave of being a reading way, however what it is lacking is the reading centered in the proper reading, the communication accomplishes of I? reader with I? author, the interpretation and recriar of an art, carrying it in this process to other arts. What we have in the great majority are reproductive and assimiladores in mass. As gotten information of the site the young of Brazil are the ones that less read books printed matters in a research that involved 65 countries. ' ' (…) we are the country where the children have little books in house.


More and more the Skateboarding is becoming a fashionable sport. Or it is common to see pass through the streets of the cities people walking in Skateboard or Longboard. And the reality is that it is a good form of transport, is economic and even ecological. But at the time of buying and choosing the suitable patineta, arises the doubts before the great veriedad from marks, models and sizes. The first recommendation that arises is that skate is due to really buy, in a Skate Shop, of wood of maple (preferably, so that it lasts and it has good ” pop”) and not one of juguetera. In order to begin we must know how which is the difference between a Longboard and a Skateboard (Shortboard). The Longboards is generally in the rank of 36″ to 60″. The Skateboards is general assembly signal ” Mini; and they are in a rank of 24″ to 35″.

Now that the companies have improved the quality of bushings and the sizes of trucks, Mini approaches more and more, in sensation, to the Longboards traditional. In which to Skateboards one talks about, it can buy a Complete Skate (already armed, which in English is said: Skateboard Complete) or to arm it by parts (Custom Skateboard). The parts of a Skateboard are: Deck (Table), Trucks (Axes), Wheels (Wheels), Bearings (Bearings), Risers, Hardware (Screws) and Griptape (It binds). Skate complete is going to be economic, mainly because a good table can come Navy with trucks, rulemanes, and wheels of not so good quality Nevertheless I believe that to begin to enter itself in the sport it is a very good alternative, even ideal (in fact there are marks like Mystery that sell complete of super good level but they are more expensive than a World Industries or Speed Demons, others very fashionable are those of the mark Girl and Chocolate). A Skate made Custom always is going to be more perfect skater, but probably he is just a little bit more expensive than the Complete one. Finally, good tip is that there is to choose or the size according to the height or size of the foot of skater this is something or important at the time of learning, because skate of the measurement correct makes but the learning easy. Like gold rule always to try to buy what one needs and not what they want to us to sell.


Although if he evidences, many times, between us, current professors and educators, the fear to assume the education as action politics, become it urgency inside to consider the priority of the democracy of the pertaining to school space, as well as looking for in the tactics of the multiculturalismo, ways that can in to move away (and our pupils) from the pseudodemocratic apathy and the social authoritarianism, as well as, to strengthen us for the practical one of the interdisciplinaridade in order to see in it a factor of social interaction. According to Saviani (1991, p.41), ‘ ‘ the educative process is the ticket of the inaquality to the equality. Therefore, it is only possible to consider the educative process under the condition of if distinguishing the democracy as possibility in the starting point and the democracy as reality in the point of chegada.’ ‘ Ahead of this picture displayed in this work, observing law 5540/68, the University Reformation of years 90, the indissociao education/research, the social authoritarianism, practical the neoliberal ones of ‘ ‘ quality total’ ‘ the influences of these factors for the teaching formation and the daily one of the professor, we launch hand of a question that even for self-defense instinct, we try to conjure: the universities and the facultieses are if transforming into companies of consultorias and production of professionals for the market? BIBLIOGRAPHY. ARROYO. Miguel (1996) Reinventar and to form the professional of the basic education.

In BICUDO, Maria. V. & IT HISSES JNIOR, Celestino. (orgs) Formation of the educator: to have of the State, task of the university, v. 1, SP, EDUNESP. BRUNI, J.

Carlos. Social sciences (coletnea of texts) CENP, SEE/SP, 1986. CHAU, Marilena. The scientific ideal and the instrumental knowledge, In Invitation to the philosophy, 7A. ed. , SP, Stokes, 1996. WEDGE. Luis Antonio. Superior education and university in Brazil, In. 500 years of Education in Brazil, Eliana Maria T. Lopes and Luciano Mendes F. Son, BH. : Authentic, 2000. WEDGE. Luis Antonio. The university Reformation in crisis: management, structure and territory? Reviewed In Evaluation? Magazine of the Net of Institucional Evaluation of the Superior Education, v. 3, N. 2, 1998. DEMON, Peter. Permanent formation of formadores: to educate for the research. In MENEZES, Luiz C. (org)? Professors: formation and profession., SP, Authors Associates, 1996. DAGNINO, Evelina (org). Years 90: politics and society in Brazil. SP. , Brasiliense, 1994. ENGUITA, Mariano Fernandes. There profesin comunidad there pertaining to school professor y: crnica of one desencuentro, Madrid: Morata, 1996. RASP, L. Of Oliveira. Estrias of the Education in Brazil: of Pigeon house the Passarinho, Brasilia/Rio De Janeiro, Brasilia Publishing company, 1974. WALNUT, Francis Mary Guimares. External aid for the Brazilian education; of the USAID to the World Bank, Rattlesnake: EDUNIOESTE, 1999. NORONHA, Olinda Maria. History of the Education: on the origins of the utilitarian thought in Brazilian superior education? Campinas, Alnea, 1998. NORONHA. Olinda Maria. Neoliberal politics, knowledge and education. Campinas, SP. Alnea, 2000. NVOA, Antonio. Formation of professors and teaching profession, In (coord) the professors and its formation, Lisbon, New Enciclopdia.1995 POPKEWITZ, Thomas S. the educational Reformation: one sociological politics: to be able and knowledge in education, Porto Alegre, Medical Arts, 1997. SAVIANI, Dermeval- School and democracy: theory of the bending of the pole, 25 ed., SP., Cortez, Authors Associates, 1991. IT HISSES, Tomaz Tadeu.


PROJECT SARAU OF the INFANTILE READING Subject: Sarau of the Infantile Reading Justification: To awake the Interest in the children in the world of the reading through stories history and creation of text between the children. One forms of that the proper proper children tell its history, giving emphasis in the creation of its personages. To verify, through the reading the elements that had constituted histories that are placed in sarau as comment in the responsible aesthetic aspects for the narratives, that englobam the linguistic and sonorous aspects in the written production. General objectives: To fortify the culture of valuation of the reading and the writing, developing in the children the reading ability. Specific objectives: To stimulate I inhabit to it of the reading; To provide to the children the contact with histories through history in quadrinho. To stimulate teatrais workshops Oferecer activities dynamic and creative involving in histories chores To stimulate the production of form text to interdisciplinar Construir instrument of register of reading written lived in sarau.

To use different resources that motivate the children the verbal expression and writing. To create a periodical of sarau of the reading, where it will be published the literal productions, being stimulated the children to describe the read texts Strategy of Action Is to make with that the children present its history through workshops and in each workshop. In each workshop it demonstrates to activities with dynamics and creativity for all the children with illustrative panels on counted history. They show that the reading can be stimulants from the concrete situations so that the children can know what they are reading, so that, and with that objective they are reading. Thus, it will be capable to attribute sensible what it reads. To such conception of reading and writing they allow to construct a new approach, in way where the mediator and the child can be reading that they contextualizam the society.

Average Ensino

With the development of the educative systems, the professor is to gain weight between the active population, its remuneration is the main element in the costs of the education. Parallel, the biggest expectations of the society face to the educative systems extend the missions of the School. To complete the picture, the introduction of the new technologies in the learning processes became complex more the teaching profession. Curiously, however, the restrictive budgetary politics tend to compress the wages of the educative staff, to increase its load of work and to introduce flexibility and the precariousness in its management; this, at the same time that the qualification and the abilities that are demanded to them do not stop to increase, considering it a decisive element for the quality of the education and its effectiveness. This contradiction is reason of strong tensions and conflicts.

It is necessarily in this direction that we would desire to see interpreted what we go to display. If to understand the sectors necessarily submitted in general the taboos, is for strict conformity to the nature of the proper consideraes of the reality and deep psychology, because they very demand a particular sort of honesty. 2 – DEVELOPMENT: The great variety of the professions of educators assumes that the conscientious reasons applied by the individuals in the choice of its profession hold a great diversity. In this field, the teacher of the Infantile one, of a side, and the professor of Average Ensino, of the other, in them seems representative of the two extremities. Great part of the pedagogical activity of the first one if passes taking account of the children and with games and tricks. How much to the professional activity of as, the transmission of specialized knowledge and cultural goods meets very above of function educative properly said. It is truth that if generally admits the inerncia of a pedagogical value in the cultural values as such.

For Piaget

Today, to work these two aspects in only way is the key so that if reach a full development and a full learning, in all the stages of the life. 4 the GAME IN DEVELOPMENT COGNITIVO the game also is a great ally of the cognitivo development. Beyond being diversion, the game allows that the child is in contact with the reality, collates ideas and searchs solutions. Piaget (apud There TAILLE, 1992, p.49), affirms that: The games of rules are paradigmticos for the morality human being. In first place, they represent an activity interindividual necessarily regulated by certain norms that, even so generally inherited of the previous generations, can be modified by the members of each group of players. (…) In according to place, even so such norms do not have in itself moral character, the respect they had, are it yes, moral (…) Finally, such respect comes from mutual agreements between players and not from the mere acceptance from norms imposed for strange authorities the community from players.

For Piaget (1992), much more of what to stimulate the cognitivo, the game also allows the conscience of the rule, that is, exists the acceptance of the other, the loss and the duties that this child will follow until the adult life. When a child plays a traditional game (for example, amarelinha), it is keeping an infantile culture that exceeds generations, beyond, is clearly, to learn other abilities as numerical sequence, dexterity, attention, etc. The games also allow that the child learns with sufficient easiness concepts of some worked contents. But the professor has to lead in consideration if the same he is pedagogical, if he stimulates the intellectual and affective development, if it is adjusted to the etria band and if it possesss challenges that take the pupil to reflect on what he is being played and as that game can intervene of positive form with its learning.

Palitos Five

2.6.2. OBJECTIVES SPECIFIC To the end of this project, the pupil will have to be capable of: – To write its name; – To cut figures from molds; – To make colagens to form drawings; – To write short phrases, with the aid of the teacher; – To make simple drawings; – To color drawings; – To identify the number of its footwear; – To write natural numbers; – To recognize and to sing infantile musics; –To search, to cut and glue removed figures of magazines; – To make folding to form drawings and – To create objects using material as palitos of picol and fabric remnants. 2.7. WHITE PUBLIC OF the PROJECT the white public of the project ' ' Who am I? ' ' he is formed by children taken care of for the day-care center of the Humanitarian Foundation Eurpedes Barsanulfo that was established has 25 years for Irene de Pink Jesus Freitas. In the table to follow they are the full names and the ages of the children who form the white public of the project. NAME AGE (IN YEARS) Kau Enrique Pear tree Two Tasa Dos Santos Three Kau Antonio Da Silva Three Ana Flvia Dos Santos Four Kau Enrique Dos Santos Four Arthur Mendes Ribeiro Four Letcia Da Silva Four Kamilly Cristiny Days de a Cruz Five Vincius Mendes Ribeiro Five Jlia Tain of the Birth Five Appeared Jlia Pear tree Five Raiany Pear tree Five Luis Miguel Blacksmith Sources Five Douglas Antonio Da Silva Five Luiz Gabriel Da Silva Five COMMENT: Kau Antonio Da Silva deferred payment in the foundation.

The other children live with its families. All the children are of low income family. 2.8. NECESSARY MATERIAL – Computer; – Printer: – Cartridge of black ink for printer; – Cartridge of ink colored for printer; – White A4 Paper; – Extracted Photo of the Internet; – Paper color card orange; – Plated Paper; – White Glue; – Shears without tip; – Mold of rectangle of 11,2 cm x 14,8 cm; – Mold of frame for picture of 11,2 cm x 14,8 cm; – Paper red card; – Black Pencil number 2; – Pencil of color; – Pencil sharpener; – Photo of the child when 15 cm were baby of 10 cm x; – White Rubber; – Current Photo of child of 12,5 cm x 17,5 cm; – Scale of bathroom; – Reviewed for clipping; – Drawing of to be colored scale; – Soluble Ink in water (of green color); – Wide Brush; – Woollen Hank (of black color); – Metric Ribbon; – Shears; – Sachets for sacols; – Durex; – Drawing of the human body divided in parts to be cut, to be mounted and be glue in sheet of paper A4; – Thick Sandpaper (of red color); – Wax Chalk; – Paper folding (of color orange); – Paper suede (of red color); – Paper suede (of gray color); – Fabric Remnants (of color chess); – Palitos of picols; – Drawing of boy and girl; – Paper folding (of pink color clearly); – A4 Paper (of yellow color); – Radio that touches COMPACT DISC and – Compact disc with music ' ' The frog does not wash p' '.

National Plan

The little expressive participation of the special education in the set is well-known also of offers in the basic education in the question of budgetary resources. In the proposal of the National Plan of Education of the MEC, of 1997, it was pointed necessity to reserve ' ' a small parcel of the entailed resources to the education (between 1 and 5%) ' ' for the special education, what it indicated that the available resources did not exceed 1%. In fact, in publication of the MEC on the situation of the basic education in Brazil (INEP, the 99), in which are analyzed the public expenses with education in the Budget of 1996, expenditures with the area of special education, in it I compute generality of the education, had corresponded 0.37% in the federal sphere, 0.50% in states and 1.10% in the cities. Thus, if it makes imperative and urgent that is I coat such budgetary position with respect to the special education. In case that contrary, to the similarity of what it comes occurring with other modalities and levels of education, the beginning of the financial rationality will impose its intentions and the inclusive education will start to be, only, an excuse to promote the reduction of costs, forceing the rights of the citizens special, that would have to receive from the State the attention and the respect that are assured to them by the proper Brazilian legislation. At last after the historical analysis of the Brazilian legislation we can conclude that all they guarantee the right of any pupil to the regular education and that this politics already comes giving resulted, even so still it deserves improvements with respect to its efetivao. Our paper at this moment is of sincere reflection, without resistance to the changes and innovations, in order to promote the structural and organizacional reform of the education institutions and to effectively assure the inclusion of the special carriers of necessities. .