Computer work involves constant eye contact with the surface of the screen. Obviously, it is necessary to ultimately reduce the burden on the eye, in order to extend the safe time and not the main cause of fatigue sensory apparatus of man. Following the relatively simple rules, this effect can be achieved. To ensure good quality work, you need to choose the correct size of the monitor screen and its type. Surprisingly, and so many "not on the eyes" modern LD and plasma.
It is connected with the physiology of the eye, and should not try to overcome itself. Simply return to normal screen. In any case, when working with monitor equally increase the burden on eyes as a bright background light and total darkness. If the monitor is relatively light sources so that part of the screen or full screen "illuminates" it should in some way shut out natural light: blinds on the windows, thick curtains, shielding of the monitor and so on. At night, to make space for the monitor was slightly highlighted, and the reflected light – the specialists in ophthalmology ago already recommended backlight for TV. No less important is the very position of the screen relative to the eye working.
It is imperative that the center of the working field were right on the horizontal line of the eye or slightly below. If you have to work to lift up his eyes, eye muscles tense up unnecessarily, that quickly causes fatigue and reduces efficiency. The distance to the screen surface of the pupil should not be less than half a meter, but it is, as you know, depends on the size of the screen and the features of view. If possible, choose a font or image size should be favored increased – this reduces load on the eye, which, accordingly, increase the time-free with this type of screen.