He is, unhappyly, he does not go to have skill and all we will have of adapting in them to the new standard of taking approved by the ABNT. since the upheavals will be inevitable (since, one more time, the Brazilian standard is only in the world), the companies already start to offer to accessories and compatible adapters with the new standard, that enters in vigor for real in 2010. The SMS, for example, presents two models of adapters (one for taking of old standard and another one for taking of new standard/suggested price: from R$ 5,50). Moreover, it is launching a Extension Cord (accessory with four taking in the new standard that goes to facilitate to the connection of some equipment the wall taking, of energy stabilizers and nobreaks and it will cost from R$ 12,50). All the products are certifyd by the Inmetro. To use this type of accessory will be exactly the cheapest short-term solution. One remembers that already from middle of 2010 all the vendidos electronic equipment in the store, to be evaluated soon, we are not only frustrate, but furious with tecnoburocratas of the ABNT that had had the shining idea to create an only standard of taking in relation to other countries. Why not to adopt the traditional standard of three bolts with phase, neutral and land already found in PCs and diverse devices? for who finished to buy a conditioner or filter of energy with taking of three bolts? It will have of to full.