
The unit is a not a Sudoku puzzle. The country is a not a Sudoku puzzle. The country is a complex body, not a set of disabled teams who chose to bound and restricted – no more compete with each other but do the same computer. Players of computers are few. The country is a complex crowd, a quilt, a body, the crowd that should appeal to resolve the puzzle through his frame to reinstate the original figure. The original figure of this puzzle, the image that appears when it is weapon, called country, called Venezuela.

It is the crowd that makes the decisions, the first structured, the second producing answers. Armed puzzle is the unit. There is no other drive. This is the unit. You must remember to the Venezuelan people that we are a nation.

You must remember to the Venezuelan people that we are a people. You must remember to Venezuelans that the fact of living here has given us an initial culture which has been being fractured unionization to the point of becoming million pieces of an immense puzzle. It must be remembered to the Venezuelan people that we need to restore the attraction of the magnet that we carry in our being and return to with other conjugate us to then make disappear the seams and transmitting again the idea of a social body that knows how to manage the necessary contradictions and get points conjunction and run. It is necessary to warn Venezuelans of purposes and goals. Needed to say to the compatriots in the political system that we are going to set up when you pass the interregnum as we are going to do with the economic system that this arises and as we will once and for all to take off to the full force of the 21st century. We must begin by unit, below, in our be Venezuelan.