The national automobile industry must not have of what to complain. At least in what it says respect to the sales of the sector. The closing of the month of February, divulged for the ANFAVEA (National Association of the Manufacturers of Automachine Vehicles), in such a way disclosed growth of the sales of national vehicles (7% in relation the same the month of year previous and 7.1% in the gathered of jan and fev compared with the same period of 2009) and imported that continues of wind in poop (in fevereiro/2010 the month of the last year grew 31.7% in relation the same). The year of 2009 left good souvenirs to the Brazilian automobile industry. After all of accounts, 3,141, 2 units had been permitted this way, a historical record. Optimum month of the year was September, with 308,7 a thousand emplacadas units.
They had been sales to leave world-wide the automobile industry with sufficient appetite in our market. With as many good notice, manchetes of periodicals optimism is alone. This week, for example, the Fiat announced that it will be able to invest to produce Chrysler in Brazil, the Peugeot presented the car concept SR1, Mercedes-Benz said that it will increase the capacity of production in Brazil in 15%, the Hyundai said that it will launch ix35, in April, this way. Volkswagen is congregated with the net, in Bariloche, for launching of the Amarok and for it goes there.But, who is exactly very satisfied is the consumer who, catching loaned to the phrase brother-in-law for our president Lula, never before had as many new features how much currently. Not very distant, she was necessary to travel for the Europe or United States if it wanted to know the last launchings. They took many years to arrive this way, when they arrived. With the growth of the Brazilian market, this distance shortened. Two or three years after launched in market more mature, them arrived this way. Currently, few remember the famous phrase of former-president Collor saying that our cars more seemed wagons. The fact is that Brazil started to be part of the elitizados markets to participate of world-wide launchings.