The Manifesto

From a done of each workmanship, if triangular summary the ideas of each author and if to analyze the joined results it was arrived the following problem: How the transdisciplinaridade can contribute for the ressignificao of the human being after-modern from the conception of the cited authors? The Manifesto of the Transdisciplinaridade, of Basarab Nicolescu approaches the importance of two revolutions in century XX: quantum and computer science. For the author, the revolution computer science could make the human being to change its vision in relation to the nature, but unhappyly, the desire of if autodestruir and destroying what it surrounds to it are well bigger. In the Education in Sciences, Mrio Osrio Marques considers the education as an interlocution to know, that is, in a conservation dialectic/transformation, not in simple exchange of information, but in the search of shared agreement. In the Transdisciplinaridade book: The close Nature of the scientific education, Bernardes Joo of the Rock Son et al. they speak on a transdisciplinaridade that exceed the dimensions epistemolgica, psychological, didactic, religious politics and. In these circumstances one searched to understand the quarrel in complementary perspectives of the related authors how much to the excellent aspects of the transdisciplinaridade in the critical one to the cientificismo. A clarity in its intentions when making was perceived boarding in the direction of to try to develop one practical one to transdisciplinar, in view of the problematic theoreticians, epistemolgicas that appear in after-modernity as the departamentalizao knowing of them. Finally, after analysis of the three workmanships, some consideraes had been made resultant of the triangulation arriving itself it a methodology that can be used in all the educational area, called to transdisciplinar..