The Insertion

In the Internet we have the capacity to have access all the information and all the produced cultural expressions in the planet since that the world is world. What I want to say is that the Internet is our context of communication, is what we have, is what we live, is not a strange thing, is as to think as we live with electricity. Nor we think about this. For the young of 20 years, not to mention of the five year children, the world is the Internet. Another world is not conceived that of the Internet. 30 For a researcher the Internet is precious, because in great measure you do not need the physical presence of the library, being, however, basic the access to the research most recent. Not obstante, the increasing one can be observed, despite incipient, use of the Internet in classroom, being thus it is a tool that must and can be used as to assist of education, for intermediary of the cellular one.

In the certainty, the use of the cellular one as pedagogical ally will bring changes. Drucker (2000) emphasizes that, in the next years the education institutions, the information technology of and communication will enter in new phase, due to the advent of, which makes to appear inexistent demands. In this contingent, the institutions need taking of immediate decisions with method of clipping in the bureaucratic process. FINAL CONSIDERAES the proposal of insertion of the cellular device as pedagogical tool are proposal innovative, not possessing, until the moment bibliographical references that scientific character confers it. However, it is here, our proposal of that this excellent subject is argued in the academic scope and after-academic. Being the cellular equipment of wide use for the academics and, still capable to supply to the pupil a gamma of information and handling of fast form, ample quarrel for the insertion of its use in classroom is necessary.