From that time until today – the history of streetwear streetwear and street fashion, are not just terms which we know from the fashion industry, describe them but rather a kind of lifestyle. It all started with the streetwear mid-70s in the slums of America. In the slums people had not much money and could afford too much. The few they have adapted to their needs but have what they had with much creativity. Today, Streetwear is impossible to imagine as the style of the road. The style was then plain and it was put much emphasis on the appropriate hairstyle. Everyone could afford at that time a hair cut.
The clothing was first and foremost by the mothers of kids to sewn and individualized, they were known as the designer of the poor kids. The gang in the slum BBs of angels took over the style of the light. You are dressed with jeans and denim jackets. The denim jackets were of Lee and were supplemented with gang symbols. Combining her jeans look with motorcycle boots even if they themselves had no motorcycle. With the time he then developed Hip-hop, not only as a musical genre, but rather as a movement. Here BBs, Breakdancers, graffiti joined DJ artist and rapper.
The competition was the main motivation of Breakdancers. In addition to the best moves, you wanted to differentiate themselves through his clothes. The clothing bordered off from each other by the names of the groups, because the first priority was to make it known to the name. The shoes of the Breakdancers won increasingly important. Because the shoes is strongly drawn by the different dance steps affected were thick rubber soles of advantage. As sneaker were also incredibly expensive at this time, the dancers looked increasingly on their shoes which the dance steps and movements were precise. Were also the musicians, above all at the same time the rapper becoming more important and were regarded as role models in terms of styling. The rapper wore a tailored leather jackets and designer jeans. Because these clothes for the people from the slums was not realistic, the Rauuer were quickly uninteresting. Since even clothes cannot afford it could they also not identified himself with the rappers. When Run DMC came on the market this changed abruptly. The style of Run DMC was real and affordable, which contributed to the success of the rapper. Then, in the early 1990s, the Baggystil was born. The more wild on it was to to dig deeper you left his pants. At this time, even the Beastie Boys from the East Coast were known and made the brand X-large size. The brand itself was influenced by skaters. The skater clothing had to be wide and loose to offer gebugend freedom of movement. Even today have a sense of freedom embodied streetwear. Streetwear allowed to carry and to combine no value on the opinions of others what you like and you should put it, to your own style because it is. Streetwear allows it to live out its own individual style and you must not make sure whether the shoes fit for pants. Lisa Zimmermann