The book base is divided in 317 pages, with three segments: ' ' The power of the cognitiva therapy for emagrecer' ' ; ' ' Programa' ' ' ' Continuidade' '. Pear tree (2008, P. 159) says that, In the introduction, the author presents to the patient the proposal of an day in set, with the objective to make possible the individual to recognize its alimentary standard, its related cognitivas distortions to the loss of weight and its body and as the model of reorganization of the cognitiva therapy she will be able to help to emagrecer it and if to keep lean. The form used for the author to write establishes a tone of privacy and complicity between the patient and the therapist, characteristic of this type of boarding and proposal. Initiating the program, Judith displays in the first segment of the book four chapters: The key of the success, What in the truth, makes you to eat, As the lean people think and As to use the definitive diet of Beck. In the first Beck chapter it presents the cognitivo model, working directly the cognitivas questions of thought and emotion. It makes a reflection in relation to the beliefs that the individual acquires in relation to the food and as the process to submit to a diet will go to influence in the behavior, in the emotional one of the individual.
In as the chapter are worked directly the disfuncionais thoughts? in the program nominated as? computer hacker thoughts? – making a relation on the hunger, will and the uncontrollable desire to eat. It brings concepts for systematic analysis of the computer hacker thoughts that are automatic in the individual, allowing already a self-knowledge. In this I modulate it presents the base of identification of the external stimulatons that influence the interns for the act to eat. According to Beck (2009, p.28) If you will be able to identify stimulatons that provoke computer hacker thoughts and they take that it to eat in inadequate way, you you will be able to minimize its exposition they and to change the form to face them. .