In the year of 1993 for about 5.900 Ha. in 2004 (LOYAL BASTOS & IT HISSES, 2004). In function of this increase of demand for water in the region, the number of perforateed tubular wells in the region passed of 1.000 wells in the end of decade 70 for about 6.000 in year 2004, being about 70% these wells currently in activity (BASTOS LOYAL & IT HISSES, 2004). In last the 50 years the world-wide population passed of 2,5 billion people for 6,1 billion. They is esteem that up to 2050 the planet has between 9 and 11 billion inhabitants. With this population growth, the demand also grows for foods, for energy, mineral water and resources, also increasing the pollution and the ambient degradation. Currently the ratio of area cultivated for person fell of 0,24ha/pessoa in 1950 for 0,12ha/pessoa in 2000.
It is calculated that in 2050 the ratio will be of 0,08ha/pessoa. The agriculturvel land is each scarcer time and the biotechnology already proved not to be efficient in the increase of the productivity. The life started with the water and the lack of it can extinguishing in them. According to ONU, up to 2025, two billion and seven hundred million people go to suffer severely with the water lack. The man is the great water consumer candy, on average is used 200 liters of water/day/person, in approach numbers. One knows that the consumption of a family in the city is six times bigger that of another family in the field, however, the water consumption in agriculture is responsible for 70% of the world-wide total. A sanitary discharge is equivalent the twelve liters, and to wash an amount of clothes in the machine, the approach consumption is of 120 liters. One kilo of meat corresponds the 18,000 liters of water that had been supplied direct or indirectly to the animal that gave origin to it, until the meat to be ready for the consumption.