Flash Technology

Flash technology has recently received a very large distribution on the Internet. The design studio to get a better service to sell development sites and make the product more attractive, right after 'nashpigovyvayut' site different animations, and even set up special flash-pages on the site, called illuminations. Of course, a good saver do web design an original and eye-catching, but when you create a site should take into consideration the usability of resources, which just affect flash-technology. Among the disadvantages of using Flash, you can identify the following: 1. The size of files produced commercials more than the amount of static images, so the download speed is usually reduced.

2. To view the Flash-animated Flash-Player needed. But not all users have it installed. Thus, creating a Flash-animated, it should be remember that not all your visitors will be able to see it. 3. Excessive animation on the site may mislead visitors that often leads to the fact that people just go to the site. However, in some cases the use of Flash is justified.

For example: 1. When designing banner ads, because the animation in Flash is always smaller than in the GIF, and dynamics is needed when submitting advertising information. 2. In developing the information banners, as the focus on user interesting information is the right approach. 3. When you create a promotional site, to a greater extent advertise any product or service, rather than containing large amounts of information. 4. When you create a special effect on the site, but on condition that the site will display properly for the visitors, no Flash-player installed. Thus, the use of Flash-animation on the site or failure of it depends on the specific objectives set in front of the site.

Tone Wallpaper

The picture is a direct effect on the state of the user, as it can make an appropriate disposition, which would depend on what is depicted on it, what subject, etc. Choosing Desktop Pictures table, you must remember this. Knowing how to influence those or other elements of color and mood, you can use some pictures to get the desired effects, and also by analyzing what wallpaper chose one or the other user to their desktop, find out his mental state. Let us dwell on the color of wallpaper that will determine the users as main, because he has a very powerful effect. Unconsciously choosing the color blue, a person strives for harmony and order. Dark blue color is chosen when the discharge requires a strong and complete rest. Picture, where there is predominant blue-green color, people establish when they need to get a sense of confidence.

The user who sets the desktop as the core, blue, thinking of something romantic, sublime, unattainable. He wants to be to the maximum open, truthful and still understood. At the moment, the man at peace, his body and mind are in perfect harmony. The purple color is present on the wallpaper for your desktop sentimental people, who dream of escape from everyday tasks and eliminate the problems. Choosing the yellow as the predominant color images to the desktop, people are trying to draw attention to themselves. Maybe they do not have enough confidence in himself and lowered self-esteem.

But they believe in a better and extend the conversation and merriment. The orange color is distinguished people in a good mood, as well as those who have felt the need in some new hobby. Pink likely to find the desktop of the one who lacks the tenderness of romance and want something spiritual. The red color of the wallpaper for your desktop points to the user, trailing for power, new victories and vivid emotional experiences. Green – indicates the need for self-affirmation, the pursuit of knowledge or a desire for career advancement. A user selects a color, always knows what she wants and knows how to create clear plans for the future. If the picture on the the desktop is a lot of brown, the user has chosen her, probably in search of peace, of comfort, warmth and comfort. Its features are: the comprehensiveness and rigor. Black color indicates that people are tired of communication and problems in life. Probably he had depression, or it refers to the current bleak state of affairs. If the main color wallpaper, gray, we can determine that a person is difficult to experience something, he is excited and tries to shut down. White is chosen by people who are also hoping to forget something bad and make your life something new and bright. This is the color of the wallpaper for your desktop defines some empty in the soul of the user. Thus, knowing what effect this or that determines the color of the user, it is possible for primary color present on the wallpaper for your computer to determine the users a lot of important information.


Algorithms 'filtering' by the day improved and become more complicated, and the 'leak' through the filters 'civil' correspondence becomes more difficult. The first risk area is the inner content of mail is a topic and global concerns not only the mass mailing. This problem – the number one! Number – two: The server is being Newsletter! Mail servers pride themselves on their 'perfect' spam protection, such as Yandex, Mail.Pu, Rambler easily compute server which comes prohibitively large number of letters, and can be easily 'cut' IP block in their input. Number – three, power email hosting! Not all sites will be hosting is measured by the sending of your site. Most of them are starting to reboot for the abundance of outgoing mail, without fail, informed of their discontent, and in the form of a rigid and does not require discussion. Accordingly, the pre-limit is to address issues sending mail, the service support for your hosting provider. For example, support 'Space Web' I replied that they had no limit is set, but just in case of endurance, I checked out the site … (result later) So, composing only 'problem' 1 and 2, we can determine the percentage of filtering our mail, 30 – 35 %.

C risk of certain losses may be the case is measured by sending you news, online newspaper, a magazine, but when it comes to e-commerce, and your recipient is a regular buyer waiting for the new bids from you … The conclusion, I think, begs itself – use the services of a professional service that will take over responsibility for guaranteed delivery of your correspondence. Most sharpened for this service, I think Max smartresponder.ru Heeger. A huge advantage of this service is that the author is not burdened with conditions on the regularity of distribution. Lish must pass a simple registration process and the author gets the full freedom of their mailings, and for a free account 'SmartResponder.FREE' has its limitations so small that they can not be a problem for the conduct of serious distribution.