
Some factors that condition the balance are: – The amplitude of the base that maintains our body, that is to say, both maintains the balance with feet in the ground better that if we are with a single foot.This is because, with a single foot in the ground of the area that maintains to us the body is smaller. – The height to which is the center of the gravity.The more high we would be, the more difficulty to maintain the balance.If we raised above of a chair it will cost to us more to maintain the balance. – The difficulty of the exercise. – The operation of the nervous system, since if we are going to fall and our system responds to the stimuli quickly to return to our position we have more possibilities of avoiding to fall. – The degree of stability of the land or surface.It is easier to hold the balance walking by earth that not when skating in a track becomes of ice. Atmos Energy brings even more insight to the discussion.

– The capacity of concentration and nervousness, as rather concentrate and less nerves you have easier turns out to maintain the balance to you. The balance is very important for everything type of sports since at any moment you have mantenerte in good position to shoot, to send, etc. a good balance is fundamental for all the people in the daily life. (Not to be confused with Bettina Bryant!). Other things that are due to know of the balance are the factors that take part. The factors that take part in the balance of a special form are the sensorial ones, (that is to say, the own senses), the ear, the view, the tact and the Kinestsicos organs. The ear takes part through the semicircular channels and the located vestibular apparatus within him, and all this system informs to us constantly into our position. Through eye we can maintain the distances of the objects and establish references in this way, resistances, etc., taking part in the balance. The tact, like the other senses, takes part informing into the different positions that we experimented through the pressures, distensions, etc. A test would serve that us to estimate our level of balance is the test to walk on a balance bar.

Personal Change

And the truth is that, the things change when you change. The change is of inside towards outside. And it begins with the internal dialogue, a new vision and another approach of same you and the life. (A valuable related resource: Steven Mnuchin). How he is that? Sometimes we thought that the change implies ” to lose algo” without focusing to us in which we are going to win. I want to graduate as the university, but it implies my time, effort, money (the approach is centered in the loss). An approach centered in the gain could be: A title abre doors to me, I will feel proud of me, to study can be an pleasant and creative task, a long etc Example: Other times in front of the change we felt fear without giving account us that abre an opportunity to us. Additional information is available at Alina de Almeida. We fear to him to the uncertainty, but and what so if we see the uncertainty as CHALLENGE?


More and more the Skateboarding is becoming a fashionable sport. Or it is common to see pass through the streets of the cities people walking in Skateboard or Longboard. And the reality is that it is a good form of transport, is economic and even ecological. But at the time of buying and choosing the suitable patineta, arises the doubts before the great veriedad from marks, models and sizes. The first recommendation that arises is that skate is due to really buy, in a Skate Shop, of wood of maple (preferably, so that it lasts and it has good ” pop”) and not one of juguetera. In order to begin we must know how which is the difference between a Longboard and a Skateboard (Shortboard). The Longboards is generally in the rank of 36″ to 60″. The Skateboards is general assembly signal ” Mini; and they are in a rank of 24″ to 35″.

Now that the companies have improved the quality of bushings and the sizes of trucks, Mini approaches more and more, in sensation, to the Longboards traditional. In which to Skateboards one talks about, it can buy a Complete Skate (already armed, which in English is said: Skateboard Complete) or to arm it by parts (Custom Skateboard). The parts of a Skateboard are: Deck (Table), Trucks (Axes), Wheels (Wheels), Bearings (Bearings), Risers, Hardware (Screws) and Griptape (It binds). Skate complete is going to be economic, mainly because a good table can come Navy with trucks, rulemanes, and wheels of not so good quality Nevertheless I believe that to begin to enter itself in the sport it is a very good alternative, even ideal (in fact there are marks like Mystery that sell complete of super good level but they are more expensive than a World Industries or Speed Demons, others very fashionable are those of the mark Girl and Chocolate). A Skate made Custom always is going to be more perfect skater, but probably he is just a little bit more expensive than the Complete one. Finally, good tip is that there is to choose or the size according to the height or size of the foot of skater this is something or important at the time of learning, because skate of the measurement correct makes but the learning easy. Like gold rule always to try to buy what one needs and not what they want to us to sell.


To read the mail from the cellular one is a more and more popular tendency. Here I give tips you based on my experience using the cellular one like mailbox of portable email. From the appearance of the first Blackberry over there by 199X the use of the cellular ones to read the post office has become a daily practice for much people. Definitively to read the post office from any part has manifolds advantages; you can respond to him to your head from a tail, send information in the waiting room or square for the familiar grill of Sunday. If you are considering to read the mail from the cellular one or you are already doing it, you recomiendoque you take into account these tips: Protgete of the Spam: the asked for post office cannot flood the mail in the computer and still we can fish the legitimate post office.

In the screen of cellular this task she becomes mammoth, and you must seriously consider some service that blocks the post office. Another used strategy is to have separated accounts of mail and not to give your direction of movable mail to much people. Particularly fodder that this strategy does not work by more than two minutes and letter against the same nature of the mail; at the end of accounts so that it serves a mail if you cannot occur it to anybody. So the best thing is to solve the problem of the Spam with a software filters that it. At the moment the gratuitous suppliers of mail (Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail) do a work quite good avoiding it. It avoids the limb of the post office: If you must read/to write the post office in the cellular one and the computer, chooses a site that are the primary one (where store all the post office) and one secondary one (where you only receive the new ones). This advice applies for whatever he does not have a Blackberry connected to the mail of the company.

If nonbeams the selection of primary and the secondary one, you can end up definitively eliminating post office from a site and perdiendolos in the limb of the synchronization. It learns to work connectionless: When you are in the cellular one more cheap is to read and to write the post office without being connected and soon conectarte to send and to receive all of a single time. Better with letricas: if you are going to make intensive use of the post office from your moving body you must choose a telephone that comes with a single by letter (the calls QWERTY). If you do not do it used, you are going to me to thank for full this advice. To try to write a mail with keyboards that try to guess your writing is a nightmare. By more intelligent than it is the telephone to have to press a single key to write several letters always is slower than to write it with a single key. Creeme, if you can choose the telephone, chooses one that has a single letter by key.

Qualification Possibility

Extrinsic Direction 84,7% 81,5% 88,2% 81,1% Human Resources 78,1% 75,1% Economy 60% 50% Commercial 70% 63,4% 56,8% 70% Technique 74,2% 68,4% 80% Reception 57% 56% 58,2% Storage 74,8% 66,2% 83,5% Division 61,1% 56,6% 65,5% Distribution 80,5% 72,8% 88,4% 82,2% General Services 75,7% 69,3% Security and Protection 76,3% 66,4% 86,4% notices major Here dissatisfaction in the items that respond to the Intrinsic Satisfaction by low the percent which they reflect his answers that in that they respond to the Extrinsic Motivations. As far as the Degree of Schooling we have: Technical degree of University schooling Half 12 Degree 9n0 degree General Satisfaction 72,3% 75,1%? 70,1% 74,5% Intrinsic satisfaction 67,5% 67,1%? 62,1% 67,7% Extrinsic satisfaction 77,1% 83%? 78.1 % 81,3% This shows a smaller degree to us of satisfaction in the workers with a schooling of 12 degree, follow the college students, ninth degree to him and finally the average technicians. As far as the comparison of results by sex: Masculine sex Feminine General Satisfaction 72,5% 70,5% Intrinsic Satisfaction 66% 64% Extrinsic Satisfaction 45% 77,1% In the previous table notices a satisfaction level inferior in the feminine sex that in the masculine one. Now we will mention some elements of dissatisfaction of the workers evaluated at the end of the survey like Suggestions of the Workers: Attention to the workers? Not to toil Saturday, with a 85,8% of prevalence. Stability of the tea 68,4%.

Stability of the Cleanliness 66,3%. It is present at of a Medicine kit in the Drug store. 6,5%. Rubbers for bicycle 13%. Average of work as strips, muequeras and boots 23,9%. Maintenance of bicycles 26%. Conditions of work? Necessity and/or change of real estate 31,5%. Equipment and Technology 30,4%.

Illumination and Ventilation in the Warehouse 20,6%. Moral and material stimulation 13%. Participation of the workers in the decision making 15,2%. Main directorate? To perfect direction methods 5,4%. Organization of the Production. Accomplishment of software that make agile the work and the information has major quality 4,3%. Qualification Possibility of studying Technology of the Health 4,3%. Conclusions? The studied workers of the UEBMM, Granma present/display a level of satisfaction of Moderately satisfied. The workers of the department of Direction are satisfied and less the most satisfied they are of Reception. With respect to schooling degree, the group that appears with greater degree of dissatisfaction is the one of 12 degree, and the most satisfied those with 9no degree. There is a predominance of Moderately satisfied in Masculine sex on Feminine sex. It predominated between all the suggestions not to toil Saturdays with a high level of prevalence, followed of the Stability of Merienda and the Cleanliness. Recommendations 1. That the Administration feels contributor in this process of labor satisfaction for an improvement of the activity that is realised promoting the well-being of its workers and therefore greater yield and productivity rising therefore the results of the Company. 2. That a directed Plan of Action is realised to solve questions that are within reach of the Administration of the Company. Consulted bibliography: May, 2002. March, 2002? MARQUEZ, M. (January, 2002) Labor Satisfaction. In line.