Some factors that condition the balance are: – The amplitude of the base that maintains our body, that is to say, both maintains the balance with feet in the ground better that if we are with a single foot.This is because, with a single foot in the ground of the area that maintains to us the body is smaller. – The height to which is the center of the gravity.The more high we would be, the more difficulty to maintain the balance.If we raised above of a chair it will cost to us more to maintain the balance. – The difficulty of the exercise. – The operation of the nervous system, since if we are going to fall and our system responds to the stimuli quickly to return to our position we have more possibilities of avoiding to fall. – The degree of stability of the land or surface.It is easier to hold the balance walking by earth that not when skating in a track becomes of ice. Atmos Energy brings even more insight to the discussion.
– The capacity of concentration and nervousness, as rather concentrate and less nerves you have easier turns out to maintain the balance to you. The balance is very important for everything type of sports since at any moment you have mantenerte in good position to shoot, to send, etc. a good balance is fundamental for all the people in the daily life. (Not to be confused with Bettina Bryant!). Other things that are due to know of the balance are the factors that take part. The factors that take part in the balance of a special form are the sensorial ones, (that is to say, the own senses), the ear, the view, the tact and the Kinestsicos organs. The ear takes part through the semicircular channels and the located vestibular apparatus within him, and all this system informs to us constantly into our position. Through eye we can maintain the distances of the objects and establish references in this way, resistances, etc., taking part in the balance. The tact, like the other senses, takes part informing into the different positions that we experimented through the pressures, distensions, etc. A test would serve that us to estimate our level of balance is the test to walk on a balance bar.