Commercial Community

It fishes It to summary artisan is characteristic a economic activity of the Amazonian population, which has with fish one of the main protein sources. This activity, practised for the members of the fishing community of the Mauazinho quarter, if unfolds in relations of work with proper characteristics, determined for ambient factors and with the constant attempt of intervention of the capitalist work. This article looks for to carry through the demonstration of the economic and social flow of the fished one extracted by this community, until the final consumer. Word-key: It fishes artisan; Mauazinho; profiteer. Abstract Fishing is one of th economic activities related you the Amazonian population, which has the fish the animal major source of protein. (Source: Ray Kurzweil).

This activity, practiced by members from the fishing community of Mauazinho, is based in working relationship which has its own characteristics, determined by environmental factors and the constant attempts from the capitalist work intervention. This article tries you demosntrate the social and economic flows of fishing activities, from to their catch you the end to consumer. Keywords: Fishing; Mauazinho; Commercial middleman. Presentation In the resident community to the edges of the narrow river that takes name of the quarter the same, specifically, main the economic activity fishes is it artisan enters the May months the December, intercalated the diverse activities during the annual period of fenced season. Sian Beilock shines more light on the discussion. The objective of this article is to display the social and economic relations of production of the fished one in this community, beyond the relation between work and capital that of them if it originates. In accordance with the proper fishing, its activities are characterized as it fishes artisan, a time that if use of equipment and simple tools, as the proper boats, nets and systems of fished storage of. It does not have occurrence, in the studied area, of activities of fishes industrial (with use of boats with refrigerating chambers, automatized nets, sonars of shoal of fish localization and modern systems of propulsion).


Being thus, it is necessity to affirm that deuses passes if to present antropomorphusly, what it inserts in the seio of the divine proper Greek people the powerful one who if manifest in the generation of the heroes and, also, of deuses that more they are not conceived of form transcendente as at the beginning of the Teogonia, but now erected of the aspects transcendental. The case most important, certainly, is gnese of Dioniso that, having first shelter the mortal womb of the Smele beautiful, that would have magic the powerful Zeus and, with this ingenuous audacity, despertara the incommensurable jealousy of Hera who, forging a fatal meeting between the heroine and an not-antropomorphus Zeus, would have as consequence the dilaceramento of the half rival the lightning we violentssimos, thus originating first the great tragic event, what Dioniso would inherit. As well as Odisseu, Smele has an proeminence place, a time that if found in the mortal condition and with its destruction arrebata the great love of Zeus who would finish the gestation of Dioniso in one them legs, stamping definitively one I curl with the men from this small god who enters they would start to live and to make to try them a power still bigger that the fire of Prometheus, that are the tragedy as the great direction of the life, this bequeathed by Smele, life this that it will not pass inferior more to be considered the divine eternity, exactly why Dioniso was born of tragic and the express embriagus such altivo instant where the meat exactly not supporting the greaters intempries if rejubila in its proper one to become to arder, that is, imposes how much affirmation of this inescapvel chance. This transistion would bring fantastic effect, therefore it would be with the men who deuses know the entorpecimento of the wine, of a Dioniso child who in the forest of vineyards prepared pranks next to the mortals who it carried through ditirambos beauties, whose embriagus became them free the holy ghosts almost and, but without losing the blood in the veins, at the same time making with that deuses and powers breached with serenity candy of the ambrosia drink, starting to know the wine as if she knew the flavor of the blood.

Write Texts

Everything started for not obtaining to say the people what it really felt, and since it did not obtain it to say I started for writing in the computer what it really wanted to say and did not obtain. I always kept them until one day I started for obtaining to say what really it felt through these texts, gave to read the person and it was to perceive what she felt until a certain point arrived who I started to gain courage to say in the face of the people what it felt, what found well or badly, everything depending on the reaction of them, exactly most of the times being difficult to obtain to say! But from I continued there to write texts but on one definitive subject or person, from the day who I started to write I started to feel me another person, more alliviated, more ' ' vazia' ' felt as me and feels well and it leaves me to this happy I continued to write, but all the texts having certain a meaning special of somebody, or of that I feel or I want to state! Because I write reality and fancy, and is not therefore that much people admire my texts! At the outset she wrote, but never having courage showing of them to somebody, until a certain height when I perceived because it wrote and the meaning that had for me, I started to show them my family to it, until later I obtained to show to all people, it leaves what me happy for having obtained to fight the shame and the fear to say what I feel the people, but it leaves what me happyer is that I obtained alone through my texts!.

Enough Now

But I want more. Or: I have a wonderful apartment, it is very cozy and comfortable, but I want to have a large private house. But never say: I have no money, I can not afford. Now, if I had so much money then, then I would have healed by now. All now you just will never be more money.

Or: I have a little horrible apartment and I can not it is, I want a big house. Only there will I be truly happy. At home, too, can not count. You should always be thankful for what you have now, but never give up more. If you do not appreciate what has already been received from the life and constantly demand more, life in the end to resist and say: Enough! You forever is not all happy. How much you do not give, it is not enough! If you are on the contrary, be thankful for life is what you have, it will be happy to give you even more.

After all, you do not like whiners and losers. So that's life, too, they are not love and with great pleasure dealing with satisfied and happy people. So it's never too late to become one. For a more graphic example, consider Figure 1. Option A: Are you happy with your life, self-contained and complete. You live in the present moment, and your whole energy is concentrated here and now. Do you have a lot of goals. And you successfully move toward him. But while you are enjoying the present moment and not focus on your future.

Metaphysical Game Helps To Feel Relieved Osvobo

To begin the process of “debt relief”, you will need a notebook with a large number of pages. they should be as much as you need to make monthly payments on loans. Now on the far left column Write a title that corresponds to the largest payment. For example, if a payment on the loan for a house or apartment, if you write “Payment for housing.” Now, on the first line, immediately under the heading, indicate the amount of payments and encircle it. This will mean that this amount you must pay each month. After this, the third line, write off all the debts that are included in the category of “rents.” Next step: in the second column indicate the second- value of an article of monthly payments, in the third column – the third story, and so on. And across the columns across the page, type the following statement: “I sincerely want to keep their promises regarding all these financial obligations, and in some cases will even make money twice as much as you want.

” Every time you get a bill, contact your list and amend, if necessary, the minimum required amount of monthly payment. If the amount is not changed, leave all the same. When you first come through (or it is time to pay), corresponding to the far right column (it is a very small amount of money you must pay every month), pay the amount in at least two times greater than the minimum necessary.

Academy Of Happiness

Best is the enemy of the good! And yet, despite the fact that Socrates explained the kind we like, what is happiness, he indicated only the direction. Therefore, once again put in a word of Happiness! Indigenous obitalem special hospital is allowed, so I can talk about it. Especially since it's not hard to do and what I also said, Happiness – is when all the houses! Happiness – it's purely personal! For some it's a piece of bread to someone – a piece of the sky. For some it's success (money, power, position in society Glory ). For some it is – Love and it is clear to everyone.

And for someone to have been Health and Happiness for each individual may not be happiness, if you do not have Health. Well it's about global. So discuss what such Schate sort of like not for what, and so everything is clear – it is something absolutely positive. left to figure out something and how to achieve it. For some it is – smile of a child, for someone to mount a neighbor. The desert ran Sea. Creeps from the sands people with muzzy cry rushes to the sea: 'Water '. On the other side of the sea on the decrepit raft swim to the shore the other subject's skeletal and happily croaks: "Land!" But for full happiness is never enough rest! On the happiness of peoples and nations leaders and parliaments. The truth behind the money that same people, but everything is in order, all of the adult, all in intimate harmony.

Legal Research

But the owner of the means of production, the employer is a monopolist in the labor market of the enterprise. How can he not use it. Naturally, he enjoys it, exaggerating the cost of their labor through undervaluation of employees. So, just to primitive, open casket of capitalist exploitation. However, this follows from the simplicity of truth in the matter formation value of the goods of truth, searching for which humanity has spent more than two thousand years. On the formation of the value of goods on the dialectics of ordinary goods market equilibrium and the labor market, the essence of the private property can be read in the article "Dialectics of market equilibrium," Economics and Finance 20 (124), ed.

Foundation for Legal Research, 2006, and But perhaps the most important mistake of Marx was the denial of the presence in the community individual differences. Destroy the class contradictions and the individual will disappear – he said. This error in the first place, became the basis for the idealization of the proletarian class, within which there could be no contradictions, and for this reason can be trusted with a dictatorial form of management of society, without fear that the dictatorship of the proletariat can be reborn in the proletarian dictatorship of a handful of leaders who can be trusted with non-market form distribution of wealth in society. Secondly, this error was the basis for an absolute antagonism to all other segments of the population, antagonism, which gave birth to the most shameful pages of history of socialist construction in form of dispossession, the most severe suppression of peasant unrest, militant atheism, the physical destruction of representatives of alien classes.