
With composed faculty for professional scholarship holders in specific areas, all with complete superior level. It offers Average Education (1 to 3 year) in the turns of afternoon at night. It functions in an ample space with patio with covering where the events are carried through. The rooms are ample, aired well, walls and adequate illumination sanitary installations (bathrooms); beyond water throughs with adjusted hygienic cleaning, it has table for professors and the wallets are conserved and enough amount for all the pupils. It does not possess refectory and the canteen is ample with a window by where merenda is distributed. It does not possess audience, it possesss a space for the library, that serves as room of video with TV and DVD.

It possesss secretariat, room of the direction and the professors. Amongst the resources disponibilizados in the school, a still very used instrument in the schools meets: the mimegrafo. Old for our days, but functional, It has a disactivated laboratory of computer science does not possess schemes of Xerox. Velox of 1 has Internet of oi mega, however without functioning. Ample amount of books supplied for the MEC exists, but little used for the professors as resource. As it was discriminated, illumination of the patio at night is enough.

The school possesss only 2 entrances, 1 of them always watched. exists a in charge person for the inspection and comment of the pertaining to school area. 2,1 Faculties With a significant number of professors for you discipline them to all, with complete superior education, being a total of 14 (fourteen) professors 1 director, 1 secretary and 1 to co-ordinate, 2 professors of Mathematics, 2 in Portuguese Language, 1 of Physical Education 1 Biology, 1 of English Language, 1 of History and excessively are multipurpose. 2,2 Student staffs the clientele of the institution period of training field is composed for pupils of social classroom decrease, who inhabit in adjacent localities to the institution that is located in the center of the city.

The Same

For it, modernity is apoca that it reaches an excellent degree of abstraction and rationalization, to the point quee in the direction of that, with this, it has indirectly reached something bigger emais complex, and that it characterizes definitively it better of what any idiade rupture: the desencantamento of the world. If in modernity desencantamentoatinge its more evident state, this does not want to say, however, that eletenha started there. Centuries and centuries had been necessary so that the Europe modernavisse same itself abstracted of to be able them to all mysterious and magical that antescircundavam its interpretations on the world. In its sociology of the religion, Weber if strengthens for tracing the long one desenvolvimentocultural that culminates in a disenchanted culture. In these studies, Weber leaves undisputed amarca of its conception on the ticket of history. If rational areligio occurs to the magic, this not if of, however, to the umaoposio way. When it is gone of a segment of history for another one, only can-sefalar of an opposition between them through ideal-typical concepts; not to podehaver in the historical, concrete reality, in its ticket of a moment to another one, no opposition, no absolute negation, but only intense continuidadede devir that it only can be apprehended, tried, lived deeply e, over all, memorized, registered, partially, promptly; in contrast of what pensouHegel, for Weber a historical change does not appear as a negation of one estadoantecedente; this is generally the typical way with that the agents and sujeitosda same historical change interpret and justify itself its paper in relaoa its time: it is the way with that, in the case and its expressoprtica on the life behavior is the aspect of> better orepresenta medieval period that, and that the same it is valid for science in relation to modernity and if, in turn, only ' ' one delgadssimo hair wire separates faith of cincia' ' , entono agrees to speak of a period as opposition to the other.

The Types

Lineu considers this the highest order of the animals. Simpsom considers in the following way subordens them primate: prossmios and anthropoids. 3.3.2 HUMAN FSSEIS Fsseis are appraised by Mendes (1965: 3) as ‘ ‘ remaining portions or any other vestiges left for beings that inhabited the Land in the times daily pay-histricos’ ‘. The fossilizao process depends on certain ambient conditions, in which the organisms must be: conserved, protected and preserved.

The types most common of fossilizao of the human beings, are: petrifaction, impressions, footprints or tracks. 3.3.3 PROCESSES OF DATING to verify the age of the fsseis are used some radiometric processes of dating: carbon catorze, organic potassium, fluorine, Uranian, among others. 3,4 PHASES OF the HUMAN DEVELOPMENT the man is a primate who, of anthropoid, changedded itself into homindeo. Although small the number of fsseis, the Ramapithecus primitive, placed in the condition of ancestral of the man, was found in some regions: India, Pakistan, Turkey, Kenya and Ungria. In general way, four basic structural phases can be recognized: daily pay-homindea, homo erectus, homo sapiens and homo sapiens sapiens. 3.4.1 AUSTRALOPITECUS australopitecus, also man-monkey call belongs to the family of the Homnidas and the phase daily pay-human being.

It was erected, bpede and inhabited in much more open lands that its ancestor. The scientists in general way recognize only one sort, australopitecus, and two species: a. africanus and a. robustus, even so the Leakey present one another one, the Homo habilis.

Free French Foras

However, the fall of the biggest democracy if not only gave for the fast onslaughts of the enemy, but also to the lack of preparation of the allies, who used of tactics of the First War and had a lesser number of airplanes. General Charles de Gaulle exiled itself in England and formed the FFL (Free French Foras) so that its friends could resist. With about 500 a thousand men, through messages he saw radio, had started to study the enemy stops later informing to the allies on its probable strategies of attack. 1.4 The UNEXPECTED BRITISH VICTORY After the fast and easy victory against the Frenchmen, Hitler was turned against Great-Britain. Real Air Force) and the Luftwaffe.

Although the Germans will be in advantage how much to the number of airplanes, they were not prepared with strategical bombers, armament weighed, adjusted shield, beyond the disadvantage how much to the supplying, since they fought in English airs, with this intended to destroy aviation to facilitate the invasion for land. The commander-in-chief of the Luftwaffe, Hermann Gring, did not obtain to destroy the forces of the RAF, the highest technology of war of the time if he made gift in this battle. The British already counted on an advanced system of radars allowed that them to know with precision where they were the German aircraft and thus had had advantages on the enemy. Exactly thus, in September of> 1940, London was bombed many of its old constructions, as historical churches and monuments, had been destroyed, as well as the plants of aircraft. However, the RAF resisted bravely. The London firemen fought against the flames of the city and the civilians crowded the stations of subway in an attempt of if to protect, the suburbs of the city drastically had been attacked and many civilians had lost its lives. In little more than three months of battle, Great-Britain lost about 900 airplanes and Germany, 1.700.