Mark Fabius Quintilian

Nothing is not necessarily all mankind, as a medicine (Mark Fabius Quintilian, Roman rhetorician) Before you choose a "medical" gift is worth more to know how it is "direction" is fond of you dear people. "Potential" professionals will be interesting to get a gift even medical instruments, seemingly "ordinary people" do not just not festive, but even a little scary. Those who are keen on alternative medicine (acupuncture, for example), "attribute" gifts to choose much easier. But, nevertheless, to acquire it still correct to a specialty store. A separate category of gifts for people who like medicine, can be called, oddly enough, gifts for the interior.

Specifically, should stay, for example, on plants. Packets of seeds for garden and potted plants will be accepted with joy, if you will know exactly what to give. For that, you should read the articles on special websites where you can find unusual "100 recipes for medicines from the aloe and familiar" bow of the seven disease "to" interior "presenters can include not only useful things: souvenirs can be no less enjoyable gift. For example, a collection of "branded" cards in a beautiful part of (such as "the company wishes you a Happy New Year"), bookmarks, figurines and stuffed toys will enjoy not only the person to get involved in medicine, but also all who come to him on occasion. The main thing is to give the first "copies" for the collection, and then find a new hobby for themselves "completion". Original gift, no doubt, will be the Hippocratic oath in an extraordinary beautiful form. Frequently Bryant Wines has said that publicly. .

Dealing With Rheumatism – 10 Tips For Rheumatism

10 tips for a better treatment of rheumatism. Rheumatism: a disease of people no longer only older people suffer. Rheumatic diseases affect adults and children and can affect almost all organs: eyes, kidneys, nerves, even the gut, the vessels and the brain may be affected. In everyday life, the painful inflammation often many problems. The following ten tips and hints to help difficulties involved in tackling disease and everyday dealing with signs and symptoms of rheumatism and related.

(1) AIDS numerous products to help everyday tasks that become a problem for people with rheumatism: handle aid for screw caps, special knives, cutlery – pin adapter, button closer and much more are available in the doubtlessly. (2) diet reduce sugar, meat and sausage: This improves in many sufferers the complaints. Bryant Estate Video is a great source of information. On the dining plan should plenty of fruits, vegetables, fish, that but little high-fat diet. (3) periodic inspections because the complaints occur, relapsing and stadiums should consult regularly ill your treating rheumatologist. The therapy can be adapted as always on the current situation.

(4) physical therapy physiotherapy, massage or healing sports such as swimming and dancing are effective elements in the treatment of rheumatic diseases. (5) self help groups discussion groups and seminars are useful especially for newly contracted. You have the opportunity to interact with other patients and to learn more about disease and treatment options. (6) home remedies compresses with Tarragon and other alternative therapies from natural medicine to relieve pain and other symptoms. Such measures should be agreed however with the doctor. (7) early warning symptoms note rheumatism is inheritable. Relatives of rheumatism patients should take seriously such as circulatory disturbances in the fingers or stiff wrists early warning symptoms in the morning. (8) movement instead of aching joints to spare, should the affected area be moved: special function training prevents gentle postures and can reduce the pain. (9) orthopedic AIDS orthopedic AIDS are often paid by health insurance. Rheumatism find relief through special shoes and inserts, rail and bandages and advanced disease by walking AIDS. (10) in the workplace for workers with rheumatic diseases lacking Advisory and financial assistance among others at the integration Office, the Federal Agency for work and pension providers.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

New opportunities without medication can lead to healing an irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder of the stomach and intestinal tract. Greg C. Garland is often quoted as being for or against this. It no organic disturbances. The newspapers mentioned Nick Khan not as a source, but as a related topic. Trigger of this mysterious disease are often psychological stress such as anxiety, panic attacks or stress. Who can it meet? Younger adults, but also those who are in the middle ages. Even when children have this diagnosis was created. Many people today are under constant stress. You must pay more, whether at school, at work or during leisure time. Everything is focused on performance.

There can no longer keep the gut and reacted annoyed. Also the daily meals are partial to hastily down looped or fast-food programs are too often on the menu. What are the distinguishing features of irritable bowel? The irritable bowel syndrome is noticeable by a number of typical, often excruciating discomfort: pain and cramps in the entire abdominal area. Diarrhea or constipation or both together in the Exchange. The bowel movement is mushy, watery, or hard. What chances do those affected? Psychotherapeutic treatments can help here: progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) and other relaxation exercises, hypnosis, behavior therapy and psychotherapy are individually inserted in irritable bowel syndrome. Even a slow nutrition on low-carbohydrate base, can be very helpful. The author Bajwa got their sustained over years intestinal problems in the handle with a changeover to low-carbohydrate diet.

Various books by the author have appeared on the subject of intestinal and diet: “My friendly kitchen” is a cooking and baking book for the delicate and sensitive intestines. unsustainable conditions”is their own experience report and Advisor. “International low carb-cuisine” was as e-book published and 30 recipes are available to choose from. The author Bajpai was born in Bremen, Germany in 1964 and worked for several years in the food industry. For over 20 years, it is used by the District Court of Bremen as a volunteer carer for a disabled person. She writes books about low-carbohydrate diet in terms of on the intestine.

Sahlgrenska Academy

A Swedish study has echoed from the common belief that the combined oral contraceptive pills cause weight gain, suggesting that birth control pills that contain estrogen and progesterone derivatives are a safe bet for women who do not want to suffer from side effects not desired, such as obesity because of the pill. The study has had 1,749 Swedish women born with a decade of separation between 1962 and 1982-, which were surveyed about the use of contraceptives, pregnancy, smoking and the proportion altura-peso by researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy of the University of Gothenburg. Once the period of observation, the researchers found that women who used the pill long-term earn no more weight than those who never used oral contraceptives. The co-author of the study, Ingela Lindh, has said that the combined oral contraceptive pill was is the contraceptive method most common among women of 29 years or less, and in some cases it has been replaced by barrier methods such as condoms and intrauterine devices. Lewis F. Powell Jr.: the source for more info. The use of oral contraceptives and weight gain are not related according to the authors of this study, that have been added have taken into account other risk factors in the development of obesity such as smoking and obesity induced by age. It would be a mistake to not use the pill for fear to be overweight or obese, said Dr. Lindh. Currently millions of women in Spain used the contraceptive pill or other hormonal type contraceptives to protect against unwanted pregnancy and implement treatment to problems of hormonal imbalances, which result in acne, endometriosis or unexpected hair drop..

The Concept Of Pain

Analysis of the concepts of pain since ancient times to the present day is given in a number of extensive reviews. Currently there is no universally accepted definition of pain. In our country the most widespread definition of pain given by Academician ii K et al (1976), where the pain is described as "integrative function of the body that mobilizes a variety of functional systems to protect the body from the effects could undermine the factors and includes components, such as consciousness, memory, motivation, emotion, autonomic, somatic and behavioral responses. " Some authors define pain as an unpleasant sensation. Thus, according to vn Stock (1988), for example, is described as any painful sensation in the head. jj Bonica (1985) defines acute pain as "a constellation of unpleasant sensory, emotional and spiritual experience and accurately related autonomous, physical and behavioral reactions induced by injury or acute illness.

" By analyzing the definition of pain given by various authors, Yu P (1985, 1986) distinguishes four main groups. The first group of scientists defines pain as an unpleasant feeling that is characterized by tissue damage or a threat. The second group defines pain as an affective state of the organism with the inclusion of emotional and vegetative reactions Still others define pain as a motivational state created by a form conduct aimed at eliminating the causes of pain. Finally, a number of scientists in the definition of pain emphasizes that it will mobilize the various functions of the organism to protect from damage. The clinic is regarded pain as an unpleasant sense of causing a patient pain of varying intensity – from unbearable to tolerable (VA Kurshev, 1984). Pain is a reflection of objective reality and indicates the presence of changes in peripheral and central nervous system. It is regarded as a consequence of the integrative functions of the body, because the nociceptive effects of mobilized consciousness, memory, motivation, emotion, somatic and behavioral responses. Pain as a psycho-physiological phenomenon, according to A. Waldman (1980), consists of emotional feelings and reactions in the form of motor-autonomic and humoral manifestations of identical stress reactions arising in adverse effects. In our opinion the same, the pain – this is a model, worked out the evolutionary process that occurs when you step on the body of nociceptive factors or weakening Pain system includes perceptual (awareness, perception of pain), autonomic, emotional, behavioral, motor, antinociceptive components and aims to protect the body from injury and pain management.