The Loan

After that went for a week to go skiing. And so severely broken leg that was clear – the next three months, she will spend in bed, and another six months on crutches. The insurance company paid off the bank balance owed Ally – 22 thousand dollars, plus interest, but the victim did not receive any money, though it was insured for the full amount of the loan.

It turned out that although the money paid for the insurance the borrower, but the beneficiary of the contract is only the bank, but with Alia to the insurance company and did not speak. Therefore, the contract of insurance, you must find out to whom and in what proportions it will be paid compensation for insured event. The correct version is as follows: the bank pays debt on the loan and interest payments, the balance of the loan amount is issued to the borrower or his heirs. Finally, you need to know about the order of repayment of the loan: whether prepayment, whether applying for this penalty, what would happen if a payment is overdue. Alina de Almeida is often quoted on this topic. Also ask the exchange rate will be; conversion of funds, if is paying off foreign currency loans in rubles and vice versa. Not be amiss to learn about all the possible options for payment of the loan – in some banks to repay the loan can not only office but also through the Internet or ATMs function of cash, post, offices of other banks.

Thus it is necessary to clarify whether additional charges are levied for such operations. Some banks that do not have extensive branch network, customers are faced with problems large queues or inconvenient location of points of payment. At maturity, the credit through other banks will be charged a commission, which can be equivalent to an additional 2-7% per annum. And finally, it happens that the bank tries to charge a fee not listed in any contract. This, though rarely, but it happens. The banks write off commissions unilaterally. The most sensible, no fuss, and write a written statement in order to continue to have on hand confirmation that you bring the bank’s actions. In conclusion, we state – a bank loan business slowly. For ‘ten minutes and without a passport’ can be issued does not credit and debt bondage, and not on next ‘six months’, and the rest of your life!

Capital Management

When most traders buy – they should sell! Or fear, the main emotion, scares them away from a great deal. Or their rate is too high. Capital management process is emotional and not logical. 3. Greed prevails, proving that you are more motivated by greed than fear and Understanding the difference. The mere fact that you're a trader – which means that you have less fear than the "normal" person.

You are more motivated to earn money. Other people are more motivated not to lose money. Greed – it Ahilesova heel traders. Greed will nourish hope, encourage you to keep losing trades and grabbing profits too quickly. Hope your worst enemy because it is the cause of your dreams about the huge profits, and leads to an unreal world. Believe me, the world of speculation is very real, people lose all the money that are, broken marriages, families wander apart from the increase in income or loss. My approach is this – do not take all close to heart; gains may be fleeting, always pursued by the tax authorities, lawyers and unscrupulous investment intrigue.

Way to control your greed may be different from mine, and I can not give you the exact definition here, but I can tell you that you have to control your greed, otherwise you will not survive. 4. Fear hinders the adoption of risk – only if you should accept it. Fear is the reason why you do not do what you should do. You scared himself, unlike the winners, and take the trades that are lost or going nowhere.

Financial Education

If Ud study closely the curriculum of their children, you will find that they will acquire knowledge about many areas of life, but not the financial area. Why? It’s a good question, since it is assumed that the effort to teach them as much matter in order that might earn a living someday, should be accompanied with a minimum of instruction about what to do with that money once it is in your hands. (Besides spend it, of course.) However, my intention is not to question the system’s current education, but just to demonstrate that we as parents we cannot expect our children to learn something about the handling of money in school. Therefore, it is our task! And it is a matter of utmost importance. Just look at the level of indebtedness and poor preparation for the old age of the adults around us to understand it takes more than a good salary to ensure economically. Do then we teach them about this topic if we ourselves have received little education in the area of management and investment of money? The easiest thing is to learn alongside them. Then give you several data that my husband and I used to prepare our children in the financial area: 1.-Since we were pretty ignorant on the topic, we started to instruct with financial books and shared what they learned with them.

2. Les count our way of planning our expenses since we had married and together with them we analyze our mistakes and our misconceptions. We carry 3 to Bank with us and teach them the language Bank: rates of interest, deposit term, mutual funds, etc. We also carry them to know our account executives to be able to ask them questions. We instruct 4 in the proper handling of the money. Always inspiring them to think how they can generate money instead of just spending it.

Web Hosting

Depending on the needs and features of your site, there are four main types of websites accommodation: free accommodation: is simple to use and do not require your permission for the inclusion of advertisements or promotions in your web pages. It is attractive for the cost savings, but it also limits to your page if you want this to succeed and be recognized as a reliable company. Similarly, the features are extremely limited, as the impossibility of having bases MySQL, multiple accounts of e-mail or PHP; This accommodation option only so to all those that begin in this electronic world and not have the need to see profits immediately. Even are often used as a first approach to the hosting for knowing how you want this service. ghts. In this type of accommodation page is usually part of a subdomain or subdirectory, and totally dependent on a parent domain. Shared hosting: Some people prefer this type of accommodation because they do not wish to have the constant responsibility for the management of your server.

This offers elements such as PHP, ASP, MySQL, higher monthly transfer and the option to create multiple e-mail accounts. The main difference is that on a same server several Internet sites can be stored at the same time and the domain is own. Ideal for those who require a page whose daily traffic is not excessive. Dedicated servers: Unlike the previous, this type of accommodation is for all those who require a large amount of monthly transfer because it provides for a high traffic on your website. However, there are within the dedicated servers option that are being managed or not. If you opt for one managed, will be that someone be more managed and security will be limits in respect of the database or mail accounts. On the other hand, unmanaged dedicated server the opportunity that we be the server administrator, giving greater control in administrative tasks. This option is only recommended for those who have some knowledge in this regard, because it gives full freedom to the same settings.