Computer Games

Nowadays, almost everyone plays games. Games – it's fun. Computer games have been created around 1950, the university mainframe platforms and computer EDSAC. The very first game – a simulator of the rocket, designed Thomas Goldsmith Jr. and Ray an alternating Eastleigh in 1942. A little later, AS Douglas created the game "OXO", which copied the game "Tic-tac-toe." Computer games are classified according to criteria: genre, number of players and the way they interaction, visual presentation and platform. By genre computer games share: action, adventure, strategy, simulations, puzzles, fun, educational, and others.

As the number of players and the way they interaction of computer games are divided into: single and multiplayer. Platform PC games are divided into: personal computers, game consoles / consoles, mobile phones and PDAs. Now a lot of players play in the MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) game – a kind of online games. For example, it is all known game World of Warcraft, Lineage, Aion, Perfect World, RF Online and many other games. Only one game World of Warcraft is played about 12 million players around the world. What is interesting MMORPG game? First, this mass online game, you're not alone but with other players.

Secondly, when your character does not die, but if it dies, then you will be able to resurrect it. Third, a MMORPG game has no end, that is, when you do not see the text "end game". Fourth, this place is new friends and even from other countries. You can write a lot of other benefits MMORPG games, but I think the limit ourselves to these. If you start to play MMORPG game, then you will never go back to the single-player game, and even if return, it will not last long. Nowadays, almost everyone plays games. Games – it's fun. Computer games have been created around 1950, the university mainframe platforms and computer EDSAC. The very first game – it missile simulator, created by Thomas Goldsmith Jr. and Ray an alternating Eastleigh in 1942. A little later, AS Douglas created the game "OXO", which copied the game "Tic-tac-toe." Computer games are classified according to criteria: genre, number of players and how they interact, and a visual representation of the platform. By genre computer games share: action, adventure, strategy, simulations, puzzles, fun, educational, and others. By number players and how they interact video games are divided into: single and multiplayer. Platform PC games are divided into: personal computers, game consoles / consoles, mobile phones and PDAs. Now a lot of players playing in the MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) game – a kind of online games. For example, it is all known game World of Warcraft, Lineage, Aion, Perfect World, RF Online and many other games. Only one game World of Warcraft is played about 12 million players around the world. What is interesting MMORPG game? First, it is a massive online game, you're not alone but with other players. Secondly, when your character does not die, but if it dies, then you will be able to resurrect it. Third, a MMORPG game has no end, that is, when you do not see the signs "End game". Fourth, this place is new friends and even from other countries. You can write a lot of other benefits MMORPG games, but I think the limit ourselves to these. If you start to play MMORPG game, then you will never go back to the single-player game, and even if you return, it will not last long.

Computer Screen Monitor

Computer work involves constant eye contact with the surface of the screen. Obviously, it is necessary to ultimately reduce the burden on the eye, in order to extend the safe time and not the main cause of fatigue sensory apparatus of man. Following the relatively simple rules, this effect can be achieved. To ensure good quality work, you need to choose the correct size of the monitor screen and its type. Surprisingly, and so many "not on the eyes" modern LD and plasma.

It is connected with the physiology of the eye, and should not try to overcome itself. Simply return to normal screen. In any case, when working with monitor equally increase the burden on eyes as a bright background light and total darkness. If the monitor is relatively light sources so that part of the screen or full screen "illuminates" it should in some way shut out natural light: blinds on the windows, thick curtains, shielding of the monitor and so on. At night, to make space for the monitor was slightly highlighted, and the reflected light – the specialists in ophthalmology ago already recommended backlight for TV. No less important is the very position of the screen relative to the eye working.

It is imperative that the center of the working field were right on the horizontal line of the eye or slightly below. If you have to work to lift up his eyes, eye muscles tense up unnecessarily, that quickly causes fatigue and reduces efficiency. The distance to the screen surface of the pupil should not be less than half a meter, but it is, as you know, depends on the size of the screen and the features of view. If possible, choose a font or image size should be favored increased – this reduces load on the eye, which, accordingly, increase the time-free with this type of screen.

Backing Up Data

Computers have long since ceased to be extraordinary devices that are found except in specialized factories and research laboratories. It is even difficult to determine how far improved information technology. But it is clear one – because a substantial majority of the population dopensionnogo – especially urban – uses computers and other high-tech devices for preserving and transferring data, then the problem is actually the most savings collections of information also appears much felt. Believe that having the information, owns the world. And indeed such a statement close to reality. This is especially true of information of economic and industrial species.

But even the "death" a personal laptop can give the owner a lot of bitter moments. Not to mention this, that and the home photos, and videos, and a bunch of other cute little things that can be seen on a personal laptop or flash drive, lose very joyless. In this situation urgently requires an expert recovery raid array. And it is not trivial preservation of information, although it is very important. Significantly, to the extent it turns out, of course, to keep any media information on the whole state. Often, because of MFP or laptop corny man begins to get used to. Still, not every company can not only open accidentally deleted data, but at the same time and immediately fix a broken source of information.

So look for a company that does a repair hard drives have to be very serious and carefully. However, it is, of course, will depend on the value of information. Need to keep in mind, which does not in any way repair the source of information promise real experts. In order to initially guaranteed by low quality and amateurish, literacy only in the first place to clarify several important aspects. First of all, the ability to access client to the master, who will deal with the return information. If accepting orders – only manager to work with clients or simple inspector – could be good enough. For example, it would be difficult to figure out the price in advance of repair. Valuable as the periods of performance measures. For example, in order to non-functional test support, as a rule rather somewhere thirty minutes. And often enough to repair a couple of days. Of course, if the damage is not extremely serious. However, it should say master in the beginning obrabatyvaniya assignment. In the same way as the sum of your order must be determined initially. Naturally, we should not think that the complete restoration of lost data and the most media- can do inexpensively. However, one should not forget that the estimated cost of measures to repair is very rarely more than fifteen thousand. In another case, it is likely that your repair is elementary seek podhalturit.

Computer Services

Computer services – this is the direction in IT services, which sooner or later have to address any user computer systems. Be it a home user who uses a personal computer or laptop for entertainment, learning, information retrieval, or business owner that uses a sophisticated computer system to build and accounting business processes, storage of the history of customer requests, storing the history document management, accounting and other zadach.Kompyuternaya system, like any other, requires a periodic routine maintenance and troubleshoot it crashes. However, maintenance of computers somewhat different from other service equipment. First and foremost by the fact that computer – a complex, integrated system of hardware and software systems, which includes many components, algorithms, their interaction, policy access, and data interfaces between them. That is why, the problem computer service, especially in the business sector, where performance of a computer network often depends on efficiency of enterprises, it is necessary to impose on professional engineers. Such specialists are a great experience with a variety of computer systems, along with extensive theoretical knowledge in the principles of processing, storage and communication, modern software and hardware, the principles of construction, operation and development of information sistem.Zadachi Computer Support can be divided into two large groups.

This routine maintenance tasks, audit, service support and resolve problems sboev.K problems on computers is planned maintenance audit IT system or enterprise software and hardware of a specific computer or laptop. Installing the operating system (often install Windows), choose an appropriate set of software. Identify vulnerabilities in the system of information security, computer hardware systems, software systems is a priority in setting IT system maintenance.

Choosing Software

You probably often faced with a situation where you needed a computer program. And then you asked yourself the question: "How do, so do not spend a lot of money and still get what you want?" Many do not even hesitate to answer that makes no sense to spend money on software licensing, but rather to get free software or download and "kryaknut" license. But not all think so, and therefore we are faced with the choice of software software. We first consider the free programs. They have many advantages, the main one being that they are free, but in addition, to begin to use it enough to just download them online. AND and almost all free software can replace any product which costs money.

Significant disadvantages of free software is malofunktsionalnost and complexity in finding truly worthwhile program because the market is huge free products and many programs do not approach for solving various problems. The next point of my article would be "pirated" software, or more specifically compromised licensed software. They are just as free and can be downloaded online or bought in the transition. Yes, you pay a little money for it, but in the end get a product that has to constantly tinker: Permanent failures, lack of competent support service, irregular and delayed updates, and much more. But the main and very big disadvantage is that using "pirated" software, you are violating Russian law, which threatens fines and sometimes imprisonment. Finally we got to the licensed programs.

The main drawback is its cost, but when buying you get a complete and versatile product, when used which you will have a minimum of problems. Of course, many paid programs glitch in their work, but the risk of failure is minimal. And buying a CD with software, you can always contact the developers, if you have any questions on the use of remedial or malfunction of the product. So what software to use? The choice is still in front of you, because only you can decide whether you should take the time to search for standing free program, or at your own risk and take advantage of "pirated" software, or invest in a license.


Due to the reduction of cost of computer technology in general, and the cost of laser copiers in particular, the park office equipment in Russia is growing by an average of 20-30% per year. This in turn leads to increased sales of spare parts to technology, end-of-warranty period. Interesting fact: according to researchers at 70% of the sales company specializing in the sale of spare parts for computers, account for proceeds from the sale of spare parts printing and copying equipment, and 30% on everything else, including laptops, servers, plotters. In this case, the bulk of sales of spare parts for laptops that power supplies and batteries for laptops. Least likely to order the matrix and Motherboards. This is often not a warranty repair with replacement of these parts is too expensive for the end user, in some cases comparable to buying a new laptop with similar characteristics. As for servers, and plotters, everything here is more dependent on the manufacturer, such as HP servers often bought hard drives, power supplies, batteries raid – controller and rarely some other parts.

With regards to printing technology, there are sales leaders rollers, bushing, rubber rollers, gears, Thermal. At the same time in a given category of goods there such a thing as an original and compatible parts. For example, HP does not officially sell many kinds of gears, not in his official sales and termoplenok, and bushings. Of course, if you need to replace it, you can purchase a stove or in the collection of gear. But cost of repairs at the same time will increase dramatically at times. So often employees, especially those from small service companies prefer to buy compatible parts HP. Sale of original spare parts HP, such as repair kits, fuser assemblies, gear box with or without a motor, largely accounts for the large service centers, care about the quality of its services and customer peace of mind or to the end consumer, again medium and large companies who value the quality of the leading vendors. Deficit in any spare parts in principle is not observed, except for small parts to repair equipment and cartridges, which creates a very minor inconvenience for service centers. In addition, due to the existence of all clients, their customers find products any price range.

Windows NT

Program Format removes all data from your hard drive and creates a new file allocation table files. As a result of formatting you get a completely blank disc, which will not be any viruses or programs. All clobber! And not to lose so favorite game or an important document, you should always place in advance of such data to another drive. If the operating system installed on your C: drive, place all the programs and documents on the D: or E:. If your computer has two operating systems, the Keep one on C:, the other on D:, and documents and programs on E:.

In this case, you will format the C: drive (or D:) for the subsequent installation of a operating system and disk with the document E and programs do not touch. But it is possible only when the disk is left with the documents of infected files. If the infection has penetrated the entire do and can not be contained and cleaned, have to format the drives! Here we consider the most complicated case, which occurs when the computer is infected. However, the operating system could collapse without the intervention of viruses and worms. Damaged some of the file system folder of Windows, and the computer stops booting. Or loaded, but is unstable. In order to proceed with the installation of the operating system, you will need the installation disk was packed to the archive system.

Most operating systems take up disk space 800 MB. It is not possible to place a program onto a CD without compression, that is backed up. Therefore, the system first packs (compressed) in the archive, and then recorded on a CD. When the system will need to install, First, it is copied to the hard disk in a compressed form, followed by unpacking and installing. The process of copying, unpacking and installation takes 40-60 minutes time on fast computers. Installing the operating system runs without problems in cases where all the preparatory work is done competently, knowingly, and nothing prevents the proper installation, including viruses and worms. As you know, avaricious pays twice. If you put on your computer a pirated copy of Windows, Microsoft's server load into your computer spyware module under the guise of regular free updates. This module tells you to use pirated systems and the system is blocked by 40-50th day. So buy a computer company licensed disc with the Windows operating system and get a lot of fun, as well as regular free updates to the operating system. Remember that the licensing system can be put only on one computer. It is worth to you, the goodness of his heart, set it on the computer a good friend, as you will lose the license. License disk should be kept at home with the driver and copy it to other computers impossible. As an exception, you can put this system on a computer that does not go to the Internet. Finally, the time has come when you are standing at your computer, holding the coveted drive with the operating system, which intend to establish or re establish. Install operating systems Windows 9x and Windows NT are slightly different, so let them otdelno.Nachnem to install Windows XP as the most popular at present day

Installing Windows

Most often, users have resorted to one of two options for installing Windows 7 as the only operating system on your computer or as a second, while retaining the previous version of Windows. We will consider both options. Installing Windows 7 as the only operating system if your hard drive is empty or it has a previous version of Windows you want to remove and replace Windows 7, follow the instructions at Windows 7 installation. Insert the Windows 7 DVD-ROM drive on your computer. The first in the BIOS as the first boot device, you must specify the CD-ROM, because the installation of the system will be carried out with the DVD. The computer can be configured to boot from CD, so why try to boot. If the computer loaded the already installed OS, you must make settings in the BIOS. If you are a novice user, and certainly never faced the BIOS, consider the whole process step by step change the boot order of your computer to an earlier example, Phoenix-Award BIOS.

If your PC has a different version of BIOS, type the name of the menu and its items may differ, but fundamentally procedure remains the same. Determining BIOS (from the English. Basic Input-Output System – basic input / output system) – a program recorded on the permanent memory chip that is built into the motherboard. BIOS is executed when the computer is turned on, its mission is to performance testing of all devices and PC preparation for loading the operating system.


Creating software is an application development process and the actual dimensions of the practical importance of satisfying the specifications of functionality and performance. Programming software – this is one of the activities included in the cycle of program development. Program design is the process of building applications and actual dimensions of the practical relevance, meet the specified requirements of functionality and performance. Technology development programs and software should include a variety of types of programs, including those listed below. Standalone software: – installed on a single computer – not connected with other software and hardware, embedded software: – part of a unique application involving hardware, software General of time: – to serve for a short period of time, usually a few microseconds, Network software: – consists of parts interacting through the network; From the outset of the project should be documented, configuration management, which is likely to be changed or updated during the development program. The next step is to collect requirements for the application. It includes, above all, to discuss the draft with customers and other stakeholders, in its execution. An important part of software development is to design user interaction with the program. To take into account all the factors of quality easy to use checklists.

Free Downloadable

Implementation of moving information from one computer connected to the Internet, to screw your computer is seen for most of the users of the Internet as something unimaginable today, is not it? But in Actually, to download, information, images, etc. does not require extraordinary skills. Any one of us now has an idea what the site and how to move it and also all know how easy download or any other file on a Web resource. The Internet provides ample opportunities for everyone. Enough to know how to use a mouse and understand what happens when you click on the link. That's it! C Through this worldwide network of elementary attracts a huge number of users in all cities and villages, each of whom knows the meaning of the phrase 'Download'. But there is something that enters any confusion user on the Internet at any moment – it's the fear of endless expanses of the network.

How not to get lost in its expanse and pump program that is needed? At the same time, how did the Internet, there are different search engines system is precisely to ensure that the user found the information you need. Thus, each user can easily open your browser, open your favorite search engine and type in the search box 'Download … Name of the program … 'and before the eyes show a list of pages from which he can download the program that he wanted to download. Could this dream of our forefathers? 🙂 Today, developed various technology for conveyance / conversion needed programs. This use of the startup files on your PC as it is sold online Microsoft Windows Update. You simply mark the check boxes, arrows and buttons are You are about to add components to your operating system.

Still have most of the sites preferred manual method. Ie user logs in, selects the program that he wants to download and shakes click on 'Download'. A such way has proven itself over time, but, mostly, new techniques and this will replace an entrenched tradition of the Internet. The main thing that remains constant is the fact that the download program on the Internet will always be absolutely on forces even untrained users to technically. Filter program, what you actually need. You can always use my site to download.