Social Media

The people who visit a store on-line after reading on it in a site of social media are 10 more inclined times to buy something that other users, suggests new research of Sage Pay (PSP). The research, disclosed that, while seven percent of all the visitors of a virtual store makes a purchase online, the virtual storekeeper who receives visits from people who enter in its store through a site of social media beyond having 10 more visiting times – 71 percent – go to clicar in the operation section. The study still it showed that, while the retailers on-line can be good in attracting the consumers for its site, only one minority will be converted into customers. I suggest that, companies must develop tools of stronger marketing to make this conversion, the social media marketing, as advertising in the Facebook is a tool little valued, but it is highly efficient. Simon Black, director of the Sage Pay, said: ' ' flying of site for site, she is necessary very to seduce the customers of today. When the consumers enter in a store online, they even can to make a research and to place one or two things in the stand of purchases – but exactly when it types its number of credit card, not yet it has guarantee of that the sales will be realisada. The modern customer, many times looks at for the reaffirmation of a critical positive, offers special to become it accessible, cheap options of delivery and a fast, easy way and insurance to pay. Although the results, the research also disclosed to the skepticism on the power of the social medias between the traders on-line, with only five percent inserted believes them that the social media was the more efficient communication channel. This affirmation was supported by Keith Weed, Director of Marketing of the Unilever, that called ' ' word-the-mouth in esterides' ' , and it added that the marks could use it in its benefit.