Extrinsic Direction 84,7% 81,5% 88,2% 81,1% Human Resources 78,1% 75,1% Economy 60% 50% Commercial 70% 63,4% 56,8% 70% Technique 74,2% 68,4% 80% Reception 57% 56% 58,2% Storage 74,8% 66,2% 83,5% Division 61,1% 56,6% 65,5% Distribution 80,5% 72,8% 88,4% 82,2% General Services 75,7% 69,3% Security and Protection 76,3% 66,4% 86,4% notices major Here dissatisfaction in the items that respond to the Intrinsic Satisfaction by low the percent which they reflect his answers that in that they respond to the Extrinsic Motivations. As far as the Degree of Schooling we have: Technical degree of University schooling Half 12 Degree 9n0 degree General Satisfaction 72,3% 75,1%? 70,1% 74,5% Intrinsic satisfaction 67,5% 67,1%? 62,1% 67,7% Extrinsic satisfaction 77,1% 83%? 78.1 % 81,3% This shows a smaller degree to us of satisfaction in the workers with a schooling of 12 degree, follow the college students, ninth degree to him and finally the average technicians. As far as the comparison of results by sex: Masculine sex Feminine General Satisfaction 72,5% 70,5% Intrinsic Satisfaction 66% 64% Extrinsic Satisfaction 45% 77,1% In the previous table notices a satisfaction level inferior in the feminine sex that in the masculine one. Now we will mention some elements of dissatisfaction of the workers evaluated at the end of the survey like Suggestions of the Workers: Attention to the workers? Not to toil Saturday, with a 85,8% of prevalence. Stability of the tea 68,4%.
Stability of the Cleanliness 66,3%. It is present at of a Medicine kit in the Drug store. 6,5%. Rubbers for bicycle 13%. Average of work as strips, muequeras and boots 23,9%. Maintenance of bicycles 26%. Conditions of work? Necessity and/or change of real estate 31,5%. Equipment and Technology 30,4%.
Illumination and Ventilation in the Warehouse 20,6%. Moral and material stimulation 13%. Participation of the workers in the decision making 15,2%. Main directorate? To perfect direction methods 5,4%. Organization of the Production. Accomplishment of software that make agile the work and the information has major quality 4,3%. Qualification Possibility of studying Technology of the Health 4,3%. Conclusions? The studied workers of the UEBMM, Granma present/display a level of satisfaction of Moderately satisfied. The workers of the department of Direction are satisfied and less the most satisfied they are of Reception. With respect to schooling degree, the group that appears with greater degree of dissatisfaction is the one of 12 degree, and the most satisfied those with 9no degree. There is a predominance of Moderately satisfied in Masculine sex on Feminine sex. It predominated between all the suggestions not to toil Saturdays with a high level of prevalence, followed of the Stability of Merienda and the Cleanliness. Recommendations 1. That the Administration feels contributor in this process of labor satisfaction for an improvement of the activity that is realised promoting the well-being of its workers and therefore greater yield and productivity rising therefore the results of the Company. 2. That a directed Plan of Action is realised to solve questions that are within reach of the Administration of the Company. Consulted bibliography: May, 2002. March, 2002? MARQUEZ, M. (January, 2002) Labor Satisfaction. In line. Emagister.com.