After having observed what each writer cites on acategoria of the OBSERVING NARRATOR, we will see now what each one in says on oNARRADOR PERSONAGE to them. In if treating to narrative personage as already it was citadoanteriormente we will take as base the definition of D' Onofrio apud Pouillon () queafirma that ' ' it is through the point of view of the personage-narrator who conhecemoso that it is transferred in texto.' ' That is, so that the romance is in this category preciso that the personage is part of history. Thus, D' Onofrio points four types of narrative personage. Being they: Protagonist-Treat narrator to somebody that accumulates papelde subject of the articulation (narrative) and of citizen of the statement (history), ouseja, it counts history for lived it. Narrative Secondary-Treat Personage to a personage quenarra history, but, does not exert the protagonist paper. It presents the personages, being distinguished it the level of the articulation.
Witness-BE narrator that one that is present to only paranarrar the events, belonging to the plan of the speech. Dramatical narration exists a specific narrator, poistodos the personages, dialoguing functions as addressee of the message. However, Hook defines narrative personage in two, sendoo narrative witness and the protagonist. The first one, is classified not main comopersonagem, but, as somebody that tells the facts of which participoucomo mere spectator, however, as she is the central personage dosacontecimentos. Therefore, when analyzing the cited workmanship we perceive the presence deum narrative secondary personage being, this the participant of history, eatravs of it that the main personage is presented. ' ' I looked for, as costumo, the deep one of the car, in order ficarlivre of the monotonous colloquies of the receivers, that of ordinary has umaanedota always dull to count or a complaint to make on the bad state doscaminhos. I sing it already was busy for a mount of silks, that to deixouescapar a fast one to farfalhar, conchegando itself to give place to me.