New Vista Microsoft

Opening up prospects for an official release in light of the new operating system from Microsoft – Windows Vista – please and many computer manufacturers, and, of course, Bill Gates and his company. Windows Vista Why Bill Gates (Bill Gates) – is clear: at last released, and now sell and support. Computer manufacturers Windows Vista also will go to great advantage, because now only 15% of the working computers have sufficient memory and powerful graphics cards to install a new operating system (OS). Many users who want to install in their Windows Vista, will have to buy new, more powerful computers. What is so remarkable for Vista? Try to understand. Windows Vista – security and reliability of Microsoft (Microsoft) says that the new operating system is more convenient to previous generations of Windows (2000, xp, Server 2003), provides effective protection for computers against external attacks from the web and what we can, and also has a more attractive interface, something like a 'ala Mac os X Tiger from Apple. The safety and reliability of data in Vista (previously it was known under the code name Longhorn) placed special emphasis. Built-in protection against viruses, more flexible configuration of user rights, monitor critical services operating system, encryption of sensitive data, the system of protection against malware / spyware programs (Windows Defender) – Here is a partial list of new features and improvements over Windows xp. Developers of Windows Vista are assured that the new version they were able to avoid many of the shortcomings inherent in earlier versions of Windows.