
Alencar, the author of the indianista nationalism, master in the discursodescritivo, why intent to the plastic images, creative of estratgiasestilsticas capable to unite the imaginary devaneio to the realistic document, he brought to the light the Trunk of the Ip, in 1871. Century XIX was a time historical deexploso; of one to know description and classifier, we pass to one tipode to know that it apprehended the events empirically. The concept of Histriarompia with natural history and associated the internal history to it of the beings. Latin NAmrica e, particularly in Brazil, the necessity to formulate umconceito of identity was the main task. An identity that oravinculava it the love to the native land, however love to the nature.

Par excellence, aliteratura was seen engaged in the mission to construct and to organize a projetonacional. Thus, it hugged causes and ideals capable to understand the sociedadebrasileira. Alencar, inserted in this cosmohistrico, treated to represent and to register regions, descreverhbitos and customs of sertanejo and the gaucho Brazilian, of the romantic love of the jovensMrio and Alice. But, to the side of the history of Mrio, heroic personage who nascee renasce in many tickets, and Alice, surrender instrument that in to herium the way of being renewed, we find Father Benedict (benedictus, particpio of the Latin verb benedicere that he means to praise, to bless, to say the good),> from there to be it ‘ ‘ Pai’ ‘ , rational and emotional wire of all the plot. The personage Father Benedict is the factual representation of the sagradoafricano that describes the deep linking between the man and the cosmos, whose material and concrete base. To live in the sacred one for the primitive peoples was equivalent viverna par excellence reality. The reactions of these peoples ahead of the nature eramcondicionadas by the culture.> land, fire, air, water that the Africans and aboriginals articulate its relation with the sacred one: ‘ ‘ Father Beneditodescera the rock for the track, that its steps during thirty years had dug, and arrived at the cut off trunk of one ip giant that long ago frondosona is risen edge of the Paraba.