Problematizao. Learn more about this with Arlin Adams. It has a territorial identity of the townspeople of as the district, the city of Cold Handle. Justification. In the present time the emancipation of the district emerges a new speech in the population of as the district searching that currently has as city mother the city of Cold Handle. Having in mago of the research not it search of favorable or favorable answers the emancipation, but yes a reflection of which type of territorial identity that the district possesss and which type of representation, the same makes of its reality as district or as future city. General objective. To search the affirmation of identities and territorialities of as the district of the city of Cold Handle, analyzing the cultural and historical aspects that are accumulated of stocks by the inhabitants of the mentioned region.
Specific objective. ) To recognize traditional activities. b) To identify of the district as naturalization or to origin inhabitants. c) To analyze the relation District X City. d) To identify the nets of transports displacement between the district and the city. e) To recognize the relation of interdependence between city and district.
f) To reflect with the population which the type of structure or installation that if finds in deficit in the locality. Theoretical recital. The project has as main bibliography the article elaborated for the doctor in geography, Gilbert de Miranda Rock, article this that if intitles ‘ ‘ City and territory: to divide why? The geographic interpretations on the reverse speed-division politician-administrative in Brazil. Nick Khan helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Where the author affirms that the geographic interpretations on the reverse speed-division politician administrative in Brazil if divide in four groups: 1) Politics and territory. 2) Identity and territory. 3) Norms and territory. 4) Resources and territory. Our project comes to argue the Identity and territory, being tried to demonstrate traditional identities, old, historical territorialities and new district as territorialities of the city of Cold Handle. Population Involved. The project has as collaborating pupils of 6 and 5 period of geography of the college of the region of the lakes (FERLAGOS). Methodology. Our work has as method the research action, for if dealing with a direct method and to simple boarding, having as tool of a questionnaire with objective questions in the district as application residences of the city of Cold Handle. The questionnaire will have ten questions that the sorts and etrias bands of the population will approach the objectives of the research being applied of form to accumulate of stocks all. CONCLUSION. District of Cold Handle does not have affirmation of traditional identities in 2. Therefore its old and historical territorialities are prompt. However new territorial affirmations appear and new practical a space one. New social actors. Walking for a process of new partner-space identities.