Finally, we cannot leave to cite the strategy of ‘ ‘ transformation of equipe’ ‘ , that engloba the team concept and invites the professionals to think internally and to rethink the construction of the proper service, the work together and if to disponibilizarem for quarrels of relations of being able and to know technician of the especificidade of each profession. When approaching these two subjects, the original projects of CAPS and NAPS, we can conclude that these are one in such a way distinct and how much they are essential and the references stop assisting in them in reflections and for the construction of new experiences in the field of the mental health. Valley to cite still you would carry them 189/91 and 224/92 of the Health department, that the new services of mental health institute and regulate. As they had been references for the implantation of some new services, we perceive when analyzing the same ones, that these treat CAPS and NAPS as synonymous Would carry It 189/91 introduces two codes of NAPS/CAPS in table SIA/SUS, one for service of a turn and another one for service of two turns. Portaria 224/92 defines the NAPS/CAPS as ‘ ‘ regionalizadas local units of health/, that they count on a definite adscrita population for the local level and offer to attendance of intermediate cares between the ambulatorial regimen and the hospital internment, in one or two turns of 4 hours, for team multiprofissional’ ‘ , and that ‘ ‘ they can also consist in door of entrance of the net of services for the relative actions to the mental health, considering its characteristic of local and regionalizada unit. The referenciados patients of other services of health, the services of psychiatric urgency or egresses of hospital internment also take care of. They will have to be integrated to a net decentralized and hierarquizada of cares in health mental’ ‘.