Endorsed in authors as Pablo Freire (1998), Pretto (1999), Blacksmith (1997), Anastcio (1993), Ernest (1991), Ubiratan D' Ambrsio (1986, 1990, 2001), Vygotsky (1984), among others, we have a qualitative bibliographical research. This type of research, not in giving only one good theoretical support to them, but assists in the determination of the objectives, in the construction of hypotheses, the recital of the justification, the choice of the subject and the Final elaboration of the Consideraes. According to Gil (1994, P. 71): ' ' the main advantage of the bibliographical research inhabits in the fact to allow to the investigator the covering of a much more ample gamma of phenomena of what that one that could search diretamente' '. After that, a study of the main points of the theories partner-interacionistas and analysis of the thought of its main theoreticians and the main educational ideas on the paper of the school according to these theories. Finally, to proceed to a comparative study enters the main ideas of these authors, presenting the results and taken off conclusions, as well as searching a position concerning these theories, expressing some consideraes and conceptions acquired in elapsing of the work on the education of the Mathematics and the Mathematical Education.
3 WHAT IT IS TECHNOLOGY? It can be said that the technology is the set of theories and techniques that allow the practical use of the scientific knowledge. Also it is applied to the process through which the men develop tools and machines to increase its control and understanding of the half material. Looking at intently to our redor, we see a great variety of objects and constructed machines to take care of to the necessities or to decide problems.It is difficult to imagine a world without houses, cars or television.All these devices are the result of the progress and the development of the technology.