Want to celebrate its centenary yubeley being healthy and active person? Recent developments in nanotechnology have allowed Russian scientists to create a truly unique products. As they are based on short peptides. This peptide Bioregulators that have the remarkable property actually prolong life and improve health. A healthy and active dreams to be up to 100 years each of us, it's important for both professional activities, whether carving or agriculture, as well as interior design. In the mid-twentieth century, a leading American scholar Leonard Hayflick discovered the reason for which the aging process: cell living organisms can divide only a limited number of times. How can one learn to overcome this limit, which was named Hayflick? After all, the key to the long youth and activity.
On instructions from the security services of the matter Soviet scientists are engaged under the leadership of Professor Vladimir Havisona, corresponding member of Academy of Medical Sciences and director of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology. Result research exceeded all expectations. Restore the activity of the cells may be short peptides biostructures, consisting of several amino acids, which allow you to "tired" of the aging organism cells work just as well as younger and healthy. It is not superfluous to mention that the above studies were made possible thanks to the urgent repair of computers, which is always carried out in this institute.
More recently, peptide Bioregulators were available exclusively to employees of special services, which commissioned the study were conducted, as well as astronauts. Today in Russia there were peptide drugs, which have no analogues in the world. They are certified in the Russian Federation and is protected by domestic and foreign patents in 13 countries. Is now available in pharmacies drug "Bio Peptide", which is a source of peptides, slowing the pace of aging, improve the condition of the body in whole and contribute to its reconstruction. Due to its high efficiency and lack of side effects of the peptide bioregulators apply: For the treatment of diseases of various organs to slow down aging, increasing the active period of life for rehabilitation after injuries and surgeries to improve the body's resistance to dangerous and environmentally adverse conditions. For example, an organization in which exclusive furniture on a daily basis, for recovery under high physical loads.