But the owner of the means of production, the employer is a monopolist in the labor market of the enterprise. How can he not use it. Naturally, he enjoys it, exaggerating the cost of their labor through undervaluation of employees. So, just to primitive, open casket of capitalist exploitation. However, this follows from the simplicity of truth in the matter formation value of the goods of truth, searching for which humanity has spent more than two thousand years. On the formation of the value of goods on the dialectics of ordinary goods market equilibrium and the labor market, the essence of the private property can be read in the article "Dialectics of market equilibrium," Economics and Finance 20 (124), ed.
Foundation for Legal Research, 2006, and But perhaps the most important mistake of Marx was the denial of the presence in the community individual differences. Destroy the class contradictions and the individual will disappear – he said. This error in the first place, became the basis for the idealization of the proletarian class, within which there could be no contradictions, and for this reason can be trusted with a dictatorial form of management of society, without fear that the dictatorship of the proletariat can be reborn in the proletarian dictatorship of a handful of leaders who can be trusted with non-market form distribution of wealth in society. Secondly, this error was the basis for an absolute antagonism to all other segments of the population, antagonism, which gave birth to the most shameful pages of history of socialist construction in form of dispossession, the most severe suppression of peasant unrest, militant atheism, the physical destruction of representatives of alien classes.