
Although if he evidences, many times, between us, current professors and educators, the fear to assume the education as action politics, become it urgency inside to consider the priority of the democracy of the pertaining to school space, as well as looking for in the tactics of the multiculturalismo, ways that can in to move away (and our pupils) from the pseudodemocratic apathy and the social authoritarianism, as well as, to strengthen us for the practical one of the interdisciplinaridade in order to see in it a factor of social interaction. According to Saviani (1991, p.41), ‘ ‘ the educative process is the ticket of the inaquality to the equality. Therefore, it is only possible to consider the educative process under the condition of if distinguishing the democracy as possibility in the starting point and the democracy as reality in the point of chegada.’ ‘ Ahead of this picture displayed in this work, observing law 5540/68, the University Reformation of years 90, the indissociao education/research, the social authoritarianism, practical the neoliberal ones of ‘ ‘ quality total’ ‘ the influences of these factors for the teaching formation and the daily one of the professor, we launch hand of a question that even for self-defense instinct, we try to conjure: the universities and the facultieses are if transforming into companies of consultorias and production of professionals for the market? BIBLIOGRAPHY. ARROYO. Miguel (1996) Reinventar and to form the professional of the basic education.

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