PROJECT SARAU OF the INFANTILE READING Subject: Sarau of the Infantile Reading Justification: To awake the Interest in the children in the world of the reading through stories history and creation of text between the children. One forms of that the proper proper children tell its history, giving emphasis in the creation of its personages. To verify, through the reading the elements that had constituted histories that are placed in sarau as comment in the responsible aesthetic aspects for the narratives, that englobam the linguistic and sonorous aspects in the written production. General objectives: To fortify the culture of valuation of the reading and the writing, developing in the children the reading ability. Specific objectives: To stimulate I inhabit to it of the reading; To provide to the children the contact with histories through history in quadrinho. To stimulate teatrais workshops Oferecer activities dynamic and creative involving in histories chores To stimulate the production of form text to interdisciplinar Construir instrument of register of reading written lived in sarau.

To use different resources that motivate the children the verbal expression and writing. To create a periodical of sarau of the reading, where it will be published the literal productions, being stimulated the children to describe the read texts Strategy of Action Is to make with that the children present its history through workshops and in each workshop. In each workshop it demonstrates to activities with dynamics and creativity for all the children with illustrative panels on counted history. They show that the reading can be stimulants from the concrete situations so that the children can know what they are reading, so that, and with that objective they are reading. Thus, it will be capable to attribute sensible what it reads. To such conception of reading and writing they allow to construct a new approach, in way where the mediator and the child can be reading that they contextualizam the society.