Currently, the program Society of the Information is being co-ordinated for the Ministry of Science and Tecnologia (MCT) responsible agency for the implementation of on activities to the development of the Telecommunications, the Internet and the politics of automation in the country. The objective of the Program Society of the Information is to integrate, to co-ordinate and to foment action for the use of information technologies and communication, of form to contribute for the social inclusion of all the Brazilians in the new society and, at the same time, to contribute so that the economy of the Country has conditions to compete in the global market. (TAKAHASHI, 2000, p.10) Currently, we pass for some alfabetizaes. We must lead in account that the educational formation does not limit to the domain of the reading and writing; the same one involves a diversity of cultural codes of the society and the economic and productive relations.
For Castells (2000), the ability or inability of the societies to dominate the technology is capable to trace its destination, in this direction, the alfabetizao is constituted of the qualification of the individual in dealing with the different situations faced in daily involving the old ones and new technologies. Amongst the current challenges for the Technology of the Information in the national scene, it is important to detach the necessity of if to review the dimensions, politics, cultural, economic and social and the occured transformations in Brazil and the world from the decade of 1990, as well as, the current convergence for an inclusive society historical, in this panorama, we do not have to ignore the necessity of adaptation and development of technologies and methods that allow to the accessibility to the people with specific necessities and the relevance of the factor regionalism, this vision is shared by Marteleto (2002, p.102), for the writer, the information is not a process, substance or entity that must be analyzed separate of practical and the representations of citizens living and interacting in the society, inserted in determined cultural spaces and contexts, the activities of information as well as the adopted technologies, need adaptation to the necessities of the users, being that, still thus, incompatible information and technologies with the basic characteristics of determined social groups exist.