They correspond to the environmental perspective. They constitute the factors traditionally used by organizations for employee motivation. Herzberg, however, considers such hygiene factors as very limited in its ability to powerfully influence the behaviour of employees. Chose, the hygiene expression exactly to reflect its preventive and prophylactic nature and to show that they are intended simply to avoid sources of dissatisfaction of the environment or potential threats to your balance. When these factors are optimal, they simply avoid the dissatisfaction, since their influence on the behavior fails to raise substantial and lasting satisfaction.
However, when they are insecure, they cause dissatisfaction. Factors motivating or satisfactory: relate to the content of the charge, the tasks and duties related to the post. They are motivational factors that produce lasting effect of satisfaction and productivity increase in levels of excellence, that is, higher than normal levels. The term motivation, to Herzberg, includes feelings of realization of growth and professional recognition, manifested through the exercise of the tasks and activities that offer sufficient challenge and meaning for the worker. When the motivational factors are optimal, they rise substantially satisfaction; When they are weak, they cause lack of satisfaction. 5 Theory ERG: this is the theory expressed by Clayton Alderfer. This was in accordance with Maslow in that the motivation of workers could qualify for a hierarchy of needs.
ES important to highlight that the ERG theory differs from Maslow at two points: at one point Alderfer notes needs to have three categories: Existenciales (those mentioned by Maslow) relationship (interpersonal relationships) growth (personal creativity) Secondly mentioned that when the higher needs are frustrated, the lower needs again, while they were already satisfied. In this respect it not coincided with Maslow, since it believed that you lost its potential to motivate a behaviour to meet the need. Furthermore considered that people constantly amounted by the hierarchy of needs, in contrast to Alderfer people up and down by the pyramid of needs, time in time and circumstance in circumstance. 6 The three needs theory: John W. Atkinson proposed in his theory that motivated people have three impulses: the need for achievement the need for affiliation the need to power the balance of these pulses varies from one person to another. The need for achievement has some relation with the degree of motivation that people possess to execute their job tasks. The need for affiliation is one in which people seek a close partnership with others. The need for power refers to the degree of control that the person wants to have about your situation. This somehow relates to the way in which people manage both success and failure. People who fear failure and along with the erosion of particular power can be found at times, a motivator of the utmost importance can be. However, for others, the fear of success can be a motivating factor.