In a previous video (You Tube), I mentioned four agreements of culture Tolteca, deciphered by the Mexican researcher Miguel Angel Ruiz, as you may recall the four agreements are: 1.-do not assume, don’t give anything for granted, if you have questions question, suppose makes invent things that only poison the soul. 2 Honors your words, to honor your words you honor to you, otherwise your values will go to the floor. 3 Has always the best if you always do the best, may not reprimand you. When it is given more than what you are asked, you receive more than what you expect. 4. Do not take nothing personal, nor a major offense, the largest tort, nor the snubs.To the extent that someone wants to hurt you the hurt, if you do not accept the offense, the you will need to take it, the problem will be, not yours.
The fifth agreement is: be skeptical. Never believe what you say, always doubt but putting much attention with eyes and ears very open and closed mouth. It is common to accept things very easily, especially when persons who are to tell them of our sympathy or admiration. This makes us make mistakes of opinion and we accept as true things that are often just opinion unfounded. Watch and listen the double of what you speak, remember that which is much talk knows little and vice versa. The extraordinary thing is that these 5 agreements were faiths many centuries before the coming of the Spaniards to Mexico and it seems that they are contemporary, by that universal values do not change only modifies the form of expressing them and apply them according to the season.