Erholungspark Marzahn

Tales of fantasy travel world in the Erholungspark Marzahn dates: Fri 17.12.2010 SA, 18.2 / FR, fr, 14.1. 12.3. / do, 21.4.2011 this photographic fantasy journey takes in the gardens of the world in the Erholungspark Marzahn. Inspired by gardens from different continents to dream: a Japanese, a Chinese, a Balinese, an Oriental, a Korean garden and an Italian Renaissance garden. The photo coach, who accompanied you, give you tells a tale of its own choice in the appropriate environment. Further details can be found at Professor of Internet Governance, an internet resource. Then go with the images in the head on a photographic journey of discovery. Rely on your imagination and moving photo playful on the border between fantasy and reality, inside and outside, between illusion and reality. Berlin Alexanderplatz literary photo strolling around the Alexanderplatz dates: sat, December 4/Thursday, 16.12.2010; SA, 8.1 / FR, 21.1/FR, 4.2., 19.2 / SA, SA, 5.3.Do, 31.3/FR, 15.4.2011 we are us for a photo walk in Berlin Alexanderplatz areas on or around the Alexanderplatz choose. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from kevin ulrich.

So we start in the Sophienstrasse, a road with small town flair. The peaceful atmosphere is dominated by old Berlin pubs and small craft businesses the Kleinstadtyidylle ends abruptly Alexanderplatz in noise and hectic activity. The peculiar charm of the Alexanderplatz consists of art contrasts between pre war buildings and GDR, between junk and rest. In the vicinity, the ruins of the medieval Franciscan monastery church offers a charming place for photos. The eternal Gartner-of nature and culture in the Botanical Garden in Berlin-Dahlem dates: Wed, 15.09./Fr, 8.10 MI, 27.10 / MI, 10.11./Fr, 26.11.2010 Thu, 20.1 / FR, 11.2./24.2./Do, 10.3 / th, 24.3/FR, 1.4 / SA, 9.4/FR, 29.4.2011 is the Botanical Garden of Berlin with an area of over 43 hectares and around 22,000 different plant species of one of the three largest botanical gardens in the world. Equally, there are trees of from different backgrounds and geographical gardens in a possible natural context.