-Researches about the subject to gain a greater understanding of what going to talk. -Turn off your computer – there are many distractions there that will make it impossible for what are not finished your article. -It begins to write all the ideas that come to your mind. Only plasma your ideas on paper, but you cannot edit it. Don’t worry if you have errors grammatical or if this messy; only focusing on write what comes to your mind (of course with the intention of creating a new article); the important thing is to dump everything into the role; And when I say everything, it is everything.
For example, if your thought is I don’t know what to write, well, simply write it, you’ll see an idea leads to another and your brain will begin to generate new ideas and not be able to stop writing. -Edit time: after you have made previous steps, reordered the paragraphs, corrects grammatical errors, erases prayers, then ask someone to read it and correct it according to your opinion. 2. The method of mental map: is one of the best methods that exist to stimulate your mind, creating ideas and translate them into an article, and create a general structure for your content. (I recommend using Freemind program, it is free). You can combine this method with the download of the brain to enhance your chances, what you do is create a general structure for your article and then use the Download method for each of the sub-items of your mind map.
3 – The third method is the talk, and consists simply of speak what you know about the topic. This is a quick and easy way to create content, all you have to do is choose a theme, beam search, read books, talk with people who have more knowledge, interviews, read relevant information on the internet and then only you speak of the subject while you record. Last thing that you must do is to transcribe the audio, you can get someone else who do this for you, that way to use that time to think or create your next article. Another way is that someone you interviewed or that your interview someone, either face to face or via skype, which is completely free. You only have to put in action and practice these methods; don’t forget that content is the King and without the your blog will be doomed to failure. A cordial greeting and Eduardo Miranda – Autor original article source