The two goalkeepers Manuel Neuer and Rene Adler have grabbed headlines. Goalkeepers are already crazy people. You are always the first and last of the square. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Eliot Horowitz. Constant concentration is required of them as any mistake by them can have fatal consequences. It is a goaltender with heart and soul. You must really love this position, because you can get little praise. Even if the keeper to zero plays it was a good performance from the defense and the goalie just did his job. But woe, it has dropped, and the game is lost.
Then, the man at the gate is the great scapegoat. By madmen and other flycatchers, Goalkeepers are very crazy types. If one imagines that some players shoot the ball at a crazy pace on the box, you would not share with the keeper. The Brazilian defender of Roberto Carlos can shoot a ball of up to 155 mph madness! Since every goalkeeper pulls up only the fists. What distinguishes a good keeper? Germany has brought forth always many talented goalkeeper. Sepp Maier, Toni Schumacher, Bodo Illgner and Andreas Kopke were masters of their craft. Especially Oliver Kahn and Jens Lehmann were the focus at the 2006 World Cup. But those who come to them? A new Eagle flies especially Rene Adler and Manuel Neuer playing currently in the public domain.
The two talented Nachwuchskeeper have replaced the tribal forces in their teams and convince with good performances. The 23 year old Eagle and also the only 21-year old new are very strong in the game on the line and are both types of new goalkeeper, who also can play with and represent almost the part of a sweeper. The reputation of money with the services increases the interest of other clubs. Timo Hildebrand has also noticed that. With great parades of former keeper of the VfB Stuttgart was instrumental in winning the Championship.