Today, it is so (or more) to fcilencontrar pendrives as it is to find medias optics, that if spread porprateleiras of markets, store and even though peddlers. Capacity: 0 variable, in Brazil the common one is to find with easiness between 1 GB and 16GB, however in the exterior more robust equipment, with up to 256 GB (more than 50 DVD-Rs) already they are found Durability: 0 variable, but some promise to store given without loss per 10 years Reverse speed-usability: 0 variable, with some allowing to cycles between 500 a thousand and 1 million of writings Advantages: cockroach, fits in the pocket, durable and without frescuras, it can chacoalhar that the data are not compromised Contras: very easy to lose, constant target of virus creators and, therefore, vector of attack Band of price for device: R$ the 29,90 R$ 279 (being first of 2 GB and last one of 16 GB) Cards of similar memriDetecnologia to the one of pendrives, the cards of memory soutilizados by diverse portable devices, as tocadores MP3, digital telephones cellular and cameras. To be inserted in umcomputador, they need adapters or readers of cards, that soadicionais looked for computers of maispresentes table and each time in portable computers, mainly netbooks. Sodiversos competing standards, of capacities and varied formats, being the most famous of them Digital Secure, of maximum capacity of 32GB (even so they is esteem that, with a new specification – SDXC – anunciadaeste year, the cards can arrive the 2 TB of data). Ribbons DATCriadapela Sony in 1987, the ribbons ' ' Digital Audio Tape' ' they had been usadasprimariamente as form of storage of musics. In 1989, the HP and Sony had defined one another ribbon format DAT, the Digital Storage Date, or DDS.Porserem very durable, to have ample capacity of storage to epermitirem a good number of rerecordings, these ribbons had found espaono surrounding corporative, as form of backup of servers.