Many companies face the need to move goods across the customs border of the Russian Federation. Here and in the procurement of equipment and spare parts for its maintenance, and for some companies purchase various goods and selling them in Russia in general is the main activity, as well as selling something overseas. In such cases, managers supply such companies begin to look for firms for which the customs clearance of goods is the main activity. There are, however, exceptions, where the participants of fea customs clearance on their own, wanting to save money. With a large volume of imported or exported goods it may be advantageous, however, in most cases without a customs broker representative can not do. The average cost of a customs declaration by brokers 0-1000, and if you get a shipment once a month, it turns out, expensive to keep State Specialist with a salary of not less than 00, moreover, that such amounts is unlikely he will have to build good and friendly relations with customs. In addition to economic motives of all participants in foreign trade prevails a strong fear of commit error in design.
That stands in front of company management issue, where these brokers look for and how to choose "such employee are not too expensive." Let's find out: To date, the registry recorded 504 tcf organization licensed to work as a customs broker (representative). This figure is constantly changing. In some organizations license period ends, the other on the contrary includes the trade.