The survey was conducted to 185 people, which come from companies of different sizes. Below are some of the questions put to respondents: considers that the topic of Cloud Computing in a theme: moderately, very important and unimportant. 67% Of respondents, i.e. 128 people consider the very important issue. This result reflects the opinion of the people who answered the survey and not necessarily the company. In the company in which you are working is there any application cloud computing?. 36% (67 People) indicate that in your company if used and 64% (118 individuals) indicate that not.
Which is the type of computer used in the cloud, the 47.8% SAAS (software as a service), the 23.9% PAAS (platform as a service) and 28.4% IAAS (infrastructure as a service). This result shows that the topic has been boosted mainly through applications. Which is the type of application that is used more in the cloud. CRM (33), Office (25), ERP (20), Creation of contents (13), Conten/communication/colab (29), (14), another software application (30) supply chain. The results correspond to the number of responses, in this case the respondent could answer several answers.
What are the reasons to use computing in the cloud. Cost (44), necessity of processing resources (19), need for storage resources (15), (16) network resources need, other (10). The results correspond to the number of responses, in this case the respondent could answer several answers. Everything indicates that the cost is the great promoter of the use of computing in the cloud. As conclusion of the investigation indicate:. the cloud is something important in the perception of people of different sizes of companies and its state of development in the country is not as incipient, as you might think, taking into account that 36% of respondents reported that you are using in your company, and of the remainder, 66% considered that it will begin to use in a year…