3.9.ANLISES PHYSICAL OF SAMPLES Without attribution specifies to the metallic and not-metallic deposits, more common carried through physical analyses are the petrography of the ore, the determination of the density, tests of pureness, water cohesion, abrasion, impermeability, absorption, porosity, brightness, permeability, chemical attack etc. The polishing sections and thin blades are prepared are directed the laboratory of chemical analyses for determination by means of not-destructive analytical methods. 3.10.ANLISES CHEMICAL OF SAMPLES In the water samples, the determination of ctions can be made by spectrometry of atomic absorption or emission, with plasma source and, of nions, for ionic chromatography. In the samples of sediments, ground, products of alteration, rock and ore, the determination can be made by espectrofotometria of atomic absorption, spectrometry of fluorescence of rays-x, induced plasma spectrometry amongst others. For the not-destructive analytical methods, determination can be made by electronic microscopy of sweepings (MEV) and spectrometry of reflectance. 3.11.ENSAIOS OF IMPROVEMENT OF the ORE is carried through with the objective to appraise products that to characterize the feasibility technique of the industrial exploitation of the useful mineral substance of the mineral research. Proven the existence of technology in the market for the attainment of the mineral products through the accomplishment of these assays of improvement of the ore, the jazimento passes of deposit for mineral deposit.
Of this form, mineral substance of the metallic ore deposits marries requires its proper technology; the respective assays of improvement and metallurgy of the ore. Most common they are the test of britagem, classification, milling, concentration, leaching, filtering, leaching, casting, purificao and/or treatment of I reject. In the not-metallic deposits, that enclose the bitumen, coal-of-rock, ceramic, material materials for civil construction, covering, cement, seasonings, evaporitos, precious and semiprecious rocks etc., are distinguished the ornamental rocks whose more common assays are of unfolding of blocks, opening, burnishing and/or rectification. 4.ESTUDOS OF ECONOMIC VIABILITY a mining project can be developed in three distinct phases, classified according to time where this phase occurs and the precision degree.