
It is sometimes said that a coach has left hand to direct a team referring to having certain ability to handle template of players especially in relation to the field staff, i.e. what covers the plot could be called as psychological terrain. As well, to make mention of the hand could refer to each of your five fingers represent the qualities the coach should possess to perform positively its address of computer work. 5 Paragraphs would be as follows: 1.-preparation: knowledge that has and its ability to increase them over time, always in continuous, enhanced learning, and above all to be updated. We must banish the well-known phrase of that in football everything is invented, more characteristic of obsolete coaches and little dice to increase their knowledge either by laziness or for convenience, which often say things that not worth for nothing, when someone gives them to learn something new related with the work in the training or tactical innovations for parties. 2-Experience: said Cesar Luis Menotti, world champion in 1978 with the selection Argentina, that football is something empirical because it is fundamentally based on observation and experience and is a great truth, as part of the preparation and knowledge that the technician acquires throughout his career, the background acquired over the years will be important and the fruit of daily observation of the work in the training and development of parties will possess an arsenal of ever increasing information as you go through the time.

Preparation + experience: efficiency. The sum of the two is what gives the coach its true dimension to be trained in their work and develop effectively..

School And Society

SCHOOL and society and a children’s choir will be singing lesson: thousand times hundred, one hundred thousand; thousand times thousand, a million. Antonio Machado. THE know learning is the best fruit of the school live immersed in a flood of data. The difficulty of assimilating them grows to the extent that increases the diversity and complexity as well as the channels through which they are discharged. The level of available data may block us completely.

We are talking about data and no information to highlight a very special feature of our time: the confusion between data and information, and between the latter and the knowledge. The Middle cultural level that is required for the compression of a text is increasingly higher. We are in the information age and however the level of confusion seems to be growing. Hence the importance of the role of the school to contribute to the achievement of change in communication technology and information into knowledge. Students have to find the school everything that is present in society and culture in which they live; the school has to be the dynamic circumstance of the individual life in the bosom of society itself. In a society of knowledge and communication the Mission of the school is the offer elements that allow the development and the ability to learn: to school are going to start learning to learn. Know to learn is the best fruit which can offer schooling. In this sense, the school must be present all means that society has to offer information: books, newspapers, radio, television, computer nothing may be alien to the school because nothing is alien to the life of the student.

In any of the areas in which it is divided the academic scene no matter concerned in languages, languages, mathematics, physics, ethics, or music, in all they can make the training exercise in search of information or data appropriate to the approach of a course or a real context. This means, by the teaching staff, a change in perspective from which contemplates its role; in offering search more elements than previous solutions; to propose activities rather than to present scholastic exercises decontextualized and anachronistic. It is not easy, but yes stimulant, trying to balance between the strict and conventionally academic and these new ways of doing. On the other hand developing communicational activities, contact with other groups in geographically distant schools, is an activity that deserves special attention if it is to make the students live and know as something real virtual presence of different cultures, as can be seen in the programmes of all kinds offered us indiscriminately the audiovisual media. Aware of these features of our time is necessary to discover new paths that walk to teach new activities valued with a high potential of learning for the student. And as the poet said: learn to differentiate / things that are lies / of which things they are truth. Francisco Arias Solis saving formula is freedom, peace and justice. For peace and freedom and Forum free Internet portal.

The Government

The thing comes to us by the electoral computer theme. Remember that the captahuellas made its inaugural appearance and their work during the Revocatorio of the year 2004 and ensured the continuity of the regime. I have impression that the opposition is not weighted uncomfortable the seriousness of this matter in depth. We have still time to act and enforce all necessary technical guarantees that respect the secrecy of the vote and electoral notebook will not disappear. The technical Commission recently appointed by the Unit table must explain to us to all Venezuelans, both to those who we know of the technical subject, to those who don’t know, different proposals negotiated with the Government so that Venezuelans can have security and the assurance that there will not be any disruption in the process and the votes are counted as they should count, without disturbances.

Unfortunately I have not yet seen any pronouncement of the MUD in the direction of categorically rejecting the dematerialization of Electoral notebook. It seems that they have not given importance and the Government and the CNE have advanced in that claim. Much yet for the elections but they must begin to publicly discuss the implications of this new proposal of the CNE. The Government always tends to recede when public opinion heats and they have no arguments to sustain an action. We must begin to alert the public about this deviation from the process, as indeed I begin to do from here. And although the CNE is imposed on the purchase of your new machines and new technological procedures, the technical representatives of the opposition will then have the very serious responsibility to alert us of all the real implications for new Government skipping out with theirs, and propose a technical course of action to safeguard our rights. Again, anything that makes the CNE technically may be neutralised with security being present in all tables of parties and civil society representatives, and auditing what has to audit, there is no other warranty.

If we are not at all the tables the length and breadth of the country, technically will prevail and anything you invent with these new machines certainly us desfavorecera. One thing is certain: If Chavez does not have the votes on the street, can be confident that will take them into the machines. And they already know that they do not have them in the street and it’s our challenge which, if this is the case, nor have them on machines.

Digital Events

Video of Marriage forever Registers in scenes the good moments of its life and tenhalembranas. The choice of a good producer of videos can make adiferena in its marriage, the video producer is the responsible one to emcaptar the images that will be eternalized of its marriage or another deevento type. It is common to see in the TV the historical retrospects in the life of many artists, for this the importance of the filming in good quality is very importante.REQUISITOS OF a GOOD PRODUTORAAlm is clearly of team technique of cinegrafistas and publishers, to be creative. To have at least, cameras of captation of images in digital, a good island deproduo and modern programs to edit the way works that its video decasamento is as a film of shortness, average or long duration. Producing OFERECIDOSBoas SERVICES offer services of captation of the scenes all in DIGITAL system emvrios angles of cameras, menus of opening, election of scenes, sonorous edition detrilha, better moments, being able to be reproduced in DVD of altaresoluo, computers and other devices;therefore in the producing hour of contrataruma she is necessary to consider some valuable aspects for its event. To know the professionals well the types of works that they offer, to attend at least one two edited works already, to decide on quantascmeras goes to want for its event.

In case that it makes option for a great party of reception, the ideal is to decide for umnmero of at least two cameras, this contributes for a covering amplado event not being tiring the scenes, having as advantages: The cinegrafistas work better and with more freedom of captation of the best scenes. Nor always what it is good for one it is good to todosProcurar information through friends who already had been married recently are umaboa. Magazines as NEW FIANCS beyond several others profissionaistambm publish one list of who can take care of its necessity.

Delgado Fernandez Process

However, it has not been possible to meet the existing demand, due to insufficient levels of production, as well as the low quality of their products, influenced, among other factors, the scant existing expertise on technological processes and innovation. So it is that you can say that the sector has no even procedures allowing you to diagnose and evaluate their technological processes and innovation, to analyze the factors that affect its development, as well as perform adequate surveillance of the technological environment that will make it possible to uncover opportunities to improve them, develop a plan of technological development that, being in correspondence with the strategic objectives of the Organizationallow you to find relevant ways to enrich its technological heritage and protect their products, knowledge and technologies. Development 1. Methodology of evaluation of technological innovation to characterize the activities of management of technology and innovation (GTI, in forward it) object of study, as a starting point and an essential element for the development of the technological strategy, companies used a general diagnostic procedure, developed by the author of this work. The elaboration of the same was conceptually based on module 1 of the evaluation methodology of technological innovation proposed by Delgado Fernandez (2005), as appropriate and relevant for this purpose research, integrating itself as an essential component in the process of strategic planning of the Organization, although he said a corresponding adjustment in relation to the overall objective of this research; constituting a novel element derived from its adaptation. How diagnosis can contribute to initiate a participatory process to introduce actions of It improves, this methodology was developed with the objective to serve as a tool to start a self-assessment about the behavior of the innovation process (PI). Also guide aims to be a first step to motivate a flare on the activities of GTI, because the intention is not so much get appropriate responses in the characterization of the current situation, as that companies may raise their own essential questions to increase its capacity for innovation. .

Mental Health

Finally, we cannot leave to cite the strategy of ‘ ‘ transformation of equipe’ ‘ , that engloba the team concept and invites the professionals to think internally and to rethink the construction of the proper service, the work together and if to disponibilizarem for quarrels of relations of being able and to know technician of the especificidade of each profession. When approaching these two subjects, the original projects of CAPS and NAPS, we can conclude that these are one in such a way distinct and how much they are essential and the references stop assisting in them in reflections and for the construction of new experiences in the field of the mental health. Valley to cite still you would carry them 189/91 and 224/92 of the Health department, that the new services of mental health institute and regulate. As they had been references for the implantation of some new services, we perceive when analyzing the same ones, that these treat CAPS and NAPS as synonymous Would carry It 189/91 introduces two codes of NAPS/CAPS in table SIA/SUS, one for service of a turn and another one for service of two turns. Portaria 224/92 defines the NAPS/CAPS as ‘ ‘ regionalizadas local units of health/, that they count on a definite adscrita population for the local level and offer to attendance of intermediate cares between the ambulatorial regimen and the hospital internment, in one or two turns of 4 hours, for team multiprofissional’ ‘ , and that ‘ ‘ they can also consist in door of entrance of the net of services for the relative actions to the mental health, considering its characteristic of local and regionalizada unit. The referenciados patients of other services of health, the services of psychiatric urgency or egresses of hospital internment also take care of. They will have to be integrated to a net decentralized and hierarquizada of cares in health mental’ ‘.

Feedback To Accomplish Objectives

You don’t make that mistake, first sets that you want to do and then seeks the technology as you It will help to perform in the best way what you want. 6. Not having a strategy that would allow traffic to the sitePuedes have the most spectacular Site in the world, but if no one sees it, is useless, it’s like having a luxury hotel in Antarctica. When you request the realization of a Site, it also requires a strategy that would allow qualified towards your Site traffic. 7.

Do not look for the FeedbackEsta is another great advantage of this medium that almost nobody exploits, Internet as well as being a sales tool allows you to collect data from your potential customers and use them to your benefit in a medium and long term. Seeks to capture through your Site data for your target audience and keep a permanent contact with them, whether through periodic communications or newsletters. 8. Do not measure resultadosTodos speak of how wonderful that is to have results in real-time over the Internet, but almost nobody cares on measure them, there are few who measured their statistics and the most important: changes according to what they indicate them. The idea is not just looking at the statistics and have them there, but make comparisons and arrive at conclusions from this. The ideal is that within the budget you request a minimum follow-up of three months in which the Agency give you a report every month of how evolving your Site and if it is complying with the objectives set.

First Project

We must of being able to distribute all to our enthusiasm and sense lover of detail in the greater amount of stages and areas of the project to guarantee an integral and consistent work. If our emphasis must to the greater attention than we give our area of specialization (if we are designers to the line of vision or if we are programmers to the functional thing), we must consider the option seriously to subcontract other services to guarantee the technical quality of all the areas of the project. To do without a work plan The security and confidence that we are acquiring as pass the projects, often causes that we become apathetic or exceeded with this tool of administrative control, if we have never used it does not cause to us to do it and we used if it in our beginnings, we go quiet stopping using it. As professional we do not have to underestimate the support that this tool can give the execution fluidity of our project, because it allows us: to give precise order him and strategic of the tasks (to prioritize), to program the needs of information for each stage of the process and give a discipline sense us towards the fulfillment of the time proposed for the execution of the project. A project is monetarily successful only insofar as we managed to fulfill the terms programmed for its execution, every day or extra week means more time of our attention and therefore less yield.

To put themselves and/or to put the client in the first place We do not have to forget to us that the design, neither is for us nor is for the client, the design of the Web is for the clients of our clients. As much the communication strategy, as the appearance and the functionality of the site must of being done thinking about the market puts for which strategically it is being constructed. It is our obligation to communicate this to him to the client and to leave him the importance to think about the market clear puts for any strategic decision that we need to take. To leave too many things for the end First it is an icon, soon an animation, later a category, until finishing with a great slope listing that was being accumulated to us, things no that soon with time against another remedy will be that to do them lightly. The recommendable thing is that you behind schedule program of every week to finish solely accumulated slopes during those seven days, this way you will be able to go evacuating them with all the motivation and tranquilad necessary not to affect the quality of your design.

House Puppy

In this article I will reveal the infallible strategy so that you learn the best techniques on how to teach a puppy to your needs in one place, where you decide what to do. Tomato a few minutes and read this article until the end and then it starts to put into practice what was learned so that the results start to notice as soon as possible. It is very important to know how to teach a puppy to relieve themselves in the appropriate place and keep the House clean and without risk of contamination. Dogs are not soiled by nature, of adults usually seek to urinate and defecate outside your sleeping area and power. Dogs hate to mess his resting place; However a young puppy with his intestines and bladder more active may be a little problematic. Puppies that have grown up in a bad environment, living crammed in bathrooms, can be quite difficult to teach.

When we buy a puppy the ideal would be that the original owner has provided him with a clean environment, with power independent, bathroom and sleeping areas. Puppies have a rate of learning fast and efficient and you can understand what they are taught. It is necessary to instill in them a sense of pace and calendar day bring it home. To learn how to teach a puppy to make your needs you must supply power at the same time each day, and carry out other activities at certain times. In this way your puppy will grow up to be a disciplined and obedient dog.

You only have to put it back in place you have chosen for your needs until you are understanding what we want to teach you. Slowly but gradually the puppy will learn to get along well with independent feeding, bathing and sleeping areas. With time you will learn to keep clean.

Former Love Interest Secrets

Everyone can agree that when you end up with someone, you may be facing difficult times. The problem is directly related to the level of emotion taking place just when they finish. This makes it difficult to think clearly and at that time we can say things that we might later regret. This worsens the problem and makes us feel bad. Based on this reasoning, the best thing you can do is simply abandon any fight that becomes intense.

I obviously don’t know your situation specific, but when these ending with someone you must be careful. Avoid judging things abruptly or arrive at hasty conclusions. How to recover to my first Lo Enamorada Ex that you have to do is allow the distance between them so that they can think calmly. Then you need to try to understand that what was really step. This can be very difficult to do under your unique perspective because you’re not going to be very objective. This is why you must talk with your friends, and also friends who both have in common. When you do this you open more channels of communication and can information, which I have not been able to get otherwise. Once you understand the root of the problem, you need a concrete strategy to overcome the challenge of regaining your ex.

Eventually you’ll have to contact your ex. When you have the opportunity to speak to him begins to talk about light things and tries to add humor to the conversation begin smiles. This is a good way to break the ice and continue to talk about more serious things. Resist the temptation to start to discuss emotionally, and pay attention to their point of view, let talk freely. To do this, don’t try to reconquer a ve, ends the conversation in a positive tone and gives you space to observe the mature thing which you have gone. This will give you good credibility and increase the probability that you get back with your ex. On the next page you will learn some tricks to win back your ex. You can apply these psychological techniques to make your ex want to be with you again.