Financial Education

If Ud study closely the curriculum of their children, you will find that they will acquire knowledge about many areas of life, but not the financial area. Why? It’s a good question, since it is assumed that the effort to teach them as much matter in order that might earn a living someday, should be accompanied with a minimum of instruction about what to do with that money once it is in your hands. (Besides spend it, of course.) However, my intention is not to question the system’s current education, but just to demonstrate that we as parents we cannot expect our children to learn something about the handling of money in school. Therefore, it is our task! And it is a matter of utmost importance. Just look at the level of indebtedness and poor preparation for the old age of the adults around us to understand it takes more than a good salary to ensure economically. Do then we teach them about this topic if we ourselves have received little education in the area of management and investment of money? The easiest thing is to learn alongside them. Then give you several data that my husband and I used to prepare our children in the financial area: 1.-Since we were pretty ignorant on the topic, we started to instruct with financial books and shared what they learned with them.

2. Les count our way of planning our expenses since we had married and together with them we analyze our mistakes and our misconceptions. We carry 3 to Bank with us and teach them the language Bank: rates of interest, deposit term, mutual funds, etc. We also carry them to know our account executives to be able to ask them questions. We instruct 4 in the proper handling of the money. Always inspiring them to think how they can generate money instead of just spending it.

International Summit

Scientists are confirming the high level of threat by many species of fish and freshwater plants. True, exposes us Natalichio, that the Earth no longer able to withstand the pressure of humanity on the nature of the planet. The result is a critical mass extinction of species, the largest occurred since the disappearance of the dinosaurs, 65 million years ago. The loss of primary forest by livestock agricultural expansion, overfishing, water pollution, invasive alien species and climate change are some specific reasons, but the main cause of destruction is a political-economic system in which nature has no allocated space, its healthy existence does not have the least importance.It is a system in which only measures are taken to preserve the well-being of natural resources if there is a law that instructed him, if there is a penalty economic for not doing so. Or if somehow an economic revenue can get in return.Since long before the man outside man, the nature we have provided food, everything you need to cure our diseases and how much you require to protect us from any risk factor.Today we face an unprecedented instance. It is nature that is flimsy and we who have the resources to help you recompose is. We can and we must heal and protect it if we want that future generations of humans have a healthy environment in which to develop their lives.Today more than 100 environment ministers are meeting in the International Summit of the biodiversity in Nagoya (Japan) with a mission to achieve a rescue plan for nature.They are gathered to show world that their countries have an interest in nature that does not truly exist. Because Governments at the behest of the big multinationals that have taken over from the decisions, follow subordinating it to the money.While earn more and more money is the main objective, the nature and we as part of it will stay in the background. (Extremely disturbing and it is a tragic reality)Climate change, loss of biodiversity, acidification of the oceans; they are all branches of the same tree, with a same trunk and the same root.No Summit of Ministers of environment is going to solve the problems of the environment, because none of them has the power of decision on the real issues that affect the environment.Definitely, facts such as those mentioned, with alarming figures, they show that the future of humanity, is very dark since environmental balance may be broken definitely as it says, as a glass cup that already can not be arranged, and by what could only manage the environmental consequences of our own acts with very negative impacts.

Movies Online

Returning to the previous post, I had stopped pending talk pages of internet nowadays offering thousands of movies to download or watch free online. They operate in the following way: a user enters, chooses a film, and you can not only download the, but that they offer to view it online. This is newer, and avoids having to first download the movie, with the delay that it implies, for just then see it. New shape, the user is seeing it as you are downloading, so the only thing you need to do is search the catalog of films, select one of your liking, and you can immediately begin to look at her. These sites also offer television series. Some of them are: pH, PelisPedia, sdd-Fanatico, etc. Internet has become a source of potential business.

And this people has managed to obtain benefits offering free movies. Obviously most are still illegal, although it is very difficult to check piracy, since films over the Internet are stored in other totally different sites whose purpose is to be a place for users to upload large files and internet anyone can download them. These sites make money because on the one hand they offer a download option free but slow and limited in terms of amount of downloads and on the other, a quick option without limits but pay. Some examples are: Megaupload, Hotfile, Rapidshare, FileServe, UploadStation, etc. Uploading and downloading of files, of these sites also pay people that upload files in them.

That way they are able to have a good base to then capture users who subscribe to download pay. Anyway, I do not think that it makes easy money longer than obivamente these sites are not stupid and what they earn by subscriptions and advertising is a lot more than what you pay. For example, Megaupload every 1000 downloads would be paying around $10 a person who climbed the file.

For Piaget

Today, to work these two aspects in only way is the key so that if reach a full development and a full learning, in all the stages of the life. 4 the GAME IN DEVELOPMENT COGNITIVO the game also is a great ally of the cognitivo development. Beyond being diversion, the game allows that the child is in contact with the reality, collates ideas and searchs solutions. Piaget (apud There TAILLE, 1992, p.49), affirms that: The games of rules are paradigmticos for the morality human being. In first place, they represent an activity interindividual necessarily regulated by certain norms that, even so generally inherited of the previous generations, can be modified by the members of each group of players. (…) In according to place, even so such norms do not have in itself moral character, the respect they had, are it yes, moral (…) Finally, such respect comes from mutual agreements between players and not from the mere acceptance from norms imposed for strange authorities the community from players.

For Piaget (1992), much more of what to stimulate the cognitivo, the game also allows the conscience of the rule, that is, exists the acceptance of the other, the loss and the duties that this child will follow until the adult life. When a child plays a traditional game (for example, amarelinha), it is keeping an infantile culture that exceeds generations, beyond, is clearly, to learn other abilities as numerical sequence, dexterity, attention, etc. The games also allow that the child learns with sufficient easiness concepts of some worked contents. But the professor has to lead in consideration if the same he is pedagogical, if he stimulates the intellectual and affective development, if it is adjusted to the etria band and if it possesss challenges that take the pupil to reflect on what he is being played and as that game can intervene of positive form with its learning.

The Mathematics

We will sanction so great mathematical evolution correlation the prime numbers, we see as the work of the mathematics in our daily one is efficient, to it we will know the security that the criptografia provides in them can now, terms each time more the certainty of that we are with our money kept in ‘ ‘ seven chaves’ ‘. However, exists some threat, against this fabulosa form of criptografia? Perhaps yes, something that the technology promises bringing in them in the future; the calls quantum computers. According to site of the Wikipedia, quantum Computer ‘ ‘ it is a device that executes calculations making direct use of properties of the quantum mechanics, such as overlapping and interface.. They are sufficiently different computers of the classic computers, these computers will have an advantage of the classic computers in question to decide problems of a form much more efficient, and much more fast, where the classic computers would take much time to decide them. This due to its unit of information qubit, which works of a different form, to understand this form let us see what it says the site Wikipedia.

A classic computer has a done memory of bits. Each bit keeps one ‘ ‘ 1’ ‘ or one ‘ ‘ 0’ ‘ of information. A quantum computer keeps a set of qubits. One qubit can contain one ‘ ‘ 1’ ‘ , one ‘ ‘ 0’ ‘ or an overlapping of these. In others words, can contain one in such a way ‘ ‘ 1’ ‘ as one ‘ ‘ 0’ ‘ at the same time.

Public Networks

For example domain ru – is our national domain. Managing the national domain ru domains (even call them bands) perform special organization. These organizations are not owners of the domain – the domain names of the upper (first) level is not transmitted to them in the property, but solely for the management and coordination of development. In Russia, such organization is the Russian Institute for Public Networks (RIPN), in Moscow and in 1993 has been delegated the right to administer the zone ru. ru domain is the basis for the Russian Internet zone (Runet). It is this framework provides the opportunity to register various domain names for Runet by the appearance of second-level domains. Second-level domains – the kind of domain names to register (physical and legal person) Second-level domains – a domain name to the following: www.imya_sayta.RU Here ru – a top-level domain.

The proper name of a web-site – domain name – is in second place by the end of your full name. That's why so such domains are called second level domain names. Finally, www – this is the standard name of the third level, as a rule, it equals just a domain name: imya_sayta.RU Thus, the user can nabrirat in the address bar, and www.imya_sayta.RU imya_sayta.RU and he still goes to the same web-site. Second level domain names registered by organizations of registrars. At the moment, for ru zone such organization is RU-CENTER Third-level domains – the kind Domain name registration (natural and legal persons) the third level domain names can be divided into several large blocks. From these blocks the most widely used regional domains of the third level.

These domains point to the geographic region (geographic area), for example: (St. Petersburg) (Moscow) () and so on There is also a third level domains include such common domains, such as: third level domain names registered by organizations that own the rights to second-level domain. Fees for registration are set respective organizations. Click here to choose a domain name for your web site

Computer Games

Nowadays, almost everyone plays games. Games – it's fun. Computer games have been created around 1950, the university mainframe platforms and computer EDSAC. The very first game – a simulator of the rocket, designed Thomas Goldsmith Jr. and Ray an alternating Eastleigh in 1942. A little later, AS Douglas created the game "OXO", which copied the game "Tic-tac-toe." Computer games are classified according to criteria: genre, number of players and the way they interaction, visual presentation and platform. By genre computer games share: action, adventure, strategy, simulations, puzzles, fun, educational, and others.

As the number of players and the way they interaction of computer games are divided into: single and multiplayer. Platform PC games are divided into: personal computers, game consoles / consoles, mobile phones and PDAs. Now a lot of players play in the MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) game – a kind of online games. For example, it is all known game World of Warcraft, Lineage, Aion, Perfect World, RF Online and many other games. Only one game World of Warcraft is played about 12 million players around the world. What is interesting MMORPG game? First, this mass online game, you're not alone but with other players.

Secondly, when your character does not die, but if it dies, then you will be able to resurrect it. Third, a MMORPG game has no end, that is, when you do not see the text "end game". Fourth, this place is new friends and even from other countries. You can write a lot of other benefits MMORPG games, but I think the limit ourselves to these. If you start to play MMORPG game, then you will never go back to the single-player game, and even if return, it will not last long. Nowadays, almost everyone plays games. Games – it's fun. Computer games have been created around 1950, the university mainframe platforms and computer EDSAC. The very first game – it missile simulator, created by Thomas Goldsmith Jr. and Ray an alternating Eastleigh in 1942. A little later, AS Douglas created the game "OXO", which copied the game "Tic-tac-toe." Computer games are classified according to criteria: genre, number of players and how they interact, and a visual representation of the platform. By genre computer games share: action, adventure, strategy, simulations, puzzles, fun, educational, and others. By number players and how they interact video games are divided into: single and multiplayer. Platform PC games are divided into: personal computers, game consoles / consoles, mobile phones and PDAs. Now a lot of players playing in the MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) game – a kind of online games. For example, it is all known game World of Warcraft, Lineage, Aion, Perfect World, RF Online and many other games. Only one game World of Warcraft is played about 12 million players around the world. What is interesting MMORPG game? First, it is a massive online game, you're not alone but with other players. Secondly, when your character does not die, but if it dies, then you will be able to resurrect it. Third, a MMORPG game has no end, that is, when you do not see the signs "End game". Fourth, this place is new friends and even from other countries. You can write a lot of other benefits MMORPG games, but I think the limit ourselves to these. If you start to play MMORPG game, then you will never go back to the single-player game, and even if you return, it will not last long.