Computer Embroidery

The art of embroidery from ancient times is widespread among all the peoples of our country. It was used mainly to decorate clothing and household textiles. Embroidery techniques were elaborated by many generations of artists, carefully preserved all that was valuable. Previously, embroidery, of course, held by hand, but it also created works of art. In modern times there is also a computerized embroidery. The speed of the computer Embroidery will not give anyone a type of embroidery, but with the help of computer embroidery are also works of art.

And it took its place in the advertising and souvenir industry. Computer embroidery replaced the manual, but a man-made process is preserved, just moved to the first phase of the embroidery – on programming, roughly speaking, to hand stitch laying, looking at the monitor and not holding a needle and thread, and the mouse with keyboard. Computer embroidery done on a pre-developed computer program for the modern embroidery machines. Products made by computer embroidery, beauty, refinement and high performance. One of the most important element in the computer embroidery is a needle. Computer embroidery turns a normal thing in the unique. Just look at any daily or sports, or working uniforms to souvenirs and promotional products.

Besides embroidery now has more than one purpose, and specifically a method of advertising. Bright and colorful logo on your clothing brand than not advertising. In this computerized embroidery wear, durable, it has rich colors,,, high color fastness of thread, three-dimensional texture, expensive and spectacular view, as well as computer embroidery can be used complex patterns. Computer embroidery capabilities are almost unlimited. Logos and emblems of any complexity, multi-color and monochrome on silk, velvet and terry towels, embroidered initials on your family dining room and bed linen – all it can do computerized embroidery.

Parents And Children

It is common in the current days, to hear the parents to say the children: in my time it did not have this. However clearly that it did not have, the times had moved, the society moved, the relations had moved. I do not want to say here that the children can make what to want and to have total freedom, is not this, the values must be kept, the established limits, everybody has that to know who he is who, father is father, son is son, the country must establish the parameters, inside of the authority without authoritarianism, education, good ways and respect does not fall of fashion, therefore they are values. What it walks lacking is dialectic, is exactly to define these limits, to be respected and accepted. How professor and educator I have attended some inquietantes facts, certain time vi an adolescent speaking with the mother, as if the mother was the son and the son the mother, who is who? already vi a father to place the punishment son until Saturday and to liberate in fifth going to attend a film with the colleague, who already saw this? , the proper father broke limit that it established, as goes to have respect? or then the son makes a wrong thing and the mother and the father are that they go to suffer, the little boy go to have fun themselves and the parents are to decide alone the problem, as to create the sense of norm, duty and responsibility in this future citizen? (citizen will have itself). On the other hand we must understand, that the young ones are of this generation, clearly, they had arrived and they found the world there as it is, the cellular one, the computer, the freedom, the ballad, the dealer, the drug, the free and premature sex, the television, that invades our house at any time, showing everything to all.

Palitos Five

2.6.2. OBJECTIVES SPECIFIC To the end of this project, the pupil will have to be capable of: – To write its name; – To cut figures from molds; – To make colagens to form drawings; – To write short phrases, with the aid of the teacher; – To make simple drawings; – To color drawings; – To identify the number of its footwear; – To write natural numbers; – To recognize and to sing infantile musics; –To search, to cut and glue removed figures of magazines; – To make folding to form drawings and – To create objects using material as palitos of picol and fabric remnants. 2.7. WHITE PUBLIC OF the PROJECT the white public of the project ' ' Who am I? ' ' he is formed by children taken care of for the day-care center of the Humanitarian Foundation Eurpedes Barsanulfo that was established has 25 years for Irene de Pink Jesus Freitas. In the table to follow they are the full names and the ages of the children who form the white public of the project. NAME AGE (IN YEARS) Kau Enrique Pear tree Two Tasa Dos Santos Three Kau Antonio Da Silva Three Ana Flvia Dos Santos Four Kau Enrique Dos Santos Four Arthur Mendes Ribeiro Four Letcia Da Silva Four Kamilly Cristiny Days de a Cruz Five Vincius Mendes Ribeiro Five Jlia Tain of the Birth Five Appeared Jlia Pear tree Five Raiany Pear tree Five Luis Miguel Blacksmith Sources Five Douglas Antonio Da Silva Five Luiz Gabriel Da Silva Five COMMENT: Kau Antonio Da Silva deferred payment in the foundation.

The other children live with its families. All the children are of low income family. 2.8. NECESSARY MATERIAL – Computer; – Printer: – Cartridge of black ink for printer; – Cartridge of ink colored for printer; – White A4 Paper; – Extracted Photo of the Internet; – Paper color card orange; – Plated Paper; – White Glue; – Shears without tip; – Mold of rectangle of 11,2 cm x 14,8 cm; – Mold of frame for picture of 11,2 cm x 14,8 cm; – Paper red card; – Black Pencil number 2; – Pencil of color; – Pencil sharpener; – Photo of the child when 15 cm were baby of 10 cm x; – White Rubber; – Current Photo of child of 12,5 cm x 17,5 cm; – Scale of bathroom; – Reviewed for clipping; – Drawing of to be colored scale; – Soluble Ink in water (of green color); – Wide Brush; – Woollen Hank (of black color); – Metric Ribbon; – Shears; – Sachets for sacols; – Durex; – Drawing of the human body divided in parts to be cut, to be mounted and be glue in sheet of paper A4; – Thick Sandpaper (of red color); – Wax Chalk; – Paper folding (of color orange); – Paper suede (of red color); – Paper suede (of gray color); – Fabric Remnants (of color chess); – Palitos of picols; – Drawing of boy and girl; – Paper folding (of pink color clearly); – A4 Paper (of yellow color); – Radio that touches COMPACT DISC and – Compact disc with music ' ' The frog does not wash p' '.

Three Extra Sales Per Day

The national automobile industry must not have of what to complain. At least in what it says respect to the sales of the sector. The closing of the month of February, divulged for the ANFAVEA (National Association of the Manufacturers of Automachine Vehicles), in such a way disclosed growth of the sales of national vehicles (7% in relation the same the month of year previous and 7.1% in the gathered of jan and fev compared with the same period of 2009) and imported that continues of wind in poop (in fevereiro/2010 the month of the last year grew 31.7% in relation the same). The year of 2009 left good souvenirs to the Brazilian automobile industry. After all of accounts, 3,141, 2 units had been permitted this way, a historical record. Optimum month of the year was September, with 308,7 a thousand emplacadas units.

They had been sales to leave world-wide the automobile industry with sufficient appetite in our market. With as many good notice, manchetes of periodicals optimism is alone. This week, for example, the Fiat announced that it will be able to invest to produce Chrysler in Brazil, the Peugeot presented the car concept SR1, Mercedes-Benz said that it will increase the capacity of production in Brazil in 15%, the Hyundai said that it will launch ix35, in April, this way. Volkswagen is congregated with the net, in Bariloche, for launching of the Amarok and for it goes there.But, who is exactly very satisfied is the consumer who, catching loaned to the phrase brother-in-law for our president Lula, never before had as many new features how much currently. Not very distant, she was necessary to travel for the Europe or United States if it wanted to know the last launchings. They took many years to arrive this way, when they arrived. With the growth of the Brazilian market, this distance shortened. Two or three years after launched in market more mature, them arrived this way. Currently, few remember the famous phrase of former-president Collor saying that our cars more seemed wagons. The fact is that Brazil started to be part of the elitizados markets to participate of world-wide launchings.


To perform many activities of study or work activities must be present for a good desk that allows for adequate space to meet various tasks that require the presence of various materials required for the execution of the work, and to have all at one point everything becomes easier for the development of different responsibilities. In addition to space conditions for the location of different utensils, desks also mean greater convenience for people as they are perfectly suited for this type of activity, providing a space for itself perfectly to the location of people through the adequacy of the structure of their desktops. This shows how essential it may be the desktops to carry out different types of measures, so to those who find it interesting to know a little more about this practice structure, in this document are some general aspects of own desks. By both speak of the desks refers to a type of furniture that has the addition of certain features of a table, this aspect due to its own structure, where there is space for people to locate the plane and support for put different things on this surface, as well as is customary in the sides of the desks are ideal for storing spaces present different elements useful for performing various errands.

As mentioned initially such structures are mainly suitable for employment activities as well as offices for research activities is to read or write, it is also very common that fit the desks to give them a very important machine different activities such as the computer. The design of the desktop has changed considerably over time, as in the beginning this type of furniture had a very rustic features, appearing more to keep things as a means to work from there, as the design was very bulky and did not leave much room for action of individuals, which was due to the use of certain materials and the implementation of certain designs for the formation of the furniture, which gave much resistance to the desktops but not facilities work. This had to be changes because the new demands of space required for the job perfectly suited to provide both utility and convenience, this occurred due to the presence of new designs that helped to make better use of space, besides the use of new materials for the execution of the desks. Usually the implementation of the desks was related to the wood in its many manifestations, however from time to time began to employ other materials for carrying out this type of furniture, as well as more enjoyable and useful designs found in the combination of metal parts, mainly for thick glass bases and in terms of media or supports..

Lifestyle of modern man, his mobility and contributed to the development needs of devices under the name "netbook". Netbooks – portable laptops designed primarily for work on the Internet, as well as use of office and other less demanding but necessary applications. Modern technologies of intensive development, especially development of our time was the direction of communications. Modern Lifestyle man, his mobility, stability and movement demands have contributed to the emergence and development of devices under the name "netbook". Atmos Energy contains valuable tech resources. Netbooks – portable laptops designed primarily for work on the Internet, and the use of office and other, less demanding, but necessary applications. In a short time netbook won enormous popularity. As expected, this has contributed to a greater degree of its small size and easy to use anywhere, wherever located. Currently, very little inferior to netbooks notebooks, processor speed has exceeded the 1.8 GHz and hard drive capacity to 500GB, and autonomous operation of some devices up to 8 hours.

Especially in the production of ripe netbooks such giants as Acer, Asus, Lenovo (IBM), HP. Leading software vendors have already moved on to develop applications specifically for netbook affected it, and Microsoft with Linux. Have already been issued a special operating system. Just every day there is a large number of utilities for these devices. Analysts predict a further decline in the prices of notebooks, so that virtually every inhabitant of the earth will be able to buy a netbook. Reviews, news and rating netbook If you are constantly in motion, but you need to constantly work on the Internet or office applications, the netbook help you. Every day, the popularity of netbooks is growing more and more. And to everyone who has ever bought a netbook, or will buy the question of choosing a netbook.

The Principle

For this, a series of techniques is used and many others appear with passing of the time. In the computation the method most common involves the concept of keys; which is called keys of criptogrficas. Which if deals with a set of bits that has as base an algorithm that has the capacity to codify and to descodificar information. If somebody receives a message and to use of a different key of that it emitted the message, then will be impossible this receiver to have access to the content of the message that was sent to it. Thus, in case that somebody that possesss a computer, which, some people if they possess constantly as, for example, relative and friends, this user will be able to save its archives, to criptografar adding it a password and it will only be able to have access to the information of this archive, therefore he is sufficiently useful and pleasant the criptografia also in simple things that are part of our daily one. In the principle, when the criptogrficos methods had started to appear, they were used the criptografia with only one algorithm, what it would not be useful to keep sigilosas the information which these people were criptografando. We go to imagine that certain Joozinho had that to send a message to the Maria, and let us say that Joozinho criptografou this message, however Joozinho already had at another ordered moment some message for the Luluzinha, and also had criptografado this message for the Luluzinha with the same algorithm, imagines now that Luluzinha also wants the message that Joozinho sent to the Maria, and says that it obtains the message, then, it will use, of the password that Joozinho sent for it, and also would be easy to unmask this criptografia. Therefore, the new cryptographers needed to extend the number of algorithms to get success in this new discovery.

The Manifesto

From a done of each workmanship, if triangular summary the ideas of each author and if to analyze the joined results it was arrived the following problem: How the transdisciplinaridade can contribute for the ressignificao of the human being after-modern from the conception of the cited authors? The Manifesto of the Transdisciplinaridade, of Basarab Nicolescu approaches the importance of two revolutions in century XX: quantum and computer science. For the author, the revolution computer science could make the human being to change its vision in relation to the nature, but unhappyly, the desire of if autodestruir and destroying what it surrounds to it are well bigger. In the Education in Sciences, Mrio Osrio Marques considers the education as an interlocution to know, that is, in a conservation dialectic/transformation, not in simple exchange of information, but in the search of shared agreement. In the Transdisciplinaridade book: The close Nature of the scientific education, Bernardes Joo of the Rock Son et al. they speak on a transdisciplinaridade that exceed the dimensions epistemolgica, psychological, didactic, religious politics and. In these circumstances one searched to understand the quarrel in complementary perspectives of the related authors how much to the excellent aspects of the transdisciplinaridade in the critical one to the cientificismo. A clarity in its intentions when making was perceived boarding in the direction of to try to develop one practical one to transdisciplinar, in view of the problematic theoreticians, epistemolgicas that appear in after-modernity as the departamentalizao knowing of them. Finally, after analysis of the three workmanships, some consideraes had been made resultant of the triangulation arriving itself it a methodology that can be used in all the educational area, called to transdisciplinar..

National Plan

The little expressive participation of the special education in the set is well-known also of offers in the basic education in the question of budgetary resources. In the proposal of the National Plan of Education of the MEC, of 1997, it was pointed necessity to reserve ' ' a small parcel of the entailed resources to the education (between 1 and 5%) ' ' for the special education, what it indicated that the available resources did not exceed 1%. In fact, in publication of the MEC on the situation of the basic education in Brazil (INEP, the 99), in which are analyzed the public expenses with education in the Budget of 1996, expenditures with the area of special education, in it I compute generality of the education, had corresponded 0.37% in the federal sphere, 0.50% in states and 1.10% in the cities. Thus, if it makes imperative and urgent that is I coat such budgetary position with respect to the special education. In case that contrary, to the similarity of what it comes occurring with other modalities and levels of education, the beginning of the financial rationality will impose its intentions and the inclusive education will start to be, only, an excuse to promote the reduction of costs, forceing the rights of the citizens special, that would have to receive from the State the attention and the respect that are assured to them by the proper Brazilian legislation. At last after the historical analysis of the Brazilian legislation we can conclude that all they guarantee the right of any pupil to the regular education and that this politics already comes giving resulted, even so still it deserves improvements with respect to its efetivao. Our paper at this moment is of sincere reflection, without resistance to the changes and innovations, in order to promote the structural and organizacional reform of the education institutions and to effectively assure the inclusion of the special carriers of necessities. .

Estimated Pedagogical Metholodiges

Historical retrospect of the Normal School the comment carried through in day 26 of May of 20011 of 18h45min ace 20h20min, in the Normal School, had as objective to know the history of the institution, profile of the professors, learning and employees in general, thus going deep, the knowledge gotten during the first unit of discipline Estimated Pedagogical Metodolgicos of Disciplinas, to get the diverse information on the establishment, count on the support of the coordinator, Pablo, who took care of in them of soon. The methodology used for research was to the interview, in such a way, can make a rocking in the Normal School yesterday and today. We observe mainly that the institution passed for diverse changes since its foundation in 1870, in its curricular grating that at the beginning did not give to much disciplines them emphasis pedagogical, essentially due to the low wages. In such a way, the resume aimed at to the preparation of the woman for the marriage, second ' ' Berger' ' , for them you discipline constants in the course the predominance of humanistic education can be verified, making possible much more it preparation of the woman for the marriage of what for the teaching, therefore this chair was considered as prolongation of the maternal side of the woman. Initially, the Normal School functioned in the Sergipense Athenaeum (1870), after that changes for the Asylum Ours Lady of Pureness (1877), later if dumb to a proper building located in the Olmpio Square Fields where it functioned up to 1954, finally it started to take care of in the Street Laranjeiras until the current days. Today, what we find in the I.E.R.B is a building almost in ruins, surrounded for weeds and precarious illumination. The School counts on some resources as it dates show, video room where still it is used a device of video cassette and a laboratory of computer science that if finds closed, therefore does not have a qualified person to use. .