Lineu considers this the highest order of the animals. Simpsom considers in the following way subordens them primate: prossmios and anthropoids. 3.3.2 HUMAN FSSEIS Fsseis are appraised by Mendes (1965: 3) as ‘ ‘ remaining portions or any other vestiges left for beings that inhabited the Land in the times daily pay-histricos’ ‘. The fossilizao process depends on certain ambient conditions, in which the organisms must be: conserved, protected and preserved.
The types most common of fossilizao of the human beings, are: petrifaction, impressions, footprints or tracks. 3.3.3 PROCESSES OF DATING to verify the age of the fsseis are used some radiometric processes of dating: carbon catorze, organic potassium, fluorine, Uranian, among others. 3,4 PHASES OF the HUMAN DEVELOPMENT the man is a primate who, of anthropoid, changedded itself into homindeo. Although small the number of fsseis, the Ramapithecus primitive, placed in the condition of ancestral of the man, was found in some regions: India, Pakistan, Turkey, Kenya and Ungria. In general way, four basic structural phases can be recognized: daily pay-homindea, homo erectus, homo sapiens and homo sapiens sapiens. 3.4.1 AUSTRALOPITECUS australopitecus, also man-monkey call belongs to the family of the Homnidas and the phase daily pay-human being.
It was erected, bpede and inhabited in much more open lands that its ancestor. The scientists in general way recognize only one sort, australopitecus, and two species: a. africanus and a. robustus, even so the Leakey present one another one, the Homo habilis.