The Domestic

This fact can also call the attention how much for pertaining to school development the child. Currently, as it is observed, that in the Brazilian society, the technology as example to present to facilitate, to shorten covered distances. Currently, it is observed rarity of the use of bicycle in the daily one, the women who carried through of the domestic customs, as to wash clothes, wares or simply to sweep the house, the machine appears as great interventor of these movements and tasks, thus reducing the efforts of them, leaving them sedentary as other characteristics. The infantile obesidade, as pssima quality of life, as upheavals generated for the obesidade are determinative in the industrialized countries, with the desbalanceada alimentary ingestion, as well as the great nutricionais bases (LUIZ, 2005). He is clearly to this means that in these countries the type of quality of the life of the people inhabitants of these places, grows in epidemic ratio, as form to take the health in confrontation with the epidemic in these nations. ' ' It is possible to infer a great communicative potential in the corporal expression, therefore we understand that it meets in the field of the emotion, its intention is to reveal sentimentos' '. (SBORQUIA and NEIRA, 2008, P. 91). It is interesting that the physical quality and of the life will go in accordance with to differentiate its attitudes with its body, since when the concept for the authors above cited, becomes scientifically important for transformation of habits of before sedentary movements, thus subentende that practical its for the life is interesting, for a good physical conditioning, and development of the boarding of the renewed health, for children, young and adults (ANOEL, 2008). It is of great relevance, to mention that the professional of physical education, school and family must participate in the interventions of physical and habitual activities of the children so that they can participate regularly of the activities as favorable forms for improvements of its lives and its health (RASP, 2008).