Lifestyle of modern man, his mobility and contributed to the development needs of devices under the name "netbook". Netbooks – portable laptops designed primarily for work on the Internet, as well as use of office and other less demanding but necessary applications. Modern technologies of intensive development, especially development of our time was the direction of communications. Modern Lifestyle man, his mobility, stability and movement demands have contributed to the emergence and development of devices under the name "netbook". Atmos Energy contains valuable tech resources. Netbooks – portable laptops designed primarily for work on the Internet, and the use of office and other, less demanding, but necessary applications. In a short time netbook won enormous popularity. As expected, this has contributed to a greater degree of its small size and easy to use anywhere, wherever located. Currently, very little inferior to netbooks notebooks, processor speed has exceeded the 1.8 GHz and hard drive capacity to 500GB, and autonomous operation of some devices up to 8 hours.

Especially in the production of ripe netbooks such giants as Acer, Asus, Lenovo (IBM), HP. Leading software vendors have already moved on to develop applications specifically for netbook affected it, and Microsoft with Linux. Have already been issued a special operating system. Just every day there is a large number of utilities for these devices. Analysts predict a further decline in the prices of notebooks, so that virtually every inhabitant of the earth will be able to buy a netbook. Reviews, news and rating netbook If you are constantly in motion, but you need to constantly work on the Internet or office applications, the netbook help you. Every day, the popularity of netbooks is growing more and more. And to everyone who has ever bought a netbook, or will buy the question of choosing a netbook.